This Sunday at Parkade

"The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the water" (Genesis 1:2). Wherever the Spirit of God is there is movement and life, and we are created to experience that movement and life. Join us this Sunday as Pastor Chris continues the sermon series "Fresh Wind: The Breath of Life." We will be in Acts 1:1-9. Sometimes we have to with on the movement of God's Spirit.

Worship in Song with us on Sunday - -(Click on the song title below to hear it.)

Watch: Video Link for Sunday, January 14

If you missed last week's sermon (Sunday, January 7) Pastor Chris started off the New Year with a New Sermon Series called " Fresh Wind." Pastor Chris preached out of Ezekiel 37:1-14 Click on the video below to watch.

Deacon of the Week

January 14-20

Keith Neese

Click here to email Keith Neese

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering supports International Missionaries around the world. Our goal this year was to collect $5,000.

Total Amount Collected:$23,377.59

Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner

Join us Wednesday, January 17th for Breakfast . Who doesn't love Breakfast for Dinner! We have also started a kid friendly table. This week we will provide French toast sticks, for our kiddos. Don't forget we changed the time for dinner to start at 6 pm. Hope to see you all there!

Student Ministry

6th-12th Grades are Welcome for Worship, a Message, and Small Groups. Don't forget about the games and snacks! We would love to have you join us!

2024 Spring Student Ministry Calendar: Click Here

Children's Ministry

We have moved the Children's Check in Desk upstairs by the Welcome Desk. We are encouraging all of our families to check in upstairs and to bring their kiddos downstairs for safety purposes.

Make sure to click on the following links to see what is happening in Discoveryville, we have updated our News Letter for January.

January News Letter
2023 Fall/ Winter Children Ministry Calendar: Click Here 

Church App Update!

We have had the church app since January of 2020 and it has served us well over the past 4 years when everything had to go online and beyond. Now, we have found as everything in the world keeps getting more and more complicated, we want to make things simpler and less confusing for everyone. After December 31st we will be shutting down our dedicated church app and move fully to the Church Center app for giving, church directory, events, and more. If you are currently giving through Aware3 and the dedicated app, you will need to move to the church center app by the end of the year. If you have already made the switch, you do not need to do anything. See the links below to give online or click the link to download the church center app.

Online Giving
Download The Church Center App

To see more of what is happening here at Parkade, click on the media icons below.

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