The Herbert C. Bonner has returned to her home port of Bristol following the full engine replacement, funded in part by a grant through RI DEM and the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act. See the photo gallery below with images from the extensive project that took place while the Bonner was out of service. Over the next few days work will be finalized on-board and the Bonner will be put back into service in the coming days.
During the break in period for the new engines, the Bonner will be running on a run-by-run basis. Therefore, reservations will only be guaranteed for the number of vehicle spaces available on the Prudence Ferry. This avoids making reservations we cannot honor if we need to pull the Bonner out of service for additional start-up maintenance. Standby policies will be in effect (first come first served, you must be present to be on standby) and standby spaces will be available to and from the island while the Bonner is running.
Once we are given the all clear, office staff will start opening the upcoming schedule for the Bonner, this may take some time. We will send out a Text Alert when the Bonner is back on the schedule and more vehicle spaces will become available for booking for the remainder of May & June.
Summer reservations (July & August) will be opening up by the end of May. We will send out a text alert when these months are available for booking. As always, we urge everyone to book all vehicle reservations well in advance.
As always please treat office staff and crew members with respect, they are all working very hard during this time.