St Anthony Church Newsletter
The holiday is an official day of service, many consider it “a day on, not a day off”.
“What are you looking for?” Jesus asked his followers. Of course, Jesus knew what they were seeking; what we all seek — peace, hope, salvation?
Jesus’ invitations present an opportunity for us to contemplate what we are looking for and to take stock of our current situation. Do you know what it is you seek in this world? Are you open to truly be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Can you trust the goodness of Jesus’ invitation, and follow God’s perfect will for your life?
Do we have the courage and strength to follow Jesus’ example and invite others to come and see? When we, tell others about finding the Messiah, we become part of the hope of discipleship present in John’s Gospel. We become conduits for others to encounter the truth and grace found only in Jesus Christ.
The 11:15 Mass will continue to be live-streamed for the time being.
Therefore St Anthony Church will broadcast on Facebook LIVE Sundays at 11:15 am .
On Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 5:30 pm in Washington, D.C. there will be a COVID-19 memorial ceremony featuring a lighting around the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. Cities and towns around the country are invited to join people gathering in Washington, D.C. in illuminating buildings and ringing bells in a countrywide moment of remembrance.
The town of Prospect invites residents to remember and honor the lives lost to COVID-19 by illuminating a candle in your home’s window and ringing bells at 5:30 p.m. in a national moment of unity and remembrance. At that time the town will sound its siren and take a moment to pause.
You are invited to come to the front of St. Anthony Church at 5:30 p.m. Please bring your own candle to light for our prayer of remembrance which will be led by Father Gregory.
Volunteer of the Week
We are starting a new feature this week spotlighting one of our many volunteers for their contributions to our parish community. We are blessed with hundreds of volunteers in our parish so it will take some time to highlight all of them.
Jean Beard – Bingo Ministry, Ladies Guild and Baking Ministry
It would be impossible to talk about the Bingo Ministry without recognizing Jean Beard. A long-time member of the old Activities Committee, Jean became involved in Bingo as soon as it began at St. Anthony’s in the early 1990’s. She soon became a fixture in the kitchen fixing up tasty treats for all the Bingo fans. For 30 years Jean had been there every Monday night until the pandemic became the only thing that could stop her.
Jean was born before there was a Church of St. Anthony in Prospect. When the first church building opened in 1945 Jean was one of the first children baptized in the parish. Jean has been a member of the parish ever since. She has also been active in the Baking Ministry and with the Ladies Guild along with volunteering at many other events.
Thank you, Jean, for your many years of service to our parish!
THANK YOU from Father Gregory:
"I would like to thank the volunteers who took time to decorate, then remove the Christmas decorations, under the direction of David Byrne. Our Church looked beautiful thanks to our helpers and to those who donated towards the flowers. The weekly task of watering continues, and our light church housekeeping ministry deserves thanks as well as those who disinfect after the Masses. With staff and volunteer help, the work gets done quickly and the burden does not rest on one person. God bless you for taking the time to serve our parish!"
More photos can be found here
The Knights of Columbus Baskets for Babies Collection will run through January 24th. New and unwrapped items can be placed in collection baskets which will be in the vestibule of the church.
If you would like to contribute but prefer to shop online, you may ship your items to:
St. Anthony Church (in care of Knights of Columbus)
4 Union City Road, Prospect CT 06712
Wish List:
Booties, Blankets, Onesies, Baby Bath Bottles, Outfits, Baby Lotion, Comb & Brush Sets, Pacifiers, Baby Shampoo, Crib Sheets, Rattles, Baby Wipes, Desitin Ointment, Sleepers, Bath Towels, Diaper Bags, Socks, Bibs, Diapers**, Strollers, Blanket Sleepers, Hats, Sweaters and Stuffed Animals.
**If getting Diapers please get size 2-6. These are the sizes the pregnancy centers are in need of most.
Archdiocesan Marriage Enrichment Celebration The Archdiocesan Office of Family Life will hold its 14th annual Marriage Enrichment Celebration on Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021 from 7 - 8:30 pm. This year’s program will be virtual and conducted over the internet. Instructions for signing into the program will be provided with your registration confirmation. To register or to obtain more information, contact Tom and Donna Finn at 8603021110, or email to Please R.S.V.P. by February 4, 2021.
