A community of learners over 50

February, 2023 | Vol 3, No. 4


Communication Is The Key!

People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they have not communicated with each other.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.


It seems the days and weeks of 2023 are just quickly passing by. January provided so many new OLLI highlights, including my first Open House. The energy at the Centro Asturiano was electric, there were so many moving parts: The SIGs quadrant, the welcome table, the travel information, and the incredible keynote speaker.

I was informed that we had one of the highest numbers of new members attend our Open House...yaaayyyy!!! I have so much appreciation for the staff and volunteers.


January also brought the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s holiday, and I was thrilled to attend a few related community events. Notably, it was an honor to speak with Cheri Donahue (pictured with me), the president of the Temple Terrace/Uptown Chamber of Commerce, at the monthly meeting.

While attending, I spoke with a few members of OLLI, an OLLI instructor, and even a gentleman who said he'd just heard of OLLI on the radio (NPR) and was excited to learn more.


The quote above is one of my favorites by Dr. King because it speaks to the intentionality of communication. I want to encourage us to communicate with current and potential OLLI members. Don't let fear stop us from sharing OLLI with everyone we encounter, who might benefit from our community. I look forward to continuing getting to know you.


Let's Stay Together!


Friday, Mar. 10

  • Deadline for applying for Advisory Board position

  • Deadline for Volunteer Awards nominations


Meet Cath Mason:

Operations Manager With A Poetic Flair 

Cath Mason (center) at a family gathering of siblings, spouses and children during a visit to England in 2019. Included in the photo are her husband, John, on the left wearing shorts; her son Daniel, now 27, back row, fourth from the right; and son Patrick, now 23, front row second from left.

OLLI is an organization largely run by volunteers. But behind the scenes is a small cadre of professional staff under the leadership of Director Veronica Maxwell who help keep the organization running and on track. Over the next few months, OLLILife will introduce you to those staff members.

Many OLLI members know Cath Mason as the leader of the Write Time for Poets Shared Interest Group (SIG) and as a teacher or moderator for several OLLI poetry and literature workshops and classes.

But Cath’s role in our organization goes even deeper: as operations manager, Cath is part of a six-member professional staff integral to OLLI-USF’s success.

Cath took the long way to OLLI-USF. Born in a small town in England’s northwest region, Cath’s career began as a manager in youth training for a British government agency. Then as a lawyer for a life and pensions insurance company in England.

In the 1990s, the United States was becoming a world leader in internet technology. So in 1995, Cath and her husband, a technology professional, decided to move to the U.S. to seek their opportunity.

Seven weeks after moving here, Cath gave birth to her first child, Daniel. Four years later, her second son, Patrick, was born.

Discovering Poetry

It was during those first five years at home raising her small children that Cath discovered poetry, she says.

“I didn’t like poetry when I was in school. But I started reading it when my children were small and found myself drawn to it. I started taking classes, going to poetry readings, and buying books,” she says.

Since then, Cath has published poems both in the U.K. and the U.S. In 2021, her poem “A Tampa Welcome” was selected as one of the winners in the City of Tampa’s poetry challenge for National Poetry Month. Lines from the poem are featured as part of a public art installation.


Cath’s first encounter with OLLI was auditing a poetry class taught by Bob Brookover. She began her relationship with OLLI a few years later, in 2012, as a volunteer in the office, a role she took to develop computer skills.

At the time, she was a busy mother of two young sons with a job in the campus bookstore. She had little time to take formal computer lessons or to learn it at home. A few hours a week working on the OLLI office computers would do quite nicely.

The rest is history. Two years later, Cath joined the staff as a part-time program assistant. And in November 2021, she was named OLLI’s fulltime operations manager.

Many Roles

The computer skills she gained in the OLLI office have served Cath well.

One of Cath’s main roles is to guide the development of OLLI’s course catalog three times a year, working closely with a team of volunteers who write, edit, check and refine its content. In addition to the beautiful color booklet that’s delivered to our mailboxes, there’s also an online version that Cath keeps up to date as information is added or changed.

