A community of learners over 50

September, 2023 | Vol 3, No. 10


And We're Off...

OLLI-USF Director Veronica Maxwell (fifth from left) and China SIG leader Kun Shi (second from right) at the recent Jewish Geography Shanghai event. Also in the photo are Julia Wang, president of the Suncoast Association of Chinese Americans in Tampa Bay (between Veronica and Kun) and other SACA members.

It's my expectation that September will have many moving parts. We'll begin by exploring the more than 1,100 class offerings available this fall term. There will be brand new faces in our classes and at events throughout this month. We'll welcome a new season and, hopefully, cooler weather.

One of my main goals for OLLI-USF is to expand our visibility on the university campus and in the community. Therefore, it is always my esteemed honor and pleasure to serve at various events throughout the county.


Recently, I was thrilled to moderate The Jewish Geography: Shanghai event and engage with members of our China SIG and local community group.

A Homecoming Celebration

USF will host its Homecoming Celebration and Parade on Oct. 13, and I would love to have OLLI-USF participate. If you are willing to help me coordinate this effort, just email me, and the fun will commence.

So often, showing up and being present can have a great impact on our organization's growth efforts.

We are nearing 1,400 members, exploring new avenues for awareness, creating new partnerships, and seeking to show kindness in all of our endeavors.

Thank you ALL for helping OLLI-USF shine and soar!



Sept. 6 - Open House

Sept. 8 - Fall term starts

Jan. 31, 2024 - Membership Drive Competition ends.


It's Coming Up! Bring Your Friends

A new Open House is coming up, and you and your friends are heartily invited to attend.

Mark your calendar for the OLLI-USF Fall Open House on Wednesday, Sept. 6, at 10 a.m., at the Shanna and Bryan Glazer JCC, 522 N. Howard Ave., in Tampa. For newcomers, a special gathering will be held at 9:15 a. m. Newcomers are encouraged to arrive at 9 a.m.

Nosh on complimentary coffee and snacks while learning about the more than 130 liberal arts and technology classes and lectures that will be offered in person and on line from mid-September through early December. You will be able to meet many of the outstanding fall faculty as well as leaders and members of our various Shared Interest Groups. And you'll be sharing your time with OLLI's many seasoned lovers of lifelong learning.

Meet The Mayor

As a special treat, our keynote speaker will be Tampa Mayor Jane Castor who will speak on What's Next For Tampa?

Mayor Castor's mayoral term has seen remarkable growth and change in the city of Tampa. But what's coming up? The mayor will outline her vision for the city, highlighting both the opportunities and the challenges looming on the horizon.

The Fall Open House is the perfect event to introduce you and your friends to OLLI-USF. And it's free!

To register yourself and any guests, please click here.


OLLI Is Working To Help You Stay Safe During A Storm

From left, Office Manager Michelle Canne and Emergency Coordinator Rob Marlowe, both of the USF Department of Emergency Management ; OLLI-USF Director Veronica Maxwell; USF Emergency Services Director Grant Gundle; and OLLI-USF Board of Advisors member George Hyde at a recent meeting to discuss storm safety strategies.

The nearly-simultaneous appearance of five tropical cyclones in the Atlantic and Caribbean in late August probably had every OLLI-USF member thinking about storm-related safety issues: How will I know if my home or apartment is storm-ready? Will I have to evacuate? Do I have enough food and water? Do I have enough batteries and a battery-powered radio?

This fall, OLLI-USF is making a special effort to help you understand and prepare for Florida’s hurricane season, with the cooperation of USF’s Department of Emergency Management and its new director, Grant Gundle.

OLLI-USF Director Veronica Maxwell and OLLI Advisory Board Secretary George Hyde met with Director Gundle and his staff on Friday, Aug. 25, to swap ideas aimed at helping you stay safe during a storm emergency or any other critical situation you may encounter. 

Speakers at a recent Emergency Communications Conference in St. Petersburg made it clear: communicating emergency information to people 60-plus is the biggest challenge faced by emergency managers in Florida today. We’re exploring new ways to keep you informed about storm threats and help you cope with recovery in the event of a damaging storm in this area. 

Thanks to the Florida Department of Emergency Management and the Florida Association of Broadcasters, we’ll also be distributing storm-preparedness tips for seniors during the OLLI-USF Open House on Sept. 6. 

