This Sunday at Parkade

Pastor Chris will continue the sermon series "Fresh Wind: The Breath of Life." We will be in Acts 13:1-5.

Worship Songs on Sunday -- (Click on the song title below to hear it.)

Watch: Video Link for Sunday, February 11

If you missed last week's sermon (Sunday, February 4 ) Pastor Chris started off the New Year with a New Sermon Series called " Fresh Wind." Pastor Chris preached out of Acts 9. Click on the video below to watch.

Deacon of the Week

February 11-17

Click here to email Jeff Blaylock

Deacon Recommendations

Starting this Sunday, the Deacons are collecting recommendations for Deacon nominations for the new church year which starts in June. Recommendation forms can be found in the Welcome Center. Biblical qualifications as well as a description of Deacon responsibilities are also available. All recommendations will be screened by the activity Deacons. Those nominated to be Deacons will be brought to the church in the April Business Meeting for church approval. Recommendations will be collected until Sunday, February 18.

The Word For You Today

The Spring Devotional is now available for you to pick up in the Welcome Center. Please feel free to take one for yourself as well as for a friend or family member.

Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner

Join us Wednesday, February 14th for Spaghetti Night. This week we will provide Spaghetti for our kiddos. Dinner will start at 6 pm. Hope to see you all there!

On February 25th, we will be hosting the Local Collegiate Ministry Sunday. We are expecting 30-50 college students to join us for worship. We want to encourage everyone to participate by being here, welcoming these students, and being a hospitable church body. The morning will look and feel different, with a guest speaker and band, and the extra college students. Come ready to worship and be encouraged by what God is doing in our young people here in Columbia, Missouri.

Blessing Box-February

The Blessing Box is in need of the following items :

  • Individual instant meals
  • Cereals- both individual and family size
  • Tea bags
  •  Canned meat
  •  Canned vegetables - other than green beans and corn
  •  Canned fruit- both ind. and family size
  •  Dry rice side dish packets




Operation Christmas Child would like to thank you, for your time, effort, and donations. OCC was able to share the gospel with 11,330,126 kids. Not to mention that those children would go home and share with their families. So THANK YOU!

Mission Bucket Campaign

In early 2020, we started collecting coins to help fund mission trips. Here is how much we have collected:

Feb. 25,2020 - $636.22

Sept. 24,2020 - $56

May 23,2023 - $1,358.12

Jan. 23, 2024 - $632.14

Please continue to bring your loose change for missions and deposits them in the coin bank. We hope to use funds from this collection for mission trip scholarships.

Student Ministry

If you have students grades 6th-12th! We would love to have you join us! We meet every week Sunday morning for Bible study and Wednesday Nights for Worship, Bible Study, Snacks, and of course games.

2024 Spring Student Ministry Calendar: Click Here

Children's Ministry

We have moved the Children's Check in Desk upstairs by the Welcome Desk. We are encouraging all of our families to check in upstairs and to bring their kiddos downstairs for safety purposes.

February 10th we will be having a Valentines Day party at Ann and Randy Flanagin's house from 10 am to 12 pm. There will be crafts, games, food, and fun.

Make sure to click on the following links to see what is happening in Discoveryville, we have updated our News Letter for January.

January News Letter
2024 Spring/Summer Children Ministry Calendar: Click Here 
Children Choir Schedule

To see more of what is happening here at Parkade, click on the media icons below.

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