Coffee Hour

Group 4 (Last names P-Z) will be offering coffee hour and cleaning up this Sunday - thank you in advance!

Mortgage Payoff

We have made even more progress on our mortgage payoff! Thank you for all of your generosity. If you would like to help us reach our goal of retiring our mortgage, click here!

This Week at Holy Ascension

Wednesday, January 29

5pm • Orthros for The Three Hierarchs

6pm • Liturgy for The Three Hierarchs

Thursday, January 30

6:30pm • Ladies Group

Friday, January 31

4pm • Supplication Service to St. Raphael

Saturday, February 1

5pm • Great Vespers

Sunday, February 2

8:45am • Orthros

9:10am • Sunday School

10am • Divine Liturgy

11:30am • Coffee Hour

Tuesday, February 4

8pm • OCF

Wednesday, February 5

5pm • Vespers

6pm • Catechism Class: Orthodox Praxis


No Birthdays


We’re launching our PLC marketing campaign, and you can help!

Click to see our latest post on Facebook and Instagram!

Then, if you enjoy a post, forward it to a friend at one of the parishes within the Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America. That way, more of us can be together this June. 

Facebook  Instagram

From Sayidna Saba: My Salvation and the Salvation of Others

Click here to read this week's teaching from Sayidna Saba!






2/2 - Tori

2/2 - Leonard

2/2 - Greg

2/2 - Paul

2/9 - Stephanie

2/9 - Katy

2/9 - Katy

2/9 - Jordan

2/16 - Tracy

2/16 - Mike

2/16 - Julie

2/16 - Victoria

2/23 - Taylor W.

2/23 - Whitney

2/23 - Susan

2/23 - Chris