She is also responsible for logistical support for OLLI Open Houses and events; billing and invoicing; entering all course and class information into the OLLI registration system; creating Zoom meetings for virtual classes and for travel and committee events; daily management of Zoom licenses; providing support to instructors for access to the registration system; and ordering materials for classes.

In addition, she actively supports the development and promotion of SIGS, serves on the Marketing and Finance committees, chairs the Travel Committee, and is managing editor of OLLI’s blog, OLLI Connects.

Also A Volunteer

Added to her professional duties are her volunteer efforts as an OLLI member. Most of those efforts are focused on promoting poetry and literature.

Poetry continues to be one of Cath’s passions. For eight years she has facilitated a bi-weekly poetry discussion group. She has taught OLLI classes on American poetry, British poetry, Tampa Bay poets, poems from the New Yorker; and prose poems, among others. She co-teaches the Three Plays series with Joyce Carpenter; and cofounded and cohosts The Brenda Tipps Reading Series with Anne Strozier and Joyce Carpenter.

At the request of the Osher National Resource Center, Cath developed a blended learning course, More Than Meets the Eye: Our Perspectives in Art. The course partnered OLLI-USF members with members from OLLI at Northwestern, who collaborated online in sessions that explored art, poetry and a memoir.

And in her spare time Cath is a member of two book clubs and three writing groups.

She encourages everyone to approach poetry with an open mind: “People can be intimidated by poetry,” Cath says. “They’re worried about what it means. But you just need to look at the words on the page. What do you notice? What you notice is not necessarily what I notice.

You think everybody sees the same thing. But that doesn’t apply to poetry – or to life,” she says. “OLLI members come from so many different backgrounds, and they bring that to poetry.”

Another passion for Cath is her work as an OLLI staffer, she says.

“I like being part of the team,” she says. “I like working with the volunteers and the staff. We work together and complement each other.”

“The best things I have done in my life are the poetry groups and being part of OLLI,” she says. “I value the strong friendships I have made through OLLI. OLLI members show me how to live life.”

---Sandy Buckley


The Travel Opportunities Committee and Holbrook Travel Presents:

Epic Iceland

Dynamic & Enduring People

June 15 - 24

Get out of the Florida heat this summer! There are only a few more weeks to register for our amazing Iceland adventure with Holbrook Travel, and you won’t want to miss seeing the grandeur of Iceland’s landscape – which abounds with waterfalls, glaciers, mountains, and rugged coastlines. 

Holbrook Travel has been specializing in educational tours for 50 years, with a strong focus on ecology, wildlife, and conservation. Iceland is a perfect showcase for this, and we’ll be learning about its nature and culture while also delving into its impressive history of sustainability and conservation success. 

This will be a small group, with only 10-15 participants. Starting in Reykjavik, you can take a soak in the Blue Lagoon and tour the famed Golden Circle to see waterfalls, geysers, and greenhouses. Then, head north where you will experience almost 24 hours of daylight due to the summer solstice. There, the power plant will illustrate how Iceland uses geothermal power to supply its energy needs.

Several small fishing villages will provide a glimpse into rural Icelandic life, and the whale-watching tour will be spectacular! The tour will end in the island's highland interior, where you will learn of the rich folklore that Iceland is famous for. There will also be opportunities for some gorgeous hikes in this area as well as an excursion into the earth in a large lava cave. 

This itinerary provides something different every day. You will be in the water, on the water, above ground, underground, up north, down south and in the middle!

OLLI members clearly have a thirst for knowledge, and this trip will definitely satisfy you. In nine days, you’ll learn about birds, marine mammals, geology, volcanoes, glaciers, fishing, green energy, sustainable agriculture, folklore, history and culture. Plus, your fantastic Icelandic guide will be happy to address even more topics if you’re interested. 

