All events are free and open to the public! Please join us!
Friday, May 19th
Think about the Link Philadelphia Summit
Location: Free Library of Philadelphia Parkway Central Location

Details: 9:00AM-1:00PM 

Join Hep B United Philadelphia, the Prevent Cancer Foundation and HepCAP for the Think About the Link Philadelphia Summit. Free and Open to the Public.  The Philadelphia Summit will feature the area’s leading experts on viral hepatitis to discuss the national and local state of viral hepatitis B and C, learn about local resources available, and advocacy efforts. Free breakfast and lunch is included!!
Screening Events

Saturday, May 20th 
1:00PM - 4:00PM 
African Family Health Organization (AFAHO)
4415 Chestnut St #202, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Sunday, May 21st 
Community Center at Visitation
4646 Kensington Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19215

Saturday, June 3rd 
Dragon Boat Regatta
Hep B United Philadelphia has a rowing team this year for the Dragon Boat Race on June 3rd.  We are looking for those interested in participating either in the form of rowing or cheering us on! We welcome all interested in spreading awareness and raising the profile of hepatitis B! No experience is necessary! Join us for a fun filled Saturday to enjoy a day on the river!

Location: Boathouse Row, Philadelphia PA
Details: We need rowers! Join Hep B United Philadelphia team to help us spread awareness about hepatitis B! 
The #justB Storytelling Campaign is Live!
We have begin releasing a unique patient story for each coming month of 2017. Our #justB Storytelling Campaign is a national effort to bring individuals affected by hepatitis B to share their stories to shed light on this serious disease, decrease stigma, discrimination, and promote the importance of testing and treatment for hepatitis B. 

In May's feature video, Kim shares her father's courageous story battling hepatitis B and liver cancer.

  View other videos and learn more about our campaign at .