Nov. 10, 2023

Ray-Pec Community,

As we reach the beginning of the holiday season, it is not lost on me that for some of our students and families, the holiday season can bring additional stress. While there is no magical solution to all of the stress of the holidays, the Ray-Pec School District has developed some additional avenues to help students and families who may struggle during this time of year.

Over the past two years, several programs have been created which are under the guidance of our Student Support Coordinator and Family-School Liaison professionals. The family-school liaisons work to serve the non-academic needs of students by addressing financial, medical, mental-health, and social barriers that may inhibit students and affect their learning. Drawing on the help of our community partners, the family-school liaisons can assist students by providing them with resources and referrals to help address these specific concerns. A list of those resources can be found here.

If your student or your family are in need of assistance, or you know someone who is, please feel free to submit this online inquiry

This week, I had the chance to see the various ways our school celebrated Veterans Day, and I am very proud of our students. It was a great display of appreciation and honor. 

To all of our Ray-Pec graduates, staff members, parents, grandparents, guardians, and community members who have served, or are currently serving, in the armed forces or reserves, thank you for your dedication to our country. Freedom and national security do not come without a price. On behalf of a grateful school community, thank you for that service and bravery.

This is an outstanding community doing great things for all of our students.

Thank you for entrusting your children to the Ray-Pec School District.


Raymore-Peculiar School District