How have you and those around you responded to the latest interpretation of the VITAL trial on fracture rates? Here is Part 1 of our 3-part response for you to share with others.
Here We Go Again (Part 1 of 3) – Headlines Mislead to Make Some Believe Vitamin D is Useless

The latest publication from the VITAL trial, authored by LeBoff et al., titled “Supplemental Vitamin D and Incident Fractures in Midlife and Older Adults” has gotten everyone talking again about vitamin D. Articles with headlines such as “Is Vitamin D Overrated? Another Study Casts Doubt on Benefits” and “Study Finds Another Condition That Vitamin D Pills Do Not Help” led to confusion and doubt about the use of vitamin D supplements. Responses from practitioners who have written to us since the publication and the publicity that followed included “now I get people saying that vitamin D does not work” – imagine the damage this might be causing to people’s health when their translation of the headlines leads to ideas such as this!
Looking at the Whole Picture First to Make Common Sense Conclusions
We know, beyond a doubt, that vitamin D is essential for our health. The “Totality of Evidence” provides the “whole-picture proof” that vitamin D can benefit our musculoskeletal, immune, cardiovascular, cognitive, and overall health, and reduces the risk of many diseases. Knowledge of human physiology has proven there is a demand for vitamin D within our cells for a multitude of every-day processes. Mechanistic studies have demonstrated how vitamin D works within the cells, tissues, organs, and the body as a whole to directly influence health and the development or regression of many skeletal and non-skeletal diseases. We see the effects of vitamin D demonstrated in observational and epidemiological studies over and over, with disease risk, prevalence, and outcome consistently related to vitamin D levels for many different types of diseases.
How Randomized Controlled Trials (such as VITAL) Fit in the Vitamin D Picture
In the medical science world, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are considered the “gold-standard” study design to provide solid evidence that “something works.” Since there has been so much evidence and research supporting the role of vitamin D in health, researchers took what they thought was the next logical step to further clarify if and how vitamin D did have an effect on certain health outcomes – they designed and executed RCTs for vitamin D. Unfortunately, while RCTs are efficient ways to evaluate the effects of a drug (something that is not present in the human body unless taken), the RCT design is often not the best-suited study for nutrients. The fact is that many randomized controlled trials of nutrient effects are poorly designed, a reason they can tend to lead to a finding of “no effect,” or a “null” result, when in fact, with a different design, the findings could have told a much different story.
Let’s Tell the Story “Right” – Using Dr. Heaney’s Nutrient Study Criteria
To address issues arising from research such as this, Robert Heaney, MD, who spent much of his career doing research on vitamin D and other nutrients, developed and published a paper, “Guidelines for optimizing design and analysis of clinical studies of nutrient effects.” The table below lists the guidelines he recommended for optimum nutrient study design.
The above guidelines can be translated as follows to make them specific to vitamin D; ask yourself along the way if the vitamin D study you are questioning (such as the VITAL analysis on fracture risk) met the following criteria:

Criteria #1

a) Measure vitamin D levels [as 25(OH)D] for all participants at the beginning of the trial (this is the baseline level or basal nutrient status)

b) Baseline levels should be an inclusion criterion for participating in the study, so that the study enrolls only those with beginning vitamin D levels below the response range for the disease outcome to be observed (typically below 20 ng/ml or 50 nmol/L for most diseases)
Criteria #2

The intervention (whether it is supplementation, UVB exposure, or other) should include a sufficient dose of vitamin D to raise vitamin D levels among most treatment group participants into the therapeutic range (40-60 ng/ml or 100-150 nmol/L for many conditions)
Criteria #3

Vitamin D levels must continue to be measured and recorded at time points during the trial, and at the end of the trial
Criteria #4

a) The hypothesis should be that increased vitamin D levels into the therapeutic range (40-60 ng/ml for many conditions) will produce the specified effect (less disease, reduced symptoms, etc.)

b) The vitamin D level, not just the vitamin D dose, must be considered in the analysis
Criteria #5

Co-nutrients for vitamin D should be optimized as well; for vitamin D studies, these would include calcium, K, and magnesium among others. (Calcium levels and urine calcium/creatinine levels can also be measured at the same time points as vitamin D levels for safety.)
Other Important Questions to Ask Specific to Vitamin D Studies
Dosing Frequency

Vitamin D RCTs should avoid bolus dosing (doses given monthly or longer). Vitamin D given on a daily or weekly basis (and in the form of vitamin D3) in doses the body can make from the sunshine (not much more than 25,000 – 50,000 IU at any given time) would better match how vitamin D is intended to be ‘received’ in our bodies. It is not possible to make 100,000 IU of vitamin D in a single day, and studies doing so are more likely to have negative findings.

