Announcements September 27, 2024

October 2, at 6:00 pm

Annual Blessing of the Animals

October 6, at 1:00 pm

Young Families Lunch

Off-site at the Rectory in October!

October 12, at 8:30 am

Hallowed Hike at Grassy Waters Preserve

This Sunday

General Seating Tickets $10 - Sold at the door (cash or credit)

Proceeds from the concert will benefit Good Shepherd mission and ministries. This concert is the first in a music and arts series we are presenting at Good Shepherd for the 2024/25 program year. We hope you will join us and share the invitation with friends. We have a place for music and art!

Bible Study With Clergy

Looking Ahead

Program Ministry Guide 2024/25

Program Ministry Guide

Check our our Program Ministry Guide for information on many of our events and programs in the coming year!


click image for Children's Ministry Newsletter

Thank You!

Thanks are in order for parishioners Katharine and Brent Murray of Environmental Quality, Inc. for their outstanding work in our outdoor chapel. They committed their time, staff, and resources to remove invasive vegetation to keep our space both beautiful and safe! If you see them, please say thank you for their dedication to this special place.

Vestry Highlights

The Vestry Highlights are now posted on our website or at the link below.

September Vestry Highlights

Looking for something specific?

Visit our website! Here are our most visited pages:

Resources: Order Altar Flowers, update your information, request a name tag

Prayer: Links to morning prayer, prayer resources, request prayer for someone

Giving: Make a gift or an estimate of giving, stewardship

Home: Service times, calendar, hours, featured services and opportunities

Outreach: Programs and events, community engagement

Fellowship: Good Guys, Morning Glory, O.W.L.S., Coffee Hour

Children and Families: Sunday School, Youth Group and Family gatherings

There is so much more information to explore! If you have any questions, you are always welcome to give us a call. 561-746-4674

Weekly Announcements post to our Livestream page each Sunday. You will find it HERE.

Visit GoodShepOnline.org
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Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and School

The Rev. Dr. Sanford H. Groff, Jr., Rector