Note: international airfare is not included in the tour price. Current prices for roundtrip airfare from Tampa are approximately $1,000.

Use the following link to see the complete itinerary, cost or to register here.

Watch a recorded webinar for this trip.


What Was Putin Thinking?

OLLI Members Explore the Issues at Winter Open House

Why was Russian President Vladimir Putin’s justification for invading Ukraine, and how might the war end?

Those were the questions addressed by Keynote Speaker Golfo Alexopoulos, pictured right, at OLLI’s Winter Open House on Jan 11.

Golfo, USF professor and director of the university’s Institute for Russian, European and Eurasian Studies, talked about Ukraine’s complicated history with Russia, one of several empires that attempted to dominate it over the centuries.

Once a part of the Soviet Union, Ukraine became an independent nation in the 1990s after decades of brutal treatment by its Soviet rulers. But Putin never accepted Ukraine’s separation from Russia, Golfo said.

“There is a sense that the land belongs to us (Russia), that there is no difference between them and us. And those who disagree are Nazis,” she said.

Golfo predicted the war would end with “a decisive military default” by the Russians brought on by dissatisfaction on the Russian homefront.

“There is clear evidence that the Russian people are becoming weary of the war in Russia” including the Russian elite, she said.

She added that one consequence for Putin could be the collapse of the Russian state. “There is much courage in Russia and so much desire to move to a democracy in Russia,” she said.

A Fun Morning

Golfo spoke before an audience of about 275 OLLI members and guests who were also treated to a morning of socializing, meeting representatives of our Shared Interest Groups (SIGs} and committees, talking with OLLI instructors and learning about upcoming classes.

OLLI is offering 156 classes this semester. And after a long pandemic, about 75 percent of classes are now being offered in person. OLLI members also have 11 Friday Lectures, 13 Shared Interest Groups (SIGs), and many volunteer opportunities to choose from.

Attendees at the Winter Open House had the opportunity to learn some basic tai chi moves led by Kim Roberts (right) who is teaching the class Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Introduction to Tai Chi. this semester.

It's The Catalog Team!

The noteworthy group of writers and editors of OLLI's class catalog met for lunch in January at the World of Beer restaurant. They include, from left, Diane Russell, Cath Mason, Linda Schatz, Nancy Baily, Mary Ettinger, Ann Sofia, Fran Darrach, and Brenda Uhlich. Unfortunately, team members Linda Tournade, Bettina Harvey, Ashley Bennington, and Sandy Buckley were not able to attend.

OLLI Celebrates Chinese New Year

OLLI members and guests were treated to an evening of Chinese food, beverages and entertainment at a Chinese Lunar New Year event co-sponsored by OLLI-USF and Tampa’s Malcolm Glazer Jewish Community Center on Jan. 18.


Kun Shi, co-leader of OLLI's China SIG, presented interesting facts on Chinese culture and the widespread popularity and observance of the Lunar New Year. 

The 2023 Chinese New Year kicked off on Jan. 21, New Year's Eve. The Lantern Festival on Feb. 5 culminates a 15-day celebration of food, entertainment and family gatherings.


Entertainment was provided by professional artists from Tampa and Orlando. Dancers in traditional costumes mesmerized the audience with their gracefully choreographed routines. A talented musician delighted onlookers with his solo renditions using wooden stringed instruments and flutes. An accomplished performer in full costume was captivating with her re-enactment from the Peking Opera.


As Kun Shi explained, based on the Chinese Zodiac, 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, a symbol of peace and prosperity in Chinese culture. The Year of the Rabbit is predicted to be a year of hope.


Xin nian hao! (Happy New Year!)

---Kathy Palmer

---Photos, Sandy Buckley


A professional musician

performs a stringed instrument solo.

A performer provides a re-enactment from the Peking Opera.

The cast of the OLLI-USF China SIG/Bryan Glazer Multicultural Cafe Lunar New Year event takes a bow.

