Earlier this month, the Maine Legislature passed LD 3, the Emergency Winter Energy Relief Plan, providing support for low- and middle-income Maine families to stay safe and secure in their homes this winter.
Some key provisions include:
Direct relief payments of $450 to an estimated 880,000 eligible Mainers, amounting to $900 in relief for the average family.
$40 million to supplement the Home Energy Assistance Program to help HEAP recipients receive a financial benefit equal to last year’s.
$10 million to Maine Community Action Partnerships to help them deliver emergency fuel assistance.
$21 million to bolster the Emergency Housing Relief Fund, which supports emergency housing and shelters to prevent people from experiencing homelessness this winter.
While I ended up voting in favor of this proposal, I have heard from many constituents concerned that the income thresholds to receive the $450 direct relief payments are too high, providing individuals making up to $100,000 and married couples making up to $200,000 with unnecessary relief.
I personally would have also preferred lower thresholds and increasing the payment amount to vulnerable Mainers needing assistance the most. I also wanted this legislation to focus more on adequately addressing Maine’s long-term energy and housing challenges, which will remain beyond the next few months. However, given the urgency of our current crisis, immediate action was required, and this legislation will provide direct relief for those who need it. The $450 checks will start to be distributed this month.
If you will be receiving a $450 direct relief check but feel fortunate enough to not need it, here are a few statewide organizations supporting Mainers in need that you could donate the check to as an alternative:
United Ways of Maine – Keep ME Warm Initative
Good Shepard Food Bank of Maine
The Opportunity Alliance
Maine Needs
New Beginnings
Additionally, local organizations that would be grateful for donations include:
Town of Bowdoinham General Assistance
Bowdoin General Assistance
Town of Richmond General Assistance
Richmond Area Food Pantry
Bowdoinham Food Pantry
Mid Coast Hunger Prevention