First United Weekly Newsletter

January 30, 2025

Our Vision Statement:
We are a welcoming community FIRST UNITED in proclaiming FAITH in Jesus Christ, sharing HOPE for the future, and inspiring LOVE of our neighbors.

Make Your Reservations Soon!

Get your tickets from our website for our 4th annual Evening in the Highlands event set for Friday, February 28, at the Green Bay Distillery (835 Mike McCarthy Way). It'll be a special gathering celebrating the music, poetry, and dance of Scotland and Ireland that will help support our Judy Allan Memorial Garden and area food charities.

Entertainment will include the Irish Heritage Dancers, a Piper, trivia, games, haggis, raffles, and much more! Dinner will be served at 6:30pm and include family-style broasted chicken and baked cod with stuffing/dressing, potatoes (baby red, garlic, and mashed), California-style vegetables, coleslaw, rolls, coffee and tea. Dress is business casual with a Scottish theme. Click HERE to order your tickets by February 20!

A related special event called "Mixology 101" will be held earlier that same evening beginning at 5pm. It's also referred to as "What's an 'Old Fashioned Presbyterian,' and Why Do They Call It That?" This session will include a discussion of mixology basics plus instructions on how to make 3 super cocktails. Click HERE to order your tickets (adults only) to this added event by February 20.

Need Some Extra Support?

Join us THIS MORNING (1/30) at 10am for our monthly Woe-Be-Gone Gathering. We'd love to have you spend some time with us in this supportive group as we read scripture, share, pray, and listen to one another. Everyone's welcome!

It's Your Serve

The area Church Volleyball League is underway at Calvary Lutheran Church (1301 S. Ridge Rd.). Our church team's next game will be this Friday (1/31) at 8:30pm. If you're want more details or are interested in joining our Friday competitions, please contact Rachel O'Brien ( Help our church team and have some fun!

Plans for This Sunday

Join us for worship this Sunday (2/2) at 9am for a sermon titled “Fish and Visitors.” It will draw on two passages from scripture: Isaiah 62:1-5 and Luke 4:21-30 (*click links to read now). Jesus was not received in his own hometown. Discover how sharing the gospel can create challenges but also new opportunities. Hope to see you at church, but if you can't join us, please share our service recording on our website (or Facebook page) later.

> By the way, this Sunday will mark Pastor Luke's 12th Anniversary of becoming our pastor! We thank him for everything he's done for us over the years and for his continuing leadership and service to our church family and friends. Everyone's invited to share some cake to celebrate after church!

Sunday School for All Ages (10:30am)

*Pre-K to 2nd graders (Room 5 downstairs)

*3rd to 5th graders (Room 6 downstairs)

*6th-12th grade Youth (Youth Media Room downstairs)

*Adult Sunday School (Koinonia Lounge)

Join Pastor Luke at 10:30am this Sunday. The class will be wrapping up their study of the acronym T.U.L.I.P. Learn how the “Perseverance of the Saints” is good news for all of us who seek to be followers of Jesus Christ. Hope to see you Sunday in the Koinonia Lounge. Everyone's invited!

Youth Group Update

> Our monthly Youth Coffee Shop & Bake Sale will return right after church on Sunday. They sell yummy treats and special coffee the first Sunday each month to help offset costs for summer trips and other activities. *Please let Scott McPherson or Pastor Meggan know if you can bring baked goods or can help with the sale on Sunday.

> All 6th - 12th grade students are invited to join us for our weekly Youth Group Meeting coming this Sunday (2/2) from 6 to 7:30pm in our Youth Media Room downstairs. Feel free to bring a friend!

Reformers Return

Join us at our next Dead Reformers meeting next Tuesday (2/4) at 7pm at the Badger State Brewing Co. (990 Tony Canadeo Run). We'll welcome Joe Williams and take an historic and autobiographical journey through the 20th century. We'll share lots of fascinating way points throughout Joe’s life experiences, including his perspective on key historical events. Don't miss this unique evening! 

Sharing the Love

We hope you'll join us for our Agape Drive-Thru Dinner coming next Wednesday (2/5) at 5:45pm. The menu for February will be "porcupine" meatballs, egg noodles, apple slices, and dessert. Everyone's invited to pick up free meals (while supplies last). Monetary donations are welcomed, but not required. Invite your friends and neighbors, and share the love as we continue sharing the love.

Come, Meet with Our Pastors

The February Pastors in the Gathering Area time is coming next Thursday (2/6) at 10am, Pastors Luke and Meggan will be available to meet with church friends and spend some time with you. They set this time on the first Thursday of each month for some casual, catch-up conversations.

Save the Date!

Sunday, February 9th, will be a special day! We hear there's some football game going on, but the real news is that we'll be having chicken noodle soup available after worship! You'll be able to get a quart of soup with a baguette for only $10, and the proceeds will be used to purchase items from the Ecumenical Partnership for Housing "Wish List." Enjoy it while you watch football!

