"From Foster Care to First Home"

51 Lindbergh Place
Yonkers, NY 10707-2232
(914) 400-7193
A Message about our Mission

What is the one thing that people say when they hear that Hearts to Homes helps young adults who are aging out of foster care with furnishings for their first apartment?

"Why didn't anyone think of this sooner?"

Your support is life-changing for these young adults. Please donate today!
Latest Hearts to Homes Campaign Breaks Record!
Our campaign for three young women from our newest partner, The New York Foundling, broke records!

Thanks to a special donor's challenge grant, and your response to our appeal, we finished three complete apartments in 24 hours!

Your generosity allows us to partner with more child welfare agencies, which allows us to help more young adults. Hearts to Homes has helped 45 young adults, some of whom are parents to a total of 21 children!

Stay tuned for information on our newest foster care agency expansion!
Meet Our New Board Members!
Hearts to Homes is pleased to welcome these individuals to our Board of Directors:

Greg Arcaro
Anna Berardi
Patty Damon
Patrick Dolan
Maura McMahon

All are dedicated Hearts to Homes' donors, who believe in our mission to support youth aging out of foster care Learn more about our board here.
Young Professionals Happy Hour Sells Out!
On September 27, 2018, our first Young Professionals Event was a great success! The sold-out evening, at the Gem Saloon in midtown Manhattan, raised $3,500 for Hearts to Homes through ticket sales and raffles. In addition, this socially-conscious generation loved learning about how they can make a difference...by helping other young adults establish their first homes. Our Junior Committee hopes to do at least two such events each year to raise awareness and introduce a new generation to our mission. Special thanks to our Junior Committee members: Kelly Andrulis, Katie Banks, Steve Bendit, Erin Cahill, Jimmy Cahill, Preston Dooley, Scott Fanelli, Ciara Kennedy, Alexis Lange, Nicole Marconi, Jack McCombe, Lindsey Sepe and Ali Zaid for organizing this truly Happy Hour! And to our raffle sponsors - Oceana Restaurant, Linking Assets, Magician at the NoMad and Food Tours of NY for amazing raffle prizes!
Foundation Support & Matching Gifts
We are grateful to the following Foundations and to our donors who applied for matching gifts from their companies. All have contributed to our successful first year as an independent 501(c)(3) organization.

Amazon Smile
Bed, Bath & Beyond
Bob's Discount Furniture Charitable
DST Systems Inc. Matching Gifts Program
Franky's Field of Dreams Foundation
Neuberger Berman Matching Gifts Program
New Oceana Restaurant Corporation
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Sompo International Matching Gifts Program
The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the
County of Westchester
The Hudson Gateway Realtor Foundation,
The Jack DeVito Foundation
Save and Donate at the Same Time Today!
Shop, Save and Do Some Good!
Our friends at minted.com are giving our donors a special Holiday 2018 offer too good to refuse!

Starting November 1st, when you make a purchase at minted.com , you will save 15% on your order, and minted.com will donate an additional 15% to Hearts to Homes! See the offer code below!

Did you also know that if you make a purchase through Amazon Smile, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to us? Simply log into Amazon Smile, designate Hearts to Homes Furnishings, Inc . as your favorite charity. Every time you make a purchase through Smile, Amazon takes care of the rest ~ it costs you nothing!

'Tis the season ~ Happy Shopping!

15% off unique designs at minted.com
Be sure to enter code
minted.com will donate 15% of your purchase to Hearts to Homes!