Gospel Outreach Church
Here They Come!! Pastor Bill 11/10/21
Here They Come-Veterans Day!!! 11/10/21

YES, I am aware that tomorrow is Veterans Day!!! In fact, my father was a World War 2 veteran and he passed away on Veterans Day in 2000!!!

I received this incredible story from my good friend Pastor Bill. He publishes a daily devotion Monday through Fridays and also heads up the ministry of planting Crosses ANYWHERE around the world. If you or your Church would like a Cross planted, please contact me. There is NO CHARGE for the 30 foot high aluminum Crosses to be planted and I strongly urge you to sign up to receive these FREE Daily Devotions to be delivered to your inbox daily!!!

Just an added note! Although I share all of my sermons and posts on Facebook, due to their weird algorithms I have no idea who receives them. The best way to receive my messages is via Email-if you would like to be added to my FREE sermon list, please send me an email, text, inbox on FB or call to be added.

God Bless,

Pastor Doug

This story is told of how Pastor Roberts re-visited a World War 2 airfield in England. Once again he could see in his minds eye the powerful B-17 Flying Fortress aircraft, of the US 8th Air Force, sitting in wait ready to conquer German strongholds of Europe.
This England of today was much different than then --- the war time England in his memories. Pastor Roberts mind began to run frames by him like a movie presentation flashback. Once again he was Major John Roberts of the United States Army Air Corps. He was standing, waiting for a squadron of bombers to return from their bombing mission over war torn Germany.                                                 
That November day in 1944 now seemed more real than this day. He heard the sound of a voice from behind him yell, "Here they come, they look pretty shot up," as he spun around he saw soldiers scurrying around the air field. As he turned back to face the runway, he counted fourteen B-17 bombers heading his way approaching for a landing.
He quickly ran back toward the tower and watched in awe as the giant four engine fortresses sped toward him. Several were billowing smoke from damaged engines while several others visibly had parts shot off. They were crippled but such joy in seeing them returning from Germany.
As the aircraft began to land, the joy quickly turned to horror as the skies began to rumble with sounds of additional aircraft. It was a squadron of German Stuka's. Their engine's whine had a droning sound that was like no other. Their aerodynamic design was reminiscent of a fearful dragon as they swooped down from the skies, bombing the aircraft below that had just now come to a stop. They had not yet unloaded their precious cargo of men.  
Major Roberts heard the screams from men in the burning aircraft as multiple detonations caused him to duck again and again from exploding ammunition. Three of the 17's circled the field with their guns blazing hoping to stay alive long enough to out-last the Stuka's. They urgently needed to land before their last precious drops of fuel would be expended. One of the large war birds lost its bet and plummeted to the ground in a fiery ball of flames.
Major Roberts immediately dropped to his knees on that field and began to pray. "Father, you have been the deliverer of your people throughout all the history of man. Father, I ask you once again to be our deliverer. We need your help Lord, we cannot do this alone. Lord Jesus, deliver us once again!"
Just as his prayer ended and all hope seemed to be gone twenty-two knights in shining armor appeared out of the sun. Mustangs that were used by the 8th Air Force to escort bombers into Germany, swooping in with guns blazing like the cavalry coming to rescue a wagon train. The Stuka's were caught off guard. The P-51 Mustangs had them dropping out of the skies.
Major Roberts still somewhat in shock at what his eyes were watching had been on his knees the whole time. "Lord thank you for our deliverers that you have sent to us this day. Lord I feel Your calling and I will follow you all the days of my life. Amen," he spoke outloud with a shaken voice. As he counted there were six aircraft destroyed in the raid, but the remaining crews survived thanks to the valiant men in the Mustangs.
As the Mustangs began to land, Major Roberts ran out on the runway to greet the victors. Major Rice came down from his shining bird of victory wiping the sweat from his brow. Major Roberts saluted him, shook his hand and even embraced him with tears in his eyes.
"Major, we thought we were goners for sure. How in the world did you and your men get the message so fast that we were under attack?" declared the visibly shaken Major Roberts.
"Major you are not going to believe this, but we got here by accident. You see we were on our way for escort duty into Germany when my compass froze up. I called to my wing-man who also said his compass had frozen as well. For forty-five minutes we wandered aimlessly until we came up on this base. Sir, not only did we not come here on purpose, but I still do not know where we are."
Major Roberts took a ground crew and went to each of the P-51 Mustangs to check the compasses. Each one read north, each one was frozen and each one needed replacement. Major Roberts knew that day the Lord had frozen all those compasses sending those aircraft.
Now looking once again at the grass growing between the cracks on the runway, Pastor Roberts wiped the tears from his eyes. He walked over to the exact spot where he had prayed that prayer so many years before and once again knelt down.
"Father, once again I kneel here and recommit my life to you as I did so many years ago. You have been faithful to me all these years, and I will continue to trust in you. Thank you Lord, for You have always been my deliverer."
Pastor Roberts rose to his feet and slowly walked off the air field across from what had once been a trash pile. He tripped his foot on something that almost made him stumble and fall. He reached down and took hold of an object that was half buried in sand. As he lifted it to his eyes for examination, he was filled with joy once again. It was an old aircraft compass. He took out his handkerchief and wiped away the years of dirt from its face. The needle was still pointing north.
How wonderful of the Lord to remember the anniversary of Pastor Roberts' deliverance. Once again he lifted his eyes upward and thanked his Wonderful Redeemer, The Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor Doug

Please feel free to contact me anytime at DOUGGHC@AOL.COM, or by phone:

404-295-5644 or 


70 Stone Rd.

McDonough, GA. 30253

Your tithes and offerings are greatly appreciated and much needed and can be sent to the above CHURCH ADDRESS or by accessing our website:

and/or via pay pal or cash app.

Thank You and God Bless You!!!

Pastor Doug

Please feel free to contact me anytime at DOUGGHC@AOL.COM, or by phone:

404-295-5644 or


70 Stone Rd.

McDonough, GA. 30253

Your tithes and offerings are greatly appreciated and much needed and can be sent to the above CHURCH ADDRESS or by accessing our website:

and/or via pay pal or cash app.

Thank You and God Bless You!!!

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