Presbyterian Women in 2025

> Our Mission Sewing Group will gather one week from today - Thursday (2/6) - in the Koinonia Lounge at 9am.

> The P.W. Coordinating Team and the Talbot Circle will meet two weeks from today - Thursday (2/13) - at 9am and noon respectively.

We Vote for a Bake Sale

Our church will be hosting a Spring Primary on Tuesday (2/18), and that means our Presbyterian Women are planning an Election Bake Sale! If you're able to donate baked treats, you can drop them off on Monday (2/17) for their setup the evening before the voting begins.

We Appreciate You All!

We offer a special "thank you" to our wonderful office volunteers - Judy England, Melissa Rusk, Barb Ryan, Amy Cassidy, plus Kevin and Debbie Spiegel. They volunteered to help out in our office during January. We really appreciate all their time and efforts to help keep things rolling along!

Annual Meeting in February

We've scheduled our next annual Congregational Meeting for Sunday, February 16, following our worship service (*note: no Sunday School classes that day). We'll get reports on everything that's been going on with our Ministries and committees, and the congregation will vote on approving the 2025 Church Budget. We hope you'll join the conversation.

Give, Act, and Pray

The devastating images of the ongoing disaster in California have stirred all our hearts with sorrow and compassion. If you'd like to donate through the church to help those in need, please click HERE to give electronically through our church website ( Thank you.

“The Lord brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.":

Psalm 18:19

You can help support First United and its Ministries with your phone or computer.

Click HERE or scan this QR code to give electronically at any time.



of the Month



January Deacons

of the Month

Connie Gusick

Rick & Karen Braun


Monday (1/27) - Sue Hutchison & Jodie Kloehn 

Tuesday (1/28) - Sandy Steffen

Thursday (1/30) - Becky Crooks & Peter Herber, Jr.

Friday (1/31) - Deloris Herber

Saturday (2/1) - Connie Campbell & Gail Montero


Sunday (2/2) - Natalia Welle & Lisa Nystrom 

Tuesday (2/4) - Rick Braun

Friday (2/7) - Gary Marosek, Caylie Duncanson, & Violet Smale

Saturday (2/8) - Myrna Dickinson & Daniel Paulson

Why not give them a call or send a card, text, or email?

> Woe-Be-Gone Gathering (Koinonia Lounge) - TODAY (1/30) 10am

> Annual Family Ski Trip (by reservation only) - Friday (1/31) & Saturday (2/1)

> "Joyful Noise" Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Sunday (2/2) 8am

> Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Sunday (2/2) 8:15am

> Worship Service & Communion (Sanctuary) Sunday (2/2) 9am

> Youth Coffe Shop/Bake Sale (Gathering Area) plus Coffee Fellowship Time (Family Life Center) Sunday (2/2) after worship *Connecting Ministry will provide cake in celebration of Pastor Luke's 12th Anniversary as our Pastor!

> Sunday School for all ages (various rooms) Sunday (2/2) 10:30am

> Weekly "Bible Recap" Meeting (Koinonia Lounge) - Sunday (2/2) 5:30pm OR Monday (2/3) 9am (*Please attend one or the other each week)

> Youth Group Meeting (Youth Media Room) - Sunday (2/2) 6pm

> Connecting Ministry Meeting (Koinonia Lounge) - Monday (2/3) 6:30pm

> Handbell Group Rehearsal (Music Room) - Tuesday (2/4) 6:30pm

> Dead Reformers Society (Badger State Brewing Co.) - Tuesday (2/4) 7pm


> Agape Drive-Thru Meal - Wednesday (2/5) 5:45pm

Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Music Room) - Wednesday (2/5) 6:30pm

> "Joyful Noise" Band Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Wednesday (2/5) 7:30pm


> P.W. Mission Sewing (Koinonia Lounge) - Thursday (2/6) 9am


> Pastors in the Gathering Area - Thursday (2/6) 10am


> Church Volleyball League (Calvary Lutheran Church) - Friday (2/7) 6:30pm

> “Souper Bowl” Soup Sale (Koinonia Lounge) - next Sunday (2/9) after church

> “Evening in the Highlands” (Green Bay Distillery) - Friday (2/28) *Order tickets SOON at

> Jubilee Cookbooks, Jubilee Coasters, & final Fruitcakes Available - in Church Office during regular office hours & on website (*see link below)

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“Christ First” Global Methodist Church Events ("nesting" congregation)

> Various Group Meetings (Room 7 - downstairs) - Thursday (6-8pm), Sunday (5:30-7pm), Monday (5:30-6:30pm), & Tuesday (6-8pm)

> Worship & Fellowship (Sanctuary & Gathering Area) - Sunday (2/2) 4pm

*Please contact the church office to schedule a meeting or to make changes

so we can keep everyone up to date. Thanks!

"Changing Lives Through God's Love in Christ"

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