---George Hyde


Traditional Food Without The Head Scarfs

Stuffed cabbage, pillowy dumplings filled with meat, cabbage and potatoes, and grilled skewers of pork and lamb were among the traditional Eastern European dishes enjoyed by 13 members of the Lunch Bunch on Aug. 8 at Babushka's restaurant in South Tampa.

Despite the restaurant's name, the decor was modern, and there were no head scarfs to be seen.

The Lunch Bunch is a subgroup of the Food! Glorious Food! Shared Interest Group.

Lunch On The River

Tiki Docks on the peaceful Alafia River in Riverview was the setting for the August meeting of Conviviality and Celebrations.

Some 15 OLLI members and guests dined on coconut shrimp, fish ‘n chips, grouper sandwiches, ahi tuna and other seafood as well as landlubber delights. The group was especially grateful to their server, Tori, for her attentiveness and outstanding service.

This group meets for lunch the fourth Wednesday of each month at various eating establishments in the Tampa Bay area to celebrate and recognize birthdays and other special occasions. Their next meeting is scheduled for Wed., Sept. 27, at 1 p.m., at Mellow Mushroom, 10959 Causeway Blvd, Brandon.


All are welcome to join in the fun. Email Kat Hanscom for more information.

--Photos by Kat Hanscom


OLLI Outdoors Offers Two Nature-Related Tours

Go inside with the Outdoors SIG!

You can beat the heat and the bugs with two exclusive nature-related tours that the SIG has arranged for September:

  • Tuesday, Sept. 12: artist-led tour of the Etched Feathers exhibit at the Tampa Bay History Center

  • Friday, Sept. 29: Behind the scenes at the Rare Florida Natural History Collection at the USF Special Collections Library

To find out how you can explore nature and learning indoors with these and future events, email the coordinators, Diane and Donna, at [email protected].

--Diane White

Self-Hypnotherapy SIG Forming

Have you taken Peter Arizu's Self-Hypnotherapy class and want to practice what you learned in an atmosphere of compassion and inspiration?

Several OLLI members are forming a new Shared Interest Group (SIG)- Self Hypnotherapy Support Group - which will explore and share many approaches that can be utilized and practiced dealing with stress, unwanted emotions and feelings, and the many challenges that everyday life presents.


The group will have an organizational meeting via Zoom on Wed., Sept. 20 at 10 a.m.


If interested, please email Anne Haywood.


Prerequisite: Self Hypnotherapy Class

Participation in this SIG will not replace the continuing participation in Self Hypnosis and Mind Fitness classes.


NOTE:  The fall OLLI schedule includes Peter's Self-Hypnosis: Pathway to Peace of Mind, starting Fri., Sep. 29.

--Anne Haywood

Volunteering with OLLI Lets You Follow Your Passion!

Attend a free, no-obligation volunteer information session to learn more about how your knowledge, skills or experience can help OLLI!

The next session will be held Friday, Sept. 22, at 1 p.mClick here to register.

Have a question? As Us Anything about volunteering by emailing the Ask Team at [email protected].

--Diane Russell

New Discussion Group Forming: Behind-The-Scenes With Books, Etc.

This new group is an adjunct to the Operatunity SIG, but you don't need to join the SIG to participate. It is open to all OLLI members!

The new group will meet on Zoom at 3 p.m. on the dates listed below to discuss the books. Some of these books have related movies available to stream.

Sept 18 - Dead Man Walking, by Sr. Helen Prejean

Oct 16 - The Three Mothers: How the Mothers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and James Baldwin Shaped a Nation, by Anna Malaika Tubbs

Feb 19, 2024 - Bel Canto, by Ann Patchett

Mar 18, 2024 - Saturday Afternoons at the Old Met, by Paul Jackson 

Please email Kathryn Alyson for more information on this new group and instructions on how to join.

--Kathryn Alyson

New - OLLI Think Tank Shared Interest Group


Here's a quiz (no pass or fail):


If you're like most people, you imagine think tanks to be full of:


A: Highly educated but boring academics


B: Politically motivated zealots


C: People who are too smart for you to hang out with


Actually, there are over 1,000 think tanks just in the United States, and you can find some that fit any of the concepts that have just been laid out. But the basic idea of a think tank is a place where people can get together to kick around exciting ideas with, in many cases, practical applications.


