Dear Friends,

Last Sunday, we looked at Mark 2:19-20, and discussed "The Kingdom Relationship." The image of a Groom and a Bride is one of the most tender images for the Kingdom of God. The “Bride of Christ” is the Church and the Groom, of course, is Jesus. There is something special about understanding the Kingdom of God in marital terms. There is a closeness, a special relationship, that describes the love that Jesus has for His bride. There is also a closeness, a special relationship, that describes the love that the Church is supposed to have for Jesus. The Kingdom of God is where God lives in a deep relationship with God’s people. If you missed the sermon, you can view it here.


This Sunday, we will look at Mark 8:31-9:1 and discover Jesus as the “Real Authority”. In our passage, Peter didn’t quite understand what Jesus was saying about the cross and the purpose it serves in bringing us to God. Jesus made it clear that in order to follow Him, we must pick up our own cross and submit to Him. Until we do, we will never find complete freedom. With Jesus as our Lord, there is a mysterious principle (a paradox, if you will): the more committed we become to Him, the freer we become. It is in following Jesus, whole-heartedly, that we remain on the path to glory.


I encourage you to scroll down to explore more exciting opportunities to grow in your faith at LCPC, including registering for:

The March LCPC calendar of events is available either by clicking here or in the lobby on Sunday mornings, or in the church office during the week.

Don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed Saturday night! Daylight Saving Time begins!

God bless you,


Log onto our website for more information about ministries, announcements, registrations. Don't forget to use the "Search here" bar at the bottom of our website if you can't find what you are looking for.

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Where were you on April 4, 1779?  That day Mozart was celebrating Easter at Salzburg cathedral with the premiere of his most famous mass. Later, due to its popularity, became the mass of choice for coronations throughout Europe. The music of Mozart fascinates most of us. Often, his name is synonymous with musical genius, and he is perhaps the most popular classical composer ever. Our Chancel Choir, soloists and LCPC Orchestra will present some of Mozart’s best sacred music in a Concert for Holy Week on Palm Sunday. The featured work will be a mass Mozart composed for Easter 1779 – 245 years ago. Join us in the sanctuary or online to hear the splendidly melodic and spiritually uplifting music of Mozart shaped for our Holy Week devotions as we prepare for Easter.

All children are invited to an egg hunt immediately following our 9:30 & 11:00am Easter services. A separate space will be available for young children in the playground area. All children will trade the eggs they find for a goody bag filled with small toys & candy. Children’s Ministry is accepting candy donations to help fill bags up until Holy Week! 

This unique parenting class for fathers delves into the heart of what it means to be a dad, equipping you with the tools to embrace your true identity and translate it into fearless fatherhood. Join us for a relaxing, unpretentious discussion about real problems faced by real dads. Together, let’s rewrite the narrative of fatherhood – one fearless dad at a time! 

Register online:

REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS THURS, APR 18th. Double Rooms are two private suites (not two beds in the same room). Triples are the same, but with a fold-out bed. If you would like to request a partial scholarship, please contact Anthony Sims ([email protected] or (818-790-6708, x216). We will be going back to the Residence Inn River Ridge in Oxnard. To view the hotel's website and accommodations, click here.

Click Here for more Info and to Register


Join us on Tuesday, March 12, for Practicing God’s Presence. Marian Lamb, Assistant Director of Spiritual Formation, will lead us in Visio Divina, or “sacred seeing.” This ancient form of Christian prayer invites us to encounter the divine through images. You may wish to bring a journal and pen. The practice will be held 6:30 to 8:00 pm in Cook Prayer Chapel. No need to RSVP. (Save the date for the next practice on April 9, when Betsy Merchant will lead Lectio Divina.)

Register at

We’ll study stories in the gospels of women and men who were attuned to Christ amidst distraction, barriers, and fear and learn about what it means to live with a sense of focus, abundance, and freedom. We’re excited to welcome speaker Lisa Liou, a graduate of Fuller Seminary and longtime InterVarsity staff member, who returns to us after having spoken at our half-day retreat it 2021.

For questions and scholarship assistance, email Marian Lamb: [email protected].

Register Here

Register for Women's Retreat, Men's Retreat & All Church Camp Now!

Together, using the prayer calendar, we will get the opportunity to pray for each of LCPC’s Outreach Partners and Ministries this year. You can also find that information at or sign up to receive a weekly email in your inbox. Printed copies of the calendar are available in the Narthex on Sunday mornings and in the office during the week.

Click Here to sign up for weekly Prayer Calendar emails

Grieving the Loss of Loved Ones: 

  • Rhoda Backer & family (daughters, Carol Backer & Diane Brown) at the death of her husband, longtime LCPC member, Howard Backer. A memorial service has been scheduled for Saturday, March 9, at 2PM in our Sanctuary.

Upcoming Memorial Services:

Continuing Prayers: (to add or to delete a name from this list, please contact [email protected]. Thank you.)

David Andrew, Jeannette Applegate, Leslie Averill, Mindy Barron, Helene Battistoni, Ella Beardslee, Nowell Beer, Barbara Blaser, Sue Brenner, Bill Carson, Mike Cartelli, Keenan Cheung, Cade Christensen, Dick Cohen, William (Memo) Corona-Pilgrim, Aros Crystos, Bright Dennis, Donald Dickson, Andrea Dixon, Barbara Dresser, Patty Elsworth, Cynthia Esco, Elise Gibney, Steven Reid Giles, Jerica Gill, Brian Glascott, Betty Gonzales, Kelly Greenwood, Julie Haga, Eric Hamilton, Kent Hanson, Robert Harris, Barbara Hendricks, Michelle Hitt, Cynthia Hoit, Joanne Horne, David Hudson, Don Hughes, Diane Jan, Lee Johnson, Jennifer Killam, Richard Kim, Liv Labow, Andrew Lievense, Xuan Liu, Carol Martinez, Janice McFadden, Josh Messler, Rev. Steffi Miller, Carter Milic, Gilda & Sarkis Nargizian, Becky Newcombe, Jason Newcombe, John Olmstead, Bonnie Ong, Samantha Flores Ortega, Carol Pankey, Jim Poindexter, Kathy Prosser, Nancy Razanski, Audrey Reid Houghton, Kristen Reid, John Sanchez, Tim Shearin, Sammy Shon, Paul Sinclair, Kristine Spencer, Jenna Spitzer, Courtney Spitznagel, Kent Stevens, David Templeman, Joan Teufel, Denise Townsend, Jacquie Townsend, Courtney Twietmeyer, Kristin Von der Ahe, Margaret Watts, Rachel Williams, Dierdre Wright, Lyle Wroan, Jan Yuo, Niki Zaragoza, Santiago Zentmyer

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