Texas Law Shield Facilities and Instructors:
I'm writing to offer you free use of our Texas Law Shield e-newsletter content - no strings attached - to push out to your customer and student email lists.
The stories attached below are proven to be the most engaging stories for our members, and we'd guess they would be of interest to your non-member customers as well.
If you are already using email to periodically reach out to your customers and students, you can use any of the material below from our recent Texas Law Shield member e-letters to cut and paste into your email-delivery program.
If you click on the links, they lead to stories on the Texas & U.S. Law Shield blogs. If you want to repost our material on your own blogs or content management system, go right ahead. The articles and images are sufficiently attributed to our attorneys, and it's clear you're reposting authoritative legal content.
I'll periodically send updates of what we've found are hot stories that might be of interest to shooters. If you operate social media that you would like us to recognize on our pages, please send those links along and we'll share your information with our Texas members.
If you have questions, email me at
Best Regards,
Todd Woodard
News Editor, Texas & U.S. Law Shield
To Our Texas Members and Other Friends of the Gun:
As you may have seen from our newsletters on Friday, June 17, Texas & U.S. Law Shield launched a new event campaign entitled "Surviving an Active Shooter" in a few select Texas and Florida markets.
The response we received was overwhelming. In fact, within the first hour of business on Friday, four of the five available Texas events filled up -- each with more than 50-person capacities. We were inundated with calls from people who were disappointed they were unable to register for these events because our limited schedule was full.
Given the reaction from just our member-base, we have elected to push forward and roll this program out on an expanded basis immediately.
Click the headline below to see an extensive listing of these new events. If you have questions about the events, please call customer service at (877) 474-7184 (option 3).
On this topic, we encourage you to think beyond just your personal training needs. As you're looking at the "Surviving an Active Shooter" event schedule, please consider inviting friends, family, and work colleagues. Sadly, it is not alarmist to say these unspeakable tragedies can happen anywhere -- the fact is, they have happened at night clubs, work gatherings out of the office, schools, movie theaters, political rallies, and many other venues where large groups of unarmed people gather.
Our best hope is that you never, ever have to put into action any of the ideas presented at these events. Regrettably, this is the world we live in, so we choose to be prepared. Come get ready with us.
-- Randy Macchi,
General Counsel, Texas & U.S. Law Shield
Gun-control groups and the media are using the Orlando shootings to demonize AR-15 rifles and other items they deem too scary to be owned by the common citizen. Michele Byington, an attorney at the law firm of Walker & Byington and a Texas Law Shield Independent Program Attorney, points out where they are wrong.
If you have a License to Carry, then it's time to get informed about the state's new gun laws. Texas Gun Law: Armed And Educated is a must-read for any Texan who owns a gun. Click the photo to see what folks are saying about the 2016 Edition:
More and more, apartment complexes have been putting up 30.06 and 30.07 signs without any explanation to residents. Understandably, gun owners can get confused about their rights to possess and carry handguns. We sort through the legal fine points of this tricky issue.
When are you allowed to use deadly force to defend against a dog attack (or, in this case a pack of dogs)? Click the ornery dog photo to read what Independent Program Attorney Edwin Walker has to say about the law.
Who can ask to see your Texas identification? Typically, only peace officers and magistrates may demand to see your identification. When can they ask to see your identification? Generally, only when you have been placed under arrest. To read the fine points about identifying yourself in the Lone Star State, click the sample driver's license photo.
Michele Byington, an attorney for Walker & Byington and an Independent Program Attorney for Texas Law Shield, navigates through one vehicular incident and shows how each participants' decisions can have a number of legal implications. Click the cars to read more.
A recent article on defending against dog attacks continues to generate questions from members. In this follow-up video, Independent Program Attorney Edwin Walker, of the law firm of Walker & Byington, goes into more detail about various aspects of legal dog defense. Click the dog to watch the video or read the transcript.