OLLI-USF would like to develop a Think Tank Shared Interest Group (SIG). It will be up to the SIG's members to determine the specific ideas it develops and nurtures and the extent to which it tries to implement them within OLLI-USF or our broader society. But to quote an adage, A journey of 1,000 miles starts with a single step. And that first step is finding 12 interested people to get the SIG established.


If you are interested in joining or finding out more information on this SIG, please email Neil Cosentino.

Opportunities From Other OLLIs

From time to time, OLLIs from across the states share lectures and other happenings with us. This month we have offerings from four OLLIs - Nebraska, New York, South Dakota, and West Virginia.


In an era characterized by unprecedented connectivity and the rapid dissemination of information, it is essential to critically examine the pervasive influence of misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories. Please read more here about this full-day event and how to register.


New York

Once again OLLI at RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY) is sharing its lecture series on Zoom with all OLLIs this fall. Many OLLI members have enjoyed the lectures in the past, and the organization is hoping many will partake again. There are 10 topics to choose from.

You can click here to read a description of each individual topic along with the Zoom links to sign up for the ones you select.


South Dakota

OLLI at the University of South Dakota (Sioux Falls) invites other OLLIs to their Zoom program of Black Holes with Arjun Ayyangar. Read about this opportunity to get the date, time and Zoom link here.


West Virginia

Listed below are three lectures OLLI@WVU is offering for free on Zoom.

  • Banned Books and American Culture
  • Strengthening Families Through Our Differences
  • History Alive: Charles Schulz

More details and links to sign up for each of above topics can be found here.


Meet Arlene Zimney:

OLLI-USF 2023 Above and Beyond Award Recipient

The Volunteer Recognition Awards honor volunteers who have made significant contributions to the mission and values of OLLI-USF. In May, the awards were presented to four individuals and two teams. Over the next few months, OLLILife is introducing you to those award winners.

As one of OLLI-USF's biggest fans, Arlene Zimney can’t stay still. On the very day she joined the organization, she became a committee member, a volunteer, and an ardent promoter of all things OLLI.

Over the past eight years, she has served on and chaired the Volunteer Management Committee (which recently became the Volunteer Engagement Committee), has served as a member and secretary of the Board of Advisors, chaired the Nominating Committee, and is the administrator of the Talking Movies SIG. She has worked as a classroom assistant and a class ambassador. And she provides valuable participation in the Food! Glorious Food! SIG.

“This is a lady who loves OLLI,” Arlene says. “I can’t imagine my life without it, and I can’t understand why everybody in Tampa isn’t clamoring to be a member of this organization.”

A Baby Boomer Pioneer

During her time with OLLI, Arlene has seen the organization grow and change, some of it thanks to her contributions. One can almost call her an OLLI pioneer.

But pioneering is something Arlene has done most of her life, beginning with her childhood.

Arlene was born at the beginning of the Baby Boom, when soldiers coming home from World War II began marrying and having families en masse. Out of their burgeoning need for housing, a new type of community was built: Levittown, based in several suburbs around the nation and consisting of mass-produced single-family homes with white picket fences and green lawns.

The Levittowns set a standard for suburban housing around the country, and the very first one, on Long Island, New York, was where Arlene grew up. She remembers it as an ideal time and place to be a kid: “It was a real neighborhood, with kids everywhere. You just walked out the door and there were children to play with,” she says.

Once off to college, Arlene earned a bachelor’s degree in English literature and a master’s in library science. And for four years, she worked as a librarian in Syracuse, New York.

A Professional Pioneer

But then she met her husband, Buck Beasom, and was on her way toward becoming a pioneer again. At the time, Buck was a graduate student in Rochester, New York. So Arlene moved to Rochester and looked for a job there.

She could find no library jobs, but an opportunity arose for her to work in human resources and legal assistance for Bausch & Lomb, one of the world’s leading eyeglass manufacturers.

Then they offered her a job in the purchasing department. It was a career she’d never before considered. But, she figured, why not?

“No one has ever graduated college wanting to be a purchasing director. Everyone in the field comes from something else,” she says. “But to me, that was when I found my career – not just a job, but a career.”

The thing was, Arlene was the lone woman in a sea of male purchasing employees. She never let that stand in her way, though, she says.

“There were many times in meetings when I was the only woman in the room. I didn’t really think about it. I had a job to do, and I was pretty confident I could do it,’ she says. “I never really felt like I shouldn’t speak up. I can push back pretty hard.