Lunch Italian Style

Conviviality and Celebrations met for lunch recently at Gino’s Italian Restaurant on North Armenia Avenue in Tampa after taking a break for the holidays.

This group of OLLI members and guests regularly meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at various eateries in the area to celebrate and recognize birthdays and other special occasions. All are welcome to join in the fun.

The next luncheon is scheduled for Feb. 22, at 1 p.m., at Jasmine Thai, 13248 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa. Email Kat Hanscom for details and more information.  

---Photo by Kandice


Congratulations To Our Newest Volunteers

Congratulations and welcome to our newest group of volunteers who attended the virtual Volunteer Orientation and Information Session on Jan. 27.

Pictured above are, clockwise from top left, Cathy Stump, Volunteer Management Committee Co-Chair Diane Russell, Ethel Donaghy, and Linda Khan.


Your OLLI Board Needs You!

The OLLI Board of Advisors is an all-volunteer group of OLLI members who are committed to keeping OLLI-USF as a thriving organization. In these fluid times, we need your skills, creativity and energy more than ever!

The board nomination process is now open. As a board member, you have the opportunity to influence important issues such as:

  • How and where we market OLLI
  • Attracting new members and volunteers
  • Developing programs and attracting instructors
  • Raising funds
  • Managing our finances

These and other functions that support our director and staff are critical to OLLI’s success. If you or someone you know would like to serve on the board, please click here for an application and for more information.

The application deadline is Mar. 10.

---Arlene Zimney

Help Us Recognize Outstanding Volunteers


Our 250-plus volunteers are the lifeblood of this organization. Their efforts keep OLLI available and affordable for all of us.


Every year, OLLI-USF recognizes our outstanding volunteers with the following awards:


Award of Excellence, for an outstanding contribution to a one-time event or project

- Above and Beyond, for a significant contribution to an ongoing project

- Lifetime Achievement, for significant contributions to the growth and development of OLLI over the years

This year we will add a new award, Exemplary Teamwork Award, to acknowledge a significant contribution to OLLI by a team.


You can help us recognize outstanding volunteers by nominating them for an award. 


Nominations are reviewed and determined by members of our Volunteer Management Committee. 


The winners will be announced at the Volunteer Appreciation Event this spring. They will be celebrated on our Facebook page, profiled in OLLILife, and featured in our fall catalog.


The deadline for awards nominations is 5 p.m., Friday, March 10.


Please click here to submit a Volunteer Awards nomination.

---Diane Russell

2022 Awards Recipients, (pictured left to right)

Dr. Susan Northcutt,

Lifetime Achievent Award;

Dr. Ara Rogers,

OLLI Director Emeritus;

Nancy Stuart,

Lifetime Achievement Award; Kathy Palmer,

Award of Excellence

Bruce Gobioff

2022 Above and Beyond Award

The Travel Opportunities Committee invites you to join them to help provide fantastic travel for OLLI members.

There are two areas where help would be appreciated.

Support Help:

Two volunteers are needed to work remotely with travel companies for two planned trips: Colorado (Aug 2023) and Ireland (Summer 2024). The travel companies do all the work of making reservations and collecting monies. Your responsibility would be:

  • Liaising with a travel company
  • Helping marketing the trip
  • Communicating with travelers when necessary
  • Providing updates to the committee on the third Friday of each month.


If you love to create and write, you will love this assignment. As the writer/editor you would be marketing all planned trips and promotional events. This includes:

Writing for deadlines:

  • For the OLLI website 
  • OLLILife newsletter


  • Flyers
  • Catalog travel ads
  • Other materials provided by OLLI’s travel partners.

If you are interested in learning more about either of the above areas, email Cath Mason.


OLLI at the University of South Dakota Invites You to OLLI Shorts.

OLLI Shorts are free Zoom programs that last only 20 minutes. There is one zoom link for all the classes listed below. All OLLI Shorts programs begin at 12:30 p.m. CDT (1:30 p.m. local time) on the appropriate days.

