June, 2022

Please take a moment to answer this short survey. If you'd like to share the survey using the social links above - we would appreciate that. Thank you!

We have also been collecting some good news below.

Have a great Spring into Summer!

Albert Kaufman, Brian Stewart, Judy Walton, Michael Hall, Stan Penkin, Susan Mates, Tamara Olcott
Announcement: PPS Climate Policy PASSES!

On March 1, 2022, the Portland Public Schools Board of Education passed a sweeping Climate Policy that will direct district climate action around emissions reductions, climate education, and climate justice for the next three decades.

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The true health costs of gas-powered leaf blowers

Decades of rigorous scientific research have taught us that environmental pollution disproportionately affect our children. Our training and current practices in the pediatric intensive care unit and operating rooms provides us a constant reminder...

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Backyard hurricane: Leaf blowers exact huge toll to...

By Guest Columnist PETER BAHOUTH, climate activist and visual artistMy very first job was raking leaves in the fall. ... Now, the simple and efficient rake has been replaced by the daily intrusion of loud and polluting gas-powered leaf blowers...

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Lawn Be Gone: Major Western Cities Pay Residents to...

DENVER - It's hard to avoid getting swept up in Wendy Inouye's enthusiasm when she talks about her garden. "I love it!" she gushes. "I have so much joy from my garden. Every time I come out I always pause and look at it. You know that saying,...

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In Wisconsin: Stowing Mowers, Pleasing Bees

The World Through a Lens Can the No Mow May movement help transform the traditional American lawn - a manicured carpet of grass - into something more ecologically beneficial? A rusty patched bumble bee queen (Bombus affinis) feeds on a dandelion...

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Leaf Blowers by Gail Jeidy, NE Portland

When the leaf blowers start
Put on your sound-canceling headphones
Try to block out the whine
Reread the paragraph you just read but didn’t process
Note how the droning seeps through your skin
Refill your cup of coffee
Peek out your window
Write a couple lines
Ponder how thin windowpanes are in Alameda houses
Locate the decibel reader on your phone
Head out to the porch
Note the reading of 76
Shake your head accordingly
Give a death glare to workers who can’t see you
Go back inside
Adjust your headphones
Ignore the reverberation
Allow the flooding of negative sound memories
Condemn annoying cartoon voices
Censure honking drivers
Pox blaring bass
Denounce how aspirin makes your ears ring
Take three cleansing breaths
Clear your head
Read another line
Scribble a phrase
Doodle sharp, angular lines
Refresh your cup of coffee
Drain the last of the one percent
Ask your husband to add milk to his shopping list
Move to the living room
Plump the pillows
Ponder the particulates in the dust you’re breathing
Hear the thrum penetrate your headset
Pick at fuzz on the couch
Jump up and peer outside
Guess how much longer they’ll be blowing
Ask the ‘why’ of a sanitized, leafless property?
Visualize calming imagery
Watch the small brown fox jump over the lazy dog
Pinpoint what makes squirrels scatter
Think about underpinnings of echoes
Ponder displaced leaves and decaying debris
Pity the number of nematodes denied dinner
Grieve the songbirds who’ve lost their nesting materials
Hop up and put your nose to the cool of the window
Pity those with attention deficits
Pity youngsters driven to distraction
Pity us oldsters who never knew why we were distracted
Pity the vast numbers who have attention challenges in one form
or another
Pity Walt Disney who some say had ADHD
Wonder whether he was surrounded by leaf blowers
Acknowledge the blessing and curse of the creative mind
Curse intrusions
Curse interruptions
Curse noise pollution
Curse air pollution
Calculate how many hours the workers have been blowing
Contemplate if they are getting paid more than minimum wage
Go back to the kitchen
Come back to the couch because you forgot why
Count the days since your cat died
Listen to your husband come home
Meet him in the kitchen
Tell him you need help brainstorming
Admire how dashing he looks
Move on to another topic while putting away groceries
Look up as he asks what you needed to brainstorm
Realize you can’t remember
Think about the tasteful sex scene in last night’s movie
Think about the couple you saw at the bus stop all over each
Chuckle and visualize them as characters
Whisper ‘get a room’ silently
Look outside at the dance of men with leaf blowers
Adjust headphones to block out the moan
Close your eyes
Scream inside your head:
‘Get a rake!’

Author’s Note: Leaf blowers may provide the occasional worthy creative
prompt, but three-hour marathon sessions are unbearable. I am thankful
for the planned cancellation of gas-powered leaf blowers at Multnomah
County facilities (Resolution 2021-094). I am hopeful neighbors will
follow suit on their personal properties, and advocate for cleaner and quieter
equipment on all school grounds. I believe rakes are a good alternative.
I encourage readers to check out Quiet Clean PDX for advocacy updates.
Thanks to our Supporters!
Spring Eastmoreland Event
Our new Golden Rake Award!
Are you interested in learning how to be a more effective neighborhood activist through the use of digital tools such as email newsletters, social media, and Nextdoor? If so, Albert Kaufman recorded a training on the topic recently.
We've got postcards - Let Nancy know how many you'd like and how to get them to you!