February 2019 News & Views
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A Message from the Director
Happy Ground Hog Day!

We might get snow on Sunday, so I don’t know if it matters about the shadow thing. I don’t think it works out here. We don’t have ground hogs, just a few squirrels and an otter. I hope the otter sees her shadow and has her pups somewhere else this year. 

We had a great time in Vancouver, B.C. last month. Thanks to all our friends to the North that help organize the event and those that attended. I thought the night would great up around 8:30 pm. I think we stopped around 10:30 pm. It was a great bunch of people excited to hear about Seabeck. Three guest groups were represented and all agreed Seabeck is a pretty special place.

The front patio at the Inn is almost finished. It should open next week. We will be replacing the lamp posts along main street as part of that project. New lighting is also being installed on the steps to Salal. The new portables have power and plumbing.  I think they will be ready soon. We are at the mercy of the permitting department.

The Pines project is rolling along. We are starting to ask Foundations for help while keeping the grassroots fundraising going. The architect has started drawing plans and permits are winding their way through the various county agencies. I also had my first construction meeting with the good folks at FPH Construction. It’s starting to feel real. We still have a way to go with fundraising, but I am confident we will make it. We can still use your help. Let me know if you can organize an event or help in any way.

Save the date for the Seabeck Annual Meeting on April 28 th . We will gather in South Seattle from 1-4 and celebrate the year of the pig. I am still finalizing the contracts, so I won’t disclose the venue yet, but I plan to have it in a funky place in the Georgetown area. Food will be provided by an Asian Café food truck right on the patio. It should be a unique Annual Meeting!

As many of you already know, my mom passed away last week. She was 92 and a very sweet lady that loved Seabeck and the staff here. I wanted to thank everyone for the kind words I have received. I have already purchased a Pines brick for her, so she will be remembered on the campus.

Have a great February.
Happy Valentine’s day to everyone!


Sunset in Seabeck
What an incredible sunset in Seabeck. This picture was posted on Facebook on January 30th. Thought we would pay it forward so you can see what you missed!
Seabeck Staff Report
After more than 25 years of devoted service Housekeeping Director, Wilma Lewis, will retire from Seabeck later this spring. She has emphatically stated that she does not want a party or celebration of any kind. We find that strange since she randomly declares almost weekly that “it’s my birthday today!” She does love a good party.

To honor her time at Seabeck, we will be putting together memories from our guests and staff in a book for her to reflect on her tenure as a beloved member of the staff.

If you have any special memories, stories, or photos of Wilma during your time at Seabeck please send them our way. We are always amazed at how many of our guests have met her while she is out on the facility on her daily rounds. She is one of the greatest “public relations” assets we have had.
Your cards, letters, photos, emails can be sent to [email protected] or mail to
13395 Seabeck Hwy NW, Seabeck WA 98380.

We wish Wilma a long and happy retirement!

Blintzes are a Seabeck Favorite!
Do You Know Where Blintzes Originated?
Like most really good questions, that one is hard to answer. Pancakes come from pretty much everywhere. However the strip of filled and folded pancake that goes by the name blintz is thought to have originated in Central Europe…Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, that general area. Blintzes were probably a traditional food item in that part of the world for hundreds of years before they gained real popularity around about the year 1800. That’s when blintzes first began to appear on the European culinary map.

They were, and still are, known by many names. “Blintzes” are what they’re commonly called in America, which is their Yiddish name. However, in Chicago alone, they’re called everything from blini (Russian) and palachinki (Czech, Slovak, Serbian, Bosnian) to palatschinken (German), palascinta (Hungarian) and nalesniki (Polish). Each culture has its own variation on the recipe. Blini, for example, are made from buckwheat and are usually leavened with yeast. However the delivery (filled, folded, and fried in butter) is remarkably consistent from table to table.

These days good blintzes can be found just about anywhere you find people of Central and Eastern European descent, and of course you can always find them at Seabeck for your last breakfast before going home.
Happy Valentine's Day
When:  February 14th.

Valentine's Day is a celebration of love and lovers.  The roots of Valentine's Day goes back to ancient times, when people paid honor to the Roman God of Fertility. This was known as the Feast of Lupercalia, and was celebrated even then on February 14th.
The traditions of Valentine's Day are broad and many. It is a time to exchange cards or small gifts. Chocolates, flowers, jewelry, and romantic dinners are the big hits of this holiday.