Feb 1- Ten Best Things to Do in Cincinnati - Cate O’Hara

Have you ever traveled to Cincinnati? Here’s a list of the places you won’t want to miss. Bring your notebook!

Feb 2 - Murals and Placemaking - Zach DeBoer

When you paint a mural in a town it suddenly becomes a place to visit. Zach DeBoer painted murals all over South Dakota. Join us to see the places he’s made.

February 3 - Swamp Thing: Guinness Book of World Records - John Boylan

Tune in to see the largest collection of Swamp Thing memorabilia in the world! And it’s located in Sioux Falls! John will talk about his collection and how it got to be the largest in the world.

Feb 7 - Is That Your Prop? Behind the Scenes at the Theatre - Jake Cox

What do you know about prop making and the theatre? Jake Cox, theatre guru, wedding officiant, 3D printer, costume designer and father, will show us his latest theatre props and how he makes and designs them.

Feb 8 - Artisan Bread - Jim Moos

Learn how to make artisan bread with Jim Moos, local bread maker.

Feb 9 - Abby Normal’s Museum of the Strange - Jason Haack

Have you visited Abby Normal's Museum of the Strange in South Dakota? Join the owner, Jason Hack, as we explore what oddities and curiosities the museum has inside its doors.

Feb 10 - Theodore Roosevelt National Park - Maureen McGee-Ballinger.

The Theodore Roosevelt National Park is just over the border in southwest North Dakota. Learn about the wildlife, geography, history and more with Deputy Superintendent Maureen McGee-Ballinger.

Feb 13 - Darwin Day - Holly Straub

Today is Charles Darwin's birthday! He was an English naturalist, geologist, and biologist, widely known for his contributions to evolutionary biology. Celebrate his birthday with us!

Feb 14 - Be the Beat! - Chrissy Meyer

Be the beat! Now is the time to learn CPR. This short session will teach you how to start CPR and keep it going until EMS arrives. Chrissy Meyer from the American Heart Association will be leading the presentation.

Feb 15 - Five Famous Sons of Wahoo, Nebraska - Saunders County

Is Wahoo, Nebraska, on your radar? It will be after you learn about the five famous sons of Wahoo! There's a Pulitzer Prize winner, a Nobel winner, a Baseball Hall of Famer and two other amazing people from this small Nebraska town!

Feb 16 - An Ollie Owl for OLLI - Lynn Purdy

South Dakota licensed bird rehabilitation specialist, Lynn Purdy, will show her owl, OLLI, who does educational programs in the Sioux Falls area. Learn about screech owls and their wild lives.

Feb 21 - The Women of Deadwood - Carolyn Weber

The famous and the infamous - women in Deadwood, South Dakota have a big place in history. Find out more about them with historians from Deadwood History.

Feb 23 - A Strong Start for SD Kids - Darla Biel

Darla Biel from the Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment in South Dakota will talk about what they do for children in our state. Whether they're training mandatory reporters, working to connect multidisciplinary team members with resources, or providing data analysis assistance to state agencies, they're committed to stopping the cycle of child abuse.

Feb 24 - Vermillion "Rocks!" - Betsey Wick

Time to get some creative inspiration and take part in the Vermillion Rocks project. These folks paint rocks and hide them all over, hoping for them to be found!

Feb 27 - Starting Seeds for SD Gardens - Kristine Lang

Thinking about starting your garden indoors? Get some tips and tricks from Kristine from the South Dakota State Extension Office.

MLA Lecture Series | University College

OLLI at WashU is pleased to be co-sponsoring this year's Master of Liberal Arts Lecture series "Bridges & Divides." 

In the MLA tradition of approaching a theme from multiple perspectives, the speakers address bridges and divides locally, internationally, and even across species. The current presidential administration began with a commitment to bridging political divides, even offering physical bridges in the form of an infrastructure bill to help meet that goal.

