January 2024

Monthly Update:

The Front Office is Moving!

Starting January 10th and 11th the front office will be moving their workstations to a temporary modular on the west side of the facility. Members of the public visiting the shelter will be able to enter the facility through the back gate to access the front office modular. The main parking lot will be off limits.

Public parking is temporarily outside the facility gates until further notice.

Citizens in need of a dog license, are encouraged to do so online to prevent high traffic in the office. Information on online licensing services can be found here: Licensing | Pinal County, AZ

Medical Highlight of 2023

Meet Milo

Milo was brought to Pinal County Animal Care & Control after being attacked by another dog in the home. The injuries sustained in the attack were severe that Milo lost 40% of the skin on his jaw and face. Milo is now recovering well in a foster home and will be available for adoption soon. 

The shelter receives little to no funding for unexpected medical cases that come in. Thanks to the organization Friends of Pinal County Animal Shelter & Rescues (FOP), the shelter is able to help animals like Milo!

Learn More About FOP

Start 2024 with Volunteering

Do your New Year’s resolutions revolve around getting more involved in your community or being more active? Our shelter might have the perfect program for you! Join us for public volunteering! Public volunteering is open to anyone 16 years and older to come to the shelter and help with dog walking, laundry, cleaning, or other tasks as needed, every day from 8am-11am. There’s no pre-needed paperwork, orientation, or training needed, you just show up and staff helps you from there. 

Public volunteers can pursue becoming fully orientated volunteers after attending public volunteering if they wish! 

Pinal Pet of the Month

Meet Rocky

Rocky has been in the shelter's care since February 2022. Meaning his two years at the shelter is right around the corner! We would love to find him a home before then.

Rocky loves toys, playing in pools, going for walks, and gets along with large and small dogs. Rocky got a break for the shelter during our Home for the Holidays foster incentive program, where he did great for his fosters. Rocky is now back at the shelter and waiting to meet you!

Pinal County Animal Care & Control | 520-509-3555 | | Animal Care & Control | Pinal County, AZ

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