“The thing is,” she says, “if you treat people with respect and give the straight story, and if they have any character, they respond to that, and gender becomes a non-issue.”

The First Woman

Arlene hit another career milestone in the 1990s when she became the first woman president of the National Association of Purchasing Management’s Rochester chapter.

“At the time, it was a big deal; now not so much,” she says. “At the time, any woman’s victory was a victory for all women. I was happy to do my part for that.”

Over her 30-year career, Arlene rose up the ladder as she moved into different industries such as telecommunications and manufacturing in the Rochester area. But by 2002, Arlene and Buck were “disenchanted with shoveling snow” and moved to Tampa.

Both took jobs with the Pasco school system. In 2015, Arlene was ready to retire. The problem, she says, “I knew what I was going away from in retiring, but I didn’t know what I was going to.”

She did some research, learned about OLLI, and decided to take time off from work one day to attend an OLLI Open House.


“I walked in, and there were 200 people just like me – older adults who like to learn. Everybody was very welcoming. I heard instructors talk about their classes – they all sounded great. Committee leaders were saying, this is what we do, and this is who we are. I felt immediately welcomed.”

Before the meeting was over, Arlene was not only a member of OLLI but also a new member of the Volunteer Management Committee.

Her years in OLLI have been some of her best times, she says. And that enthusiasm is shared by her husband, who has been teaching classes for OLLI on World War II. Look for Buck Beasom’s class, The Wild Blue Yonder, Magnificent Men and Flying Machines, beginning Oct. 18.

--Sandy Buckley


Changes In Life - "Just For Fun Poll"

We have been told most of our lives to get used to changes as things don’t stay the same. Think through our lifetime of changes that have occurred: automobiles, the size and capabilities of TVs, cell phones, space travel, self-driving cars - the list could go on and on.   

Now here is a scenario to give some thought to. Share what you think about this possibility of change in our lives. 


You are all dressed up for a special evening dinner. Arrive at the restaurant, sit down at a table with white tablecloth, candlelight, a beautiful set of china along with expensive glassware. 

As you are browsing through the menu, you hear someone asking, "How are you?" You look up and to your surprise, you see a robot standing next to you informing that he will be taking care of you for the night. WOW, now this would be a huge change in our lives to be served by a robot and not a human!

What would you do if this happens at your table? Click on your answer.
Leave the restaurant without dinner due to not having human service
Stay and see how robot service plays out

Instead of a tipping calculation at the bottom of the bill, perhaps there would be a mechanical calculation for repairs to the robot. Next month's OLLILife will have the results of this poll.


Good News OLLI Members!


Thanks to your support and word-of-mouth advertising, OLLI membership is growing. Our current number is 1,375. Tell all your friends and neighbors about the fun of being a member. Invite a friend or neighbor to a class. Just let the teacher know ahead of time.   


September ZIP CODE focus: Lutz, Land O' Lakes, Wesley Chapel and Zephyrhills zip codes: We are looking for members living in those areas to contact Pam Tyler about forming an OLLI Circle in this area. Text 575-779-1382 or Email Pam Tyler.

The Fall Open House on September 6 promises to be a special one. See an earlier article in this issue for information about the event. While at the Open House, look for the OLLI Suggestion Box at the Welcome Table. Your input is invaluable.


Hurricane Season is upon us. Be prepared and stay safe everyone.

The Membership Committee has an article each month introducing a new OLLI member. Congratulations and welcome to OLLI’s newest members.      

Introducing Marie Himelman

Marie is a recent transplant to Tampa, having spent most of her life at the Jersey Shore.

Upon graduating from Kean University with a bachelor's degree in elementary education, Marie became a teacher. She taught for 15 years before marrying and starting a family.

Two of her grandchildren live in Tampa; one is 2 1/2, and the other is 11 months old. She relishes the time spent with them and their parents in addition to booking flights to see her daughter and son-in-law in San Francisco. Playing golf and simply being outdoors and enjoying the sights of Tampa add to her happiness. She also enjoys the arts and reading historical fiction. 

Marie’s first OLLI class was on Picasso, appealing to her interest in the fine arts and encouraging her to take more classes. She found Women Rescuers and Resisters, taught by Howard Kerner, to be enlightening. Her absolute favorite class was Ancient Sicily: The Key to Everything, taught by Davide Tanasi. It could not have appealed to her more. First because she loves Ybor City where the class was offered at the Italian Club. And also because she is planning a visit to Sicily where some of her ancestors came from. Marie would love to see more classes like this.

