We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.
Each of us walks in the company of those who have shaped and blessed us. The constellation of souls surrounding us is as unique as our own beings. We live the lessons and loves of parents, teachers, lovers, dogs, and friends.
This Sunday we celebrate All Saints. Together we will name those in our community at Hennepin who died in the past year. We will celebrate their ongoing presence in our midst; "even though they die, yet shall they live". (John 11:25). We will also have an opportunity for each of us to name beloveds, light candles and sing about all the saints who rest from their labors and live with us yet.
We will commence a year of celebrating 150 years of ministry.
And, on Tuesday we vote.
Friends, the witness we carry matters. The life we choose to live matters. The power we summon to shape this world matters.
We carry throughout our lives the story of love, loss, and conviction that our faith is meant to be a force for healing and hope in this world.
Jesus leads us. In life, in death, in resurrection we are a people led by an immense aspirational vision: We will practice love of God and neighbor.
Blessings be yours.