> Woe-Be-Gone Gathering (Koinonia Lounge) - TODAY (1/30) 10am
> Annual Family Ski Trip (by reservation only) - Friday (1/31) & Saturday (2/1)
> "Joyful Noise" Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Sunday (2/2) 8am
> Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Sunday (2/2) 8:15am
> Worship Service & Communion (Sanctuary) - Sunday (2/2) 9am
> Youth Coffe Shop/Bake Sale (Gathering Area) plus Coffee Fellowship Time (Family Life Center) - Sunday (2/2) after worship *Connecting Ministry will provide cake in celebration of Pastor Luke's 12th Anniversary as our Pastor!
> Sunday School for all ages (various rooms) - Sunday (2/2) 10:30am
> Weekly "Bible Recap" Meeting (Koinonia Lounge) - Sunday (2/2) 5:30pm OR Monday (2/3) 9am (*Please attend one or the other each week)
> Youth Group Meeting (Youth Media Room) - Sunday (2/2) 6pm
> Connecting Ministry Meeting (Koinonia Lounge) - Monday (2/3) 6:30pm
> Handbell Group Rehearsal (Music Room) - Tuesday (2/4) 6:30pm
> Dead Reformers Society (Badger State Brewing Co.) - Tuesday (2/4) 7pm
> Agape Drive-Thru Meal - Wednesday (2/5) 5:45pm
> Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Music Room) - Wednesday (2/5) 6:30pm
> "Joyful Noise" Band Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Wednesday (2/5) 7:30pm
> P.W. Mission Sewing (Koinonia Lounge) - Thursday (2/6) 9am
> Pastors in the Gathering Area - Thursday (2/6) 10am
> Church Volleyball League (Calvary Lutheran Church) - Friday (2/7) 6:30pm
> “Souper Bowl” Soup Sale (Koinonia Lounge) - next Sunday (2/9) after church
> “Evening in the Highlands” (Green Bay Distillery) - Friday (2/28) *Order tickets SOON at www.firstunitedpc.org
> Jubilee Cookbooks, Jubilee Coasters, & final Fruitcakes Available - in Church Office during regular office hours & on website (*see link below)
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“Christ First” Global Methodist Church Events ("nesting" congregation)
> Various Group Meetings (Room 7 - downstairs) - Thursday (6-8pm), Sunday (5:30-7pm), Monday (5:30-6:30pm), & Tuesday (6-8pm)
> Worship & Fellowship (Sanctuary & Gathering Area) - Sunday (2/2) 4pm
*Please contact the church office to schedule a meeting or to make changes
so we can keep everyone up to date. Thanks!