Hemp Alerts & Happenings
A quarterly newsletter brought to you by the Colorado Department of Agriculture
Jeremy Stephen of Evolve Construction pictured in his
2-story hempcrete building in Loveland, Colorado.
Hemp Program Manager, Brian Koontz had a chance to visit an open house in Loveland constructed of hempcrete panels made by the Evolve Construction company in Grand Junction. According to Jeremy Stephen, owner of the CO-based company, the hemp hurd was sourced from Canada and the panels were made in his workshop and transported to the construction site. The event was attended by CDA, the US Hemp Building Association, hemp registrants, and other stakeholders in the hemp industry.
Farm Service Agency (“FSA”) Lot Numbers
Remember it is now a federal statute to create an FSA “lot” number and report your hemp plantings to CDA as well as FSA. Contact the local FSA office to create a farm record. If transplanting the hemp crop, FSA will not issue a lot number until the hemp is in its final location within your registered land area (“RLA”). If your hemp crop acreage is solely planted outside within your RLA, a crop report will need to be completed with FSA after planting. For more details about registering with the FSA and other Hemp Program requirements, please refer to the frequently asked questions on our website or contact hemp@state.co.us.
The deadline for hemp producers to register with FSA is July 15, 2023. If you have not done so already, you must call your local FSA Office by close of business on July 17, 2023 to be added to the Crop Reporting Register.
Planting and Harvest Reports
Registrants are legally required to submit both planting and harvest reports. Failure to submit is a violation to hemp rules. The following information is provided as a reminder.
Submit your planting report within 10 days after planting
- Each strain/variety must have its own planting report and its own intended use
Submit your harvest report at least 30 days prior to harvest
- Effective July 30, 2021, Registrants shall maintain records of all cannabis plants acquired, grown, produced, handled or disposed of, including THC test results, of all cannabis lots grown within all Registered Land Area(s)
- Registrants shall retain such records and reports for three years
- All records pertaining to Part 3.8 [of the Rules] shall be made available for inspection by CDA and USDA Inspectors, auditors, or their representative during reasonable business hours
Note: Apply for your hemp registration online through the Hemp Online Portal (HOP) here. Enter your planting and harvest reports into your account using HOP.
Colorado Hemp Networking Directory
The Hemp Networking Directory is where Colorado growers, manufacturers, processors, and consumers connect in support of a strong future in our hemp industry.
The Polis administration has set out a robust strategy to support the climate-smart management of forests, farms, ranches, grasslands, wetlands and riparian areas, and urban green spaces in the newly released Strategic Plan for Climate-Smart Natural and Working Lands. Hemp fits well with the project and we encourage stakeholders to explore the opportunities made available through this new initiative. For more information click here.
Funding for producers is available under the popular microloan program. USDA launched the Microloan Program to allow beginning, small and mid-sized farmers to access up to $35,000 in loans using a simplified application process. In November 2014, the loan limit was expanded to $50,000. Since their debut in 2013, USDA has issued more than 8,400 microloans, with seventy percent of these loans going to beginning farmers.
The Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC) met on June 13, 2023 at CDA’s Broomfield office.
- Moving forward with economic development of the fiber, grain, and hemp construction materials was a major focus of the discussion.
- Passage of Senate Bill 23-271 regarding the regulation of intoxicating cannabinoids and its impact on the hemp industry.
- The committee recommended a listening session for policy makers to attend in order to make recommendations for the 2023 Farm Bill.
For more information about the public meeting, agenda and recording, please visit CDA’s Hemp Advisory Committee website page.
305 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021