--Shirley Herring

--Photo by Bruce Himelman

New members meet with the Membership Committee for a Roundtable discussion and lunch at Brunchie's.

---Photo by Robin Barack


Food! Glorious Food!: A Feast For OLLI Foodies

Below is a description by Jane Applegate and Becky Heimstead of how the Food! Glorious Food Shared Interest group began and continues to engage and inspire OLLI’s foodie members.

Food! Glorious Food! members tour the historic La Segunda Bakery.

SIG members get together for lunch at the Columbia Restaurant in Ybor City.

Food! Glorious Food! began in 2018 as a phoenix rising from the ashes of a course on cookbooks that failed for lack of enrollment.

The Shared Interest Group, organized for OLLI members who have food-related interests, such as home cooking, International cuisines, food insecurity, new restaurants, and/or growing food, has been co-coordinated by Jane Applegate and Becky Heimstead for the past five years. This month, they are passing the torch to new leaders.

Jane Applegate

Jane writes:

My interest and curiosity about all things food-related is a product of my smalltown Ohio childhood.

Our family had a farm, but we lived in town and also had a backyard garden. Our food source was homegrown and natural. My grandmother lived with us, and she was the consummate cook and baker. And as a pesty child, I was always in the kitchen watching her because she cooked all our meals since my parents were both teachers and worked a lot.

My interest in food was cultivated through 4-H. Also, when I went to college, one of the several majors I tried was home economics, but English and teaching suited me better.

However, I never outgrew my love of cooking and baking and exploring the cultural roots of many cuisines. So in retirement and in OLLI, I started thinking about a food-centric course I might teach as a way of meeting other OLLI members with similar interests. I developed a course about cookbooks, which became part of OLLI’s fall 2018 program offerings.

That August, at the Open House, I promoted the class and there I met Becky Heimstead who was educated as a home economist and also had a deep love of food. I encouraged Becky to sign up for the class. But alas, a class on cookbooks was not terribly popular. Only six people registered. So I invited the course registrants to meet for breakfast at a local restaurant just to meet one another and talk cookbooks for an hour or so.

It was during that meeting that the idea of starting a food-centric Shared Interest Group was born. Becky volunteered to be a co-founder of the group (to my relief) and we began to plan.

Becky writes:

I started cooking very early in life. Like Jane, my parents both worked, and my paternal grandmother lived with us and cooked. It was good ole Southern cooking. We lived on a small farm but never had a garden until many years later. Since I like to eat, I'm sure I was always hanging around my grandmother as she cooked.

I joined 4-H when I was 8 years old and took both cooking and sewing projects. A beloved high school home economics teacher encouraged me to major in home economics at the University of Kentucky, and I did. And I loved it. 

I attended that first session of the cookbook class in 2018, and working with Jane on a food-related SIG appealed to me.

How we got started

After the idea of a SIG was born, OLLI Operations Manager Cath Mason helped us find a core group of OLLI members who had taken food-centric classes, and we put together an organizational meeting.

Becky found space at The Children’s Board, a central location, and over 30 people came to express their interests. We decided to meet monthly for a talk, an excursion or a discussion, and members volunteered to organize sessions.

We also decided to form a Lunch Bunch that would meet and enjoy local restaurants. Members also volunteered to organize these outings. A monthly newsletter was needed to communicate the SIG’s activities and also link members to food resources. A Facebook group was developed, too, where members could contribute articles of interest.

Speakers, Outings, and Good Conversation

What began as a good idea has grown into an active OLLI group with more than 90 members.

We have had some fabulous speakers including Gary Mormino, Florida food historian; Andy Huse, author of food-related books of local interest; and Janet Keeler and Laura Riley, food journalists.

We have visited urban farms in St Petersburg and Tampa. We have had some marvelous discussions about cooking gadgets and travel and kitchen disasters. We have experienced many good, local restaurants and have done food tours. We have also learned much about the needs of people in our community for food and have made regular and generous contributions to the USF Feed-a Bull Food Bank.

It's been an amazing five years, and we have learned so much. The monthly Lunch Bunch is thriving as is the new ABC Cooking Club thanks to members who have volunteered to coordinate events and activities.