It is a romantic event for lovers, and a fun event for kids and family. Many a couple become engaged or wed on this day. For others it is a day to fall in love.

On Valentine's Day, 2009 , 39,897 couples, friends and families got together in Mexico City, and kissed for 10 seconds. It's the world record for the most simultaneous kisses.

Did you know?  While 75% of chocolate purchases are made by women all year long, during the days and minutes before Valentine's Day, 75% of the chocolate purchases are made by men. Over $1 billion of chocolate is purchased for Valentine's Day. 

Saint Valentine's Day Massacre  During the "Roaring twenties (1920's)", mobs, crime and gangsters were at a height in many parts of the U.S. Alcohol was banned, spawning the rise of Bootlegging and mob activity. Chicago, Illinois experienced more than it's share of mobs and gangsters. On Valentine's Day, February 14, 1929, four gangsters dressed up as policemen and massacred seven members of a rival gang.

Did you Know?  February 14th was formerly thought to be the first day of bird's mating for the season. This sparked the custom of sending valentines to each other.

This just might be the most important information you need to know about for giving flowers on this day. Send the right message. Hint: red roses signifies love. But, what about the other colors?

Red Red roses represent love, beauty, passion, courage and respect.
White White is the color of purity and innocence. It also represents silence or secrecy.
Pink Appreciation,"Thank you", grace, perfect happiness, and admiration
Dark Pink Send roses of this color to show appreciation or gratitude.
Light Pink Admiration, sympathy
Yellow Joy, gladness, friendship, delight, freedom, the promise of a new beginning.
Orange Admiration, desire, enthusiasm, fascination
Red and White Given together, these signify unity.
Red Rosebud A symbol of purity and loveliness
White Rosebud Symbolic of girlhood
Cream Charm, thoughtfulness, graciousness
Thornless Rose Signifies "Love at first sight".

Flowers that say "LOVE":
Many flowers express love in some way or other. They are popular for Valentine's Day, but may be better for your budget than a dozen roses. Here is a partial list:

Roses The red rose is the universal symbol of romantic love. Need we say more?
The Valentine Flower  - T here's a flower called the Valentine Flower?
Forget-Me-Not  - These pretty blue flowers are a sign of love or friendship.
Love-In-A-Mist   - When you are in love, you're on Cloud Nine.
Cyclamen  - This popular Valentine's Day gift has heart-shaped leaves.
Mistletoe  - You can kiss under it on Valentine's Day. Good luck finding it in February...
Groups at Seabeck
Statement of Purpose
The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope, in order to solve their common problems. We believe alcoholism is a family illness, and that changed attitudes can aid recovery. Al-Anon is not allied with any sect, denomination, political entity, organization, or institution; does not engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any cause. There are no dues for membership. Al-Anon is self-supporting through its own voluntary contributions. Al-Anon has but one purpose: to help families of alcoholics. We do this by practicing the Twelve Steps, by welcoming and giving comfort to families of alcoholics, and by giving understanding and encouragement to the alcoholic.

Al-Anon is a mutual support group of peers who share their experience in applying the Al-Anon principles to problems related to the effects of a problem drinker in their lives. It is not group therapy and is not led by a counselor or therapist; This support network complements and supports professional treatment.
Alateen is a peer support group for teens who are struggling with the effects of someone else’s problem drinking. Many Alateen groups meet at the same time and location as an Al-Anon group. Ala-teen meetings are open only to teenagers.
No advance notification or written referral is necessary to attend an Al-Anon or Alateen meeting. Anyone affected by someone else’s drinking is welcome to attend.
The Pines Capital Campaign

We have a desire to continue to offer our services for many years to come. Seabeck Conference Center is happy to serve people like you, and we invite you to be a part of our legacy. Your donation will help us build a new Pines (ready by Spring 2020) that will be a place for future generations to gather.
All gifts are welcome. Seabeck Conference Center is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and your contribution may be tax deductible. If you have any questions, please contact our Executive Director, Chuck Kraining at (360) 830-5010 or email him at  [email protected] .

Seabeck Conference Center
13395 Lagoon Dr NW
Seabeck, Washington 98380
360.830.5010 Email |  Website