Coming This Week
Two accused of murder in court Monday

The father and son arrested in 2021 for the murder of Putnam County couple Henry and Kristie Wilson appeared in Overton County Criminal Court Monday to set a date for an evidentiary hearing in the case. See more details online and in the Wednesday print edition.
County budget committee continues hearings

The Putnam County Budget Committee will continue its work Monday evening after the regular session of the county commission. Committee members are hearing from those departments which are requesting additional personnel in the coming year before deciding which positions to approve for funding. We’ll have a story online after the meeting and in Wednesday’s print edition of the Herald-Citizen.
Cookeville proposes historic pay raise

Cookeville council members are hearing budget proposals this week that include the largest pay raise for employees in the city's history and 11 new employees all while maintaining the same property tax rate as last year. See more online and in Wednesday's print edition.
Your Picture of the Week
Julie Pirolo submitted this photo of baby birds.
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Click here to email us a photo. We prefer photos of the Upper Cumberland area. We'll select the best picture and display it in this space every Monday.
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