In Lieu of Flowers
Oftentimes when someone passes away, in lieu of flowers, they ask that donations be made to a specific nonprofit. We have been fortunate over the years to have our scholarship account funded, Hope Ministry, and most recently the refurbishing of the church hall. All donations are appreciated and both the donor and the family receives a letter of acknowledgement. Thank you to those who have remembered our parish in this way.
Tax letters for 2020 will be mailed BY REQUEST ONLY. If you want a tax letter for 2020 sent to you, please call Charlene at 2037584056, ext. 12, or email her at
Have You Made Any Changes Lately? Please also notify Charlene of any changes in your personal information such as change of address, phone number, email address, marital status or a new addition to your family. Accurate records are essential to verify membership and stay in contact with our parish families.
Guidelines for Attending Mass
While some might feel these guidelines are stringent, it is important that guidelines are followed, that we respect all parishioners and be sure that everyone feels comfortable attending Mass.
- Please bring a face mask to wear, as it is required as you enter, while inside and as you exit. Please be sure to cover your mount and nose with the mask, not just your mouth.
- Every 3rd pew will be completely open and there will be no tape on the seats. This will allow for large families to sit together without sitting on tape. When you come to Mass and are the first in a pew, please move to the end, close to the windows. This allows others to enter the pew from the center aisle and have a place to sit.
- Please enter through the center doors of the front of the church, (with the exception of those that cannot use stairs you may enter through the Angel doors and proceed up the side aisle), proceed up the center aisle and when you enter a pew, move to the far side aisle, allowing other people to sit in the pew.
- There are 20 pews open and with the capacity of 100, that leaves plenty of space for those attending.
- We expect that every individual or family will keep a 6 foot distance between them and the next person/family.
- The center aisle is meant to be used for walking toward the sanctuary and the side aisles are meant for walking away from the sanctuary
- Also, We will no longer use stickie notes to mark the pews on the weekend, only during the week.
Collection Procedure:
- One of the guidelines is that we cannot have the ushers passing the basket to receive your offertory envelopes.
- Three collection boxes will be available inside the church and they will be emptied in the presence of 2 ushers, after every Mass, into a secure bag.
- If there is a second collection, please put your donation for that collection into a separate envelope. If it is a plain envelope, please mark it with the specific collection that it is for.
- If you put loose cash in the box, it will be recorded under the weekly offering. Thank you.
Communion Procedure:
- Please use the markers for distancing while in line. Families can stay together.
- Once in front of Father or Deacon, please extend your hands out flat to receive the consecrated host, as you walk away, pause at the X on the floor, lower your mask, consume the host, put your mask back on and return to your pew down the side outside aisle.
Bingo is cancelled until further notice.
Unfortunately, BINGO will not be reopening as previously thought due to the state of Connecticut reducing gatherings to 25 people indoors.
Thank you for all who have supported us in the past and we look forward to when we can have a HUGE Jackpot again
When shopping Amazon, you can choose to use Amazon Smile* and a percentage of your order will be donated to St. Anthony Church, specifically for the refurbishing of the Church hall.
Click on the photo to get started!
*We encourage supporting local businesses, direct trade and fair trade partners as well as environment considerations when making purchases. If you do choose to use Amazon Smile and you don’t need your item immediately, please don’t choose overnight/rush delivery because this often forces people to work on Sunday.
Labonnes Cash for Charities Rebate Program
Please save your Labonne's cash register receipts. (Keep an envelope in your car to easily save them)
Every couple of months submit them to St. Anthony Church, via the mail or by dropping them off at the parish center. We will receive 1/2% back.
- Thank you to everyone who has been sending in their slips, keep them coming!
Please consider using online giving for your financial support.
The consistency from online giving is very helpful over vacation periods. You may still use your envelopes and mark “I gave online”.
Thank you and God bless you for all you do for St. Anthony Church!
St. Anthony Church
4 Union City Road – Prospect, CT 06712