Events are 90-minute Zoom webinars occurring each Saturday in February. Registration is limited, so register as soon as possible.

Read More


How Did Your Choice of Candy Rank?

Last month a poll ran in OLLILife regarding candy from our younger days. Out of 143 responses, the whopping choice was Whoppers with 31 members preferring it and Cow Tails trailing at the end. Below is a chart to indicate how the remaining choices ranged.

If your taste buds have started to drool for some of the old-time candies, Candy Favorites has a wide selection of candies dating even before 1919.

Watch for next month's "Just for Fun" poll!

Whoppers - 31

Root Beer Barrels - 20

Sweet Tarts - 20

Wax Candy Bottles - 14

Pez Candies - 12

Mary Janes - 12

Candy Cigarettes - 11

Candy Dots -11

Charleston Chews - 9

Cow Tails - 3


The Imaginative Crew!

The following article written by Marilyn Myerson details how an OLLI class can continue after it ends to strengthen minds and friendships for years! Nice to know OLLI keeps rolling along.

I started at USF in 1973 as the first outside hire in Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS), which grew from a program to a department, offering bachelor's and master's degrees. One of the first in the nation, we are celebrating our 50th anniversary this year! I also played the role of administrator (associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences for a decade); graduate director in WGS, and then its chair. 

When I retired, I learned from several friends about the wonder that is OLLI! I started with watercolor classes and life writing classes, learning how to transition from academic writing to a more informal style.

Having enjoyed these classes, I felt ready for a new adventure, wanting to move in a different creative direction. So I invented the class Imaginative Writing, which I have been teaching for at least 10 years at OLLI, on average of twice a year. Much appreciation to OLLI staff member Joseph McAulliffe for his encouragement!

The philosophy of the class is that our imagination is a muscle which needs exercise to grow strong and flourish. So I offer prompts -- words or sentences that set a scene -- and off we write. No second thoughts, no judgement, just write! It always amazes me and class participants what can emerge: thoughtful, witty, colorful, deep improvisational writing.

Way back in the second class, folks were having so much fun that the idea germinated for continuing our endeavors outside the classroom. Hence the birth of The Imaginative Crew!

The Crew is for folks who have taken my class; we have a core who have been together since the beginning, and we easily integrate new folks. Many of us enjoy friendships outside of the group. Besides myself, members of The Crew are Patricia Antolino, Mary Bowers, Morrey Grymes, Linda Ho, Susan Northcutt, Jan Vaupel, and Bruce Zimmerman .

Before COVID, we met once a month, previously in a member’s home with potluck. Currently we are on Zoom. At the start of each meeting, we do some warmup exercises as in class. We then set our next meeting date and I suggest the topic for the following month of our two-to-three-page fictional stories. We then read our stories, offer feedback and, most important of all, laugh together! Most of us have published at least twice in OLLI Connects, both fiction and poetry.

OLLI is what brought us together, first in class, then in group. We have established fruitful friendships, we grow and enjoy our talents, and are proud of our contributions to OLLI Connects, which reaches a good number of folks.

---Marilyn Myerson

Testimonies From The Crew

“The Crew has been a source of entertainment, self-expression, and great camaraderie. We keep coming back for more every month.” --Mary Bowers

My storytelling has been enhanced by my Crewmates and Marilyn. --Bruce Zimmerman


Kathy Palmer, SIG Liaison

For more information on OLLI SIGs, see the full list here. Several of the SIGs continue to meet on Zoom; others have resumed in-person meetings and are organizing group outings and events. To visit a SIG, email the contact(s) below.

Community of Readers and Writers

For more information about this SIG and to join our upcoming group conversation mentioned in the article that follows, email [email protected].

China SIG

For more information about the China SIG, please contact Nancy Stuart.

Food, Glorious Food!

