Hemp Alerts and Happenings

June 2024

The Colorado Department of Agriculture is seeking nominations for the Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC) to fill the following positions:

  • Hemp Manufacturing Industry
  • Certified Seed Industry
  • Hemp Small Business
  • Cannabinoid Industry
  • Hemp Regulation
  • Citizen Advocate

Advisory Committee members should represent their industry segment as a whole, not just themselves or their company’s interests. Members should have a broad diversity of experience as well as an understanding of State Regulatory Agencies, specifically that CDA has to operate within the mandate set by state and federal programs under the USDA.

HAC Member Responsibilities:

  • Members serve three year terms from the date of appointment.
  • Assist the Commissioner and program staff in the promulgation of Rules to carry out the Hemp Act, Title 35, Article 61. 
  • Attend quarterly meetings (Mar, Jun, Sept, Dec)
  • Appointees will begin their term on August 1, 2024.
HAC Nomination Form

Nominations are due 

June 17, 2024.

If you would like more information regarding the Hemp Advisory Committee, please visit the Hemp Advisory Committee page.

Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC) Meeting

The Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC) will meet virtually on June 18, 2024 from 1-3 pm via Zoom.

The agenda includes:

  • Hemp Program Updates
  • Farm Bill and
  • recruitment of new HAC representatives

For more information about the public meeting, agenda and registration, please visit the Hemp Advisory Committee Meeting page

Register for the Zoom Meeting

USDA Assistance for Hemp Producers

The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) provides technical and financial assistance to agricultural producers and forest landowners to address natural resource concerns, such as:

  • Improved water and air quality;
  • Conserved ground and surface water;
  • Increased soil health;
  • Reduced soil erosion and sedimentation;
  • Improved or created wildlife habitat; and
  • Mitigation against drought and increasing weather volatility.

Producers can learn more or apply for a program by contacting your local Service Center. You can also learn more about conservation solutions by watching the NRCS Conservation at Work video series or using the Conservation Concerns Tool.

For more information please refer to this Hemp and Farm Programs Fact Sheet (farmers.gov)

Hemp Producers Registration deadline is July 15

Farm Service Agency logo

It is now a federal statute to create an FSA “lot” number and report your hemp plantings to CDA as well as FSA.

Contact the local FSA office to create a farm record. If transplanting the hemp crop, FSA will not issue a lot number until the hemp is in its final location within your registered land area (“RLA”). If your hemp crop acreage is solely planted outside within your RLA, a crop report will need to be completed with FSA after planting.

For more details about registering with the FSA and other Hemp Program requirements, please refer to the frequently asked questions on our website or contact hemp@state.co.us.


The deadline for hemp producers to register with FSA is July 15, 2024.

You must call your local FSA Office to be added to the Crop Reporting Register. Failure to register with FSA is a violation of Hemp Rule 8 CCR 1203, Part 3.7 and may result in a civil penalty.

Planting Reports

Registrants are legally required to submit both planting and harvest reports. Failure to submit is a violation to hemp rules. The following information is provided as a reminder.

  • Submit your planting report within 10 days after planting.
  • Each strain/variety must have its own planting report and its own intended use.

Note: Apply for your hemp registration online through the Hemp Online Portal (HOP). Enter your planting and harvest reports into your account using HOP.

Performance-based Sampling Petition

Eligible registrants may petition the Department for inclusion in the Department’s performance-based sampling program. Petition is valid for current registration identified in under 8 CCR 1203-23, rule 4.8, PART 1.  If approved all lots are subject to random sampling by the Department.

Registrants eligible for the Performance - based Sampling Petition, must meet at least one of the following:

  • produce hemp using Certified Seed or Certified Clones
  • has produced hemp at or below the acceptable hemp THC level for the previous three years
  • produces hemp microgreens, hemp greens, hemp transplants, and immature plants; or produces hemp for grain or other industrial purposes
  • produce hemp under a Research and Development registration for research only

If you meet any of the above eligibility requirements, please submit a petition within 10 days after planting. Only lots with a planting report will be considered for performance-based sampling.

Colorado Hemp Networking Directory

The Hemp Networking Directory is where Colorado growers, manufacturers, processors, and consumers connect in support of a strong future in our hemp industry. 

If you are not in, please add your business to the directory today!

Add your business to the Networking Directory

Colorado Department of Agriculture ag.colorado.gov/hemp

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