Contact the FSA to create a farm record!
FSA will provide a farm and tract number. After you plant, report your hemp crop acreage to FSA to receive a field number, and possibly, a subfield letter. All of those numbers comprise a FSA lot number: farm number-tract number-field number subfield letter (example: 1234-5678-9A). Each strain needs a different FSA lot number.
FSA lot numbers are not required when you grow hemp plants inside within your registered land area (“RLA”) then move them outside within your RLA.
However, you will need to report your hemp crop acreage to FSA when you plant your hemp outside within your RLA. If you solely grow hemp indoors year round, you can report your hemp crop acreage one time using the earliest planting date after the beginning of the FSA crop year, which is October 1.
After you receive your FSA lot number for each hemp strain, enter it with your planting reports in your account of the Hemp Online Portal.