What’s Next:

The amazing and marvelous thing about OLLI SIGs is that the group is in charge of programming and direction. Jane and Becky got the group started, and now many of our members are stepping up to make sure this SIG continues. Where we will go from here is up to the group. If you’d like to explore the food culture of Tampa, come along with us.

A tour and shopping trip at Oceanic Oriental Supermarket.

A visit to Meacham Farms in the heart of downtown Tampa.


Nancy Baily-Williamson, SIG Liaison

For more information on OLLI SIGs, see the full list here. Several of the SIGs meet on Zoom; others are meeting in person and are organizing group outings and events. To visit a SIG, email the contact(s) below.

Community of Readers and Writers

We meet via Zoom for discussion and special events. We offer group feedback with experienced readers to support your writing. Our private Facebook site is a resource for storytelling, memoir, and writing tips. Email your interest to our new email address at [email protected].

China SIG

For more information about the China SIG, email Nancy Stuart.

Food, Glorious Food!

After a summer hiatus, we will meet in person on Monday, Sept. 18, 10-11:30 a.m., at the Children’s Board, 1002 E. Palm Ave., Tampa. We will be celebrating the first five years of our SIG and introducing the new leadership who will be planning for the 2023-24 year. If you want to be involved/informed (if you are not already on our roster), just send a note to Sandy Buckley.

Hablemos! Spanish Conversation SIG

Zoom Meeting: Tues., Sep. 5 and 19, 3-4:30 p.m. All levels of Spanish speakers welcome. Email [email protected] for more information.

Games SIG

Online Games:

Thurs., Sept. 14, at 3:30 p.m. To play Scattergories, email Kathy Palmer for the link.

Board Games:

Thurs., Sep. 21, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at the Arthenia L. Joyner Library, 13619 N. 22 St., Tampa.

Please email Robyn Cheung or call her at 215-880-9212 to RSVP.

German Conversation

Tues., Sep. 12 and 26, at 1 p.m. For more information, contact Christine Basch.

Ici on parle français!

Mon., Sep. 11, at 1 p.m. For an invitation, contact Theresa Sokol.

Talking Movies

Fri., Sep. 15, at 1:30 p.m. Watch Girl with a Pearl Earring, streaming free on Hoopla, available through the Hillsborough County library system, and then get together on Zoom to talk about it. For more information, contact Arlene Zimney.

OLLI Outdoors

Do you love nature?

Our events include something for everyone! Hot and steamy or cool and bug-free, we have it all!

Interested in trying an event or joining? Email the coordinators at

[email protected].

Tues., Sept. 12, Etched Feathers artist-led tour at Tampa Bay History Center

Thurs., Sept. 14, John Chestnut Sr. Park easy, gentle, mostly shady nature walk

Fri., Sept. 22, The Great American Eclipse Double Header virtual program with Greg. Shanos

Fri., Sept. 29, Behind the scenes at the Rare Florida Natural History Collection at the USF Special Collections Library

Biking, email for dates.


Mon., Sept. 25, at 10 a.m., at Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa (UUCT). For details and more information about this SIG, contact Kathryn Alyson.

Politics SIG

The Politics SIG provides a forum for discussion and informal debate on topics related to U.S. domestic and foreign policy. The P-SIG complements and promotes OLLI-USF classes on political science and history and is an adjunct to our weekly Saturday Social which covers current events of political interest. P-SIG meetings will be held periodically on Wednesdays, 1-3:00 p.m., at Compton Park in Tampa Palms in a hybrid setting (in person and via Zoom). Meeting dates will be announced well in advance and are open to OLLI-USF members and their sponsored guests. For more information and to be included on our mailing list, please contact Rich Kennedy.


For information about the Shutterbugs SIG, please email Jean Nixon.

Write Time for Poets

We will not be meeting this month, but meetings will resume in October. For more information about this SIG, email Cath Mason.

Carolyn Clark is our Goodwill Ambassador, sending notes of support, congratulations and comfort on our behalf. If you or another OLLI member have a significant personal event, please let Carolyn know.

Send Us Your News

OLLILife wants to share topics of interest that pertain to OLLI-USF and other OLLIs in the country.

Send your article to [email protected] to reach your editors Sandy Buckley, Pat Dodge, Veronica Maxwell, and Kathy Palmer. If possible, please send a picture along with the article as pictures help tell the story.

Visit us on the web here. Check us out on social media:
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