
Announcements January 10, 2024

January 12

Church on the Green

5:00 pm

January 14

Tech Tuesday

2:00 pm

January 26

Good Shepherd

Annual Meeting

10:30 am

This Sunday

Looking Ahead

Comfort Kits for the Unhoused

The youth group will be assembling 100 comfort kits for the unhoused in our community. A comfort kit is an alternative to giving money to people who are asking for support on the streets.  Instead of giving money, you can offer a comfort kit instead. Inside of a ziplock bag are travel sized toothpaste, toothbrushes, tissues, a pair of socks, granola bars and other needed items. We also include a handwritten prayer for the recipient. They will be available for your car to distribute whenever the opportunity arises.

If you would like to contribute to the effort through writing out a prayer or contributing a small item we aren’t able to get donated, please text Alex Serra-Wolfington at 207-458-0148 and she will let you know what we need.

Sign up for Foyer Groups!

Annual Report Ministry Survey

Attention ministry leaders! We're gathering updates for the Annual Report. If you are a ministry or group leader, be on the lookout for a message in your inbox or click the button below to begin the survey. Completed questionnaires are due by Wednesday, January 15, 2025. (Survey should take 5 minutes or less)

Ministry/Group Annual Report Survey

Vestry Nominees

Vestry Nominees for 2026

We are pleased to announce the slate of nominees which will be presented at the Good Shepherd Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 26, 2025, at 10:30 am. They are: George Creel, Ron Doucette, Kate Gouery, and Larry Smith.

Short biographies for the nominees will be forthcoming.

Save These Dates!

Sunday, January 12, 2025 Holy Baptism at 10:00 am

If you or someone in your family wishes to be Baptized, you may pick up a Baptism application in the office or email the office at Mail@goodsheponline.org to request one.

Sunday, January 26, 2025 Good Shepherd Annual Meeting at 10:30 am

The annual parish meeting will share with parishioners a recap of the prior year and a look at the year ahead. We will have one service at 9:00 am, with the meeting immediately following. Details to follow.

Friday, February 21, 2025 Artie's Party

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is right around the corner. Havana Heatwave promises to be a vibrant evening of colorful Cuban culture! Information coming soon!

Awaken Imagination 2025

Pledge Online

Program Ministry Guide 2024/25

Program Ministry Guide

Check our our Program Ministry Guide for information on many of our events and programs in the coming year!


click image for Children's Ministry Newsletter

Vestry Highlights

December Vestry Highlights

Sunday Server Schedule

January Server Schedule

Looking for something specific?

Visit our website! Here are our most visited pages:

Resources: Order Altar Flowers, update your information, request a name tag

Prayer: Links to morning prayer, prayer resources, request prayer for someone

Giving: Make a gift or an estimate of giving, stewardship

Home: Service times, calendar, hours, featured services and opportunities

Outreach: Programs and events, community engagement

Fellowship: Good Guys, Morning Glory, O.W.L.S., Coffee Hour

Children and Families: Sunday School, Youth Group and Family gatherings

There is so much more information to explore! If you have any questions, you are always welcome to give us a call. 561-746-4674

Weekly Announcements post to our Livestream page each Sunday. You will find it HERE.

Visit GoodShepOnline.org
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Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and School

The Rev. Dr. Sanford H. Groff, Jr., Rector