Do you know there is an urban farm in downtown Tampa? Yes, a farm that grows and sells fresh vegetables! Come join Food! Glorious Food! for lunch at Armature Works and a tour of Meecham Urban Farm on Mon., Feb. 20. For more details or to sign up for the Jane Applegate.

Hablemos! Spanish Conversation SIG

Tues., Feb. 7 and 21, from 3 until 4:30 p.m. All levels of Spanish speakers welcome. Email [email protected] for more information.


Thurs., Feb. 9, at 3:30 p.m. To play Scattergories, email Kathy Palmer for the link.

German Conversation

Tues., Feb. 14 and 28, at 1 p.m. For more information, contact Christine Basch.

Talking Movies

Fri., Feb. 17, at 1:30 p.m.  Watch a movie and then get together on Zoom to talk about it. Movie to be determined. For more information about this SIG, contact Arlene Zimney.

Write Time for Poets

Thurs., Feb. 9, at 2 p.m. For more information, email Cath Mason.

Ici on parle français!

Mon., Feb. 6 and 20, at 1 p.m. For an invitation, contact Theresa Sokol.

OLLI Outdoors

Do you love the outdoors?

Our events include hiking, walking, biking, paddling and online programs. Interested in trying an event or joining? Email the coordinators at ollioutdoors@gmail.com for information about these and other great events.

Thurs., Feb. 2 - Education and nature walk at the Manatee & Turtle hike at Manatee Viewing Center

Tues., Feb. 7 - Bike, Oldsmar trail, Leader Larry

Wed., Feb. 8 - Nature walk, Lettuce Lake Conservation Park

Mon., Feb. 13 - Hike, Morris Bridge Conservation Park

Mon., Feb. 20 - Spree healthy nature walk, Carrollwood Neighborhood Park

Fri., Feb. 24 - Bike, Safety Harbor

Fri., Feb. 24 - Online program/social - Owls with Dr. Katherine Clemens


For information about this SIG, conact Derrie Perez.


The next meeting will be at Compton Park, Wed., Feb. 8, at 1 p.m. Email Doug Dallio for more information.


The Shutterbugs' February outing will be at the Circle B Bar Ranch on Wed., Feb 15. We will meet at 9:30 a.m. at the entrance to Polk's Nature Discovery Center (near the parking lot). Gail Parsons will be leading a nature and photo walk! For more information, please contact Jean Nixon.

Community of Readers and Writers

You don’t have to be a member of our SIG to join a vibrant and diverse group conversation about a recent PBS American Experience special – Zora Neale Hurston, Claiming a Space.

Just email your interest to [email protected] and we’ll include your date and time preferences in scheduling a late February Zoom.


Remembering Harriet Deer

OLLI mourns the loss of Harriet Deer, longtime OLLI member, well-respected instructor, and USF English professor emeritus.   Harriet passed away Dec. 29, 2022.


Harriet is best known for her classic movie review classes and her Film Sundays at the Tampa Theatre. For years, she delighted OLLI movie enthusiasts with her knowledge and insights on film casts, themes, production and cultural significance as well as the lively discussions in her classes.


Harriet had a long, accomplished career teaching Shakespeare, modern drama, popular culture, and film, mostly at USF. She and her late husband, Irving, authored four books. She served as vice president of the Popular Culture Association and worked actively in leadership for the Modern Language Association.


Harriet is survived by four children, seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Services were held on Jan. 2 at Blount & Curry in Tampa. She will be sorely missed in the OLLI community.


Carolyn Clark is our Goodwill Ambassador, sending notes of support, congratulations and comfort on our behalf. If you or another OLLI member have a significant personal event, please let Carolyn know.

Send Us Your News

OLLILife wants to share topics of interest that pertain to OLLI-USF and other OLLIs in the country.

Send your article to [email protected] to reach your editors Sandy Buckley, Pat Dodge, Veronica Maxwell, and Kathy Palmer. If possible, please send a picture along with the article as pictures help tell the story.

Visit us on the web here. Check us out on social media:
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