Length of Study

It takes time to change nutrient levels within the body, and for that change to have an effect on disease status. For example, it can take up to 20 years for precancerous cells to develop into detectable cancer. A study that lasts only 3-5 years cannot conclusively determine that vitamin D supplementation does not prevent cancer. A study period less than or equal to 6 months of testing for chronic conditions and disease prevention could basically be considered useless.
Picking Apart the VITAL Study Analysis on Fracture Risk – Did the LeBoff Paper Meet these Criteria?
In Parts 2 and 3 of this newsletter series, we will present a review of the VITAL trial design for its findings on fractures, according to the nutrient study criteria above, along with a detailed breakdown of WHY each criteria is essential to providing accurate and reliable study results, especially when it comes to vitamin D.

In the meantime… what do you think? Take a look at the paper with the criteria above in mind and ask yourself – did this study meet the Heaney nutrient study criteria?…
Vitamin D is an Easily Modifiable Factor to Help Improve Disease Outcomes – What Vitamin D Level do YOU Have?
Don’t ever consider a situation too late to take steps for correcting or avoiding vitamin D deficiency. Measuring your vitamin D level and calculating a supplementation amount to help reach and maintain a target level, or taking loading doses to correct deficiency faster, could possibly make all the difference in how a current disease situation progresses. Test your level now!

Create your custom home blood spot kit, or choose one of our most popular:
Vitamin D Test
Vitamin D & Omega-3 Index
Immune Boost Panel
Having and maintaining healthy vitamin D levels can help improve your health now and for your future. Choose which to measure, such as your vitamin D, omega-3s, and essential minerals including magnesium and zinc, by creating your custom home test kit today. Take steps to improve the status of each of these measurements to benefit your overall health. With measurement you can then determine how much is needed and steps to achieve your goals. You can also track your own intakes, symptoms and results to see what works best for YOU.
What does the Research Say about Vitamin D & COVID-19?
The eBook, Vitamin D & COVID-19, A Summary of Published Research, is a condensed and concise compilation of much of the published research on vitamin D and COVID-19, easy to read and share as a downloadable, printable PDF. Your purchase helps to further public knowledge and education of this invaluable research! Be sure to educate yourself on the benefits and importance of vitamin D for immune health, and take steps to ensure you and your loved ones are getting enough.
What Does it Take YOU to Get Your D to 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L)?
Did you know that everyone responds differently to vitamin D supplement amounts - by up to 6 times!? Your health could be greatly affected by making sure you have a vitamin D level of at least 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L). Help us help you.
Don't get stuck with low vitamin D levels - learn more about what might affect your level and response to supplementation, and the steps to take through each season to keep levels in your target range.
Children with Diabetes Research Foundation
The mission of CWDRF is to fund research leading to the cure and prevention of Type 1 diabetes. For over 20 years, they have been the venture capitalists of diabetes research, getting new, clinically relevant, innovative research off the ground.

CWDRF is currently funding the D*action Type 1 Diabetes Prevention project with GrassrootsHealth.
Sperti Vitamin D Sunlamps
The Sperti Vitamin D Sunlamp, model D/UV-F, provides the special UVB rays needed for your body to produce Vitamin D. It is the only FDA recognized ultraviolet product for Vitamin D production in the human body, and independent studies have verified its effectiveness.

See how it works for you.
Look for our special project enrollment opportunity with Sperti!
The Helen Knoll Foundation
The Helen Knoll Foundation (HKF) mission is to prevent breast cancer by empowering young women through risk awareness education, advocacy and access to age appropriate screenings. HKF with GrassrootsHealth is launching the Know YOUR Number campaign to help Stop Breast Cancer Before it Starts by working with local groups to provide vitamin D blood spot testing and project enrollment events.
Have a beautiful and HEALTHY day.
Text-to-give: Text Daction to 44321
Carole Baggerly
Director, GrassrootsHealth
A Public Health Promotion & Research Organization Moving Research Into Practice NOW!
315 S. Coast Hwy 101, Suite U-87
Encinitas, CA 92024
(760) 579-8141