October Bubbles and Brew Book Club!
Wednesdays, October 9-October 30*
6-7 PM
Where: Holy Ascension, Adwon Hall
Grab your favorite coffee or bubbly soda (and bring one to share, if you like!) and join us as we gather to read and discuss The New York Times bestseller, A Gentleman in Moscow, by Amor Towles.
This 2016 novel is divided into 5 "books." Here is our reading/discussion schedule:
October 9 - Books 1 and 2
October 16 - Book 3
October 23 - Book 4 and 5
October 30 - Wrap-up, if needed (TBD)*
As you are able, the goal is to have read up to that point in the book by the date of the discussion. However, regardless of the reading plan, come anyway!!!!
A few copies are available in the Holy Ascension bookstore for purchase, but you may also obtain it through your local library or any other source of your choice.
Questions? Contact Katy Powers, kqpowers@gmail.com, 405.314.0602
Hope to see you there!!!!
To learn more about the book: https://www.amazon.com/Gentleman-Moscow-Novel-Amor-Towles/dp/0670026190