
Announcements January 31, 2024

February 5

Youth Confirmation Class

5:00 pm

February 9

"Shrove Sunday" Pancake Breakfast

9:00 am

February 9

Souper Bowl

of Caring

after both services

This Sunday

First Sunday Lunch

Sunday, February 2nd

Candlemas is 40 days after Christmas (February 2) and celebrates the presentation of baby Jesus in the temple. While in the temple, a wise man named Simeon held the baby in his arms and said that he would be a light to enlighten the nations (Luke 2:32). It is for this reason that this event is called Candlemas.

Join us Sunday, February 2 following the 10:00 service in the Parish Hall for a family celebration of Candlemas. We will make candles to take home. Contact Mary Lou Crifasi to RSVP.


Looking Ahead

Bible Study

Experience the beauty and depth of the Book of Ruth! This 8-week Bible Study will journey through vivid scenes of loyalty, love, and redemption—from the golden fields of Bethlehem to the threshing floor under the stars. Join us on Wednesdays at 11 a.m., starting January 8 in the Parish Hall, as we uncover how this timeless story of faith still speaks to us today. All are welcome!

Confirmation Class for Youth

Begins Wednesday, February 5th at 5 pm

Confirmation classes begin Wednesday, February 5, at 5 p.m. in the Barn! Open to youth in 8th grade and up, this class is an opportunity to explore faith, ask big questions, and prepare to affirm a commitment to Christ. Taught by Ian Anderson and Father Groff, the class meets weekly through the end of May and culminates in the Bishop’s visit in October, when confirmands will be confirmed. After class, students are invited to stay for Youth Group from 6–8 p.m., with dinner provided. For more information or to sign up, please contact the church office.

Souper Bowl of Caring

Let’s tackle hunger together! Join the fun as our youth collect canned food donations in a friendly competition between your favorite football teams. Wear your team’s colors to church and show your spirit while supporting a great cause! Youth will be outside the Narthex collecting between the services and after the 10:00 a.m. service. All donations benefit our Food Pantry.

Ministry Leaders' Meeting

A Ministry Leaders’ Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 9, following the 10 a.m. service in the Parish Hall. This meeting will focus on strengthening ministries through volunteer engagement and leadership development. All ministry leaders are encouraged to attend this important meeting to contribute to the growth and success of Good Shepherd’s ministries.

Artie's Party: Havana Heatwave

February 21st at 6:30 pm

Save The Date! On February 21, you're invited to join us for Havana Heatwave—an evening of vibrant Cuban culture in support of our outreach ministry! This fundraiser provides for Outreach ministries for a year.

Click below for registration information and more! 

Artie's Party

Awaken Imagination 2025

Pledge Online

Program Ministry Guide 2024/25

Program Ministry Guide

Check our our Program Ministry Guide for information on many of our events and programs in the coming year!


click image for Children's Ministry Newsletter

Vestry Highlights

January Vestry Highlights

Sunday Server Schedule

February Server Schedule

Looking for something specific?

Visit our website! Here are our most visited pages:

Resources: Order Altar Flowers, update your information, request a name tag

Prayer: Links to morning prayer, prayer resources, request prayer for someone

Giving: Make a gift or an estimate of giving, stewardship

Home: Service times, calendar, hours, featured services and opportunities

Outreach: Programs and events, community engagement

Fellowship: Good Guys, Morning Glory, O.W.L.S., Coffee Hour

Children and Families: Sunday School, Youth Group and Family gatherings

There is so much more information to explore! If you have any questions, you are always welcome to give us a call. 561-746-4674

Weekly Announcements post to our Livestream page each Sunday. You will find it HERE.

Visit GoodShepOnline.org
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Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and School

The Rev. Dr. Sanford H. Groff, Jr., Rector
