June | 2020
Stainless Steel Reinforcing
I have been in the business of working with clients and prospective buyers to determine the best stainless steel reinforcement system and product for applications requiring resilient structures for a very long time. For the benefit of many who are new to working with stainless steel rebar or mesh, and others who are seriously considering specifying stainless steel and drifting on a decision to use stainless or an alternate, here is a reminder about why I believe in stainless steel.
The production of stainless steel rebar and mesh assemblies is regulated following numerous standards and certifications. Stainless steel reinforcement works. It generates net savings during the design life of a concrete structure, and contributes to reducing the public tax burden over time.
Engineers in the highway sector specify stainless steel because it is the most economically viable corrosion resistant reinforcing steel alternative for use in service environments typified by chloride attack. Once a structure built with stainless steel reinforcement is commissioned, a dramatic reduction in repairs is all but certain for the design life of the project.
The corrosion resistance of stainless steel is attributed to the thin passive film that forms spontaneously on its surface in oxidizing environments, if the steel has a minimum chromium content of approximately 10.5%. As the film adheres strongly to the metal substrate and protects it from contact with the surrounding environment, the electrochemical reactions that cause corrosion are effectively stopped. If locally destroyed, for example by scratching, the film can 'heal' by spontaneously re-passivating in an oxidizing environment. Essentially, stainless steel remains stainless, or does not rust, because of the interaction between its alloying elements and the environment.
Now, that is something to believe in. Please stay with me and continue reading about three of our projects that are winding down. Stainless steel reinforcement in all three projects goes a long way in building America's inventory of resilient concrete structures.
The suspension bridge connects the New York City boroughs of Staten Island and Brooklyn. It spans Verrazzano Narrows linking Upper New York Bay with Lower New York Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. The double-deck bridge carries 13 lanes of Interstate 278, with seven lanes on the upper level and six on the lower.
The bridge has a 4,260-foot span which is the longest in North America. SSR's involvement in the project supplying rebar started in 2020 and will finish in 2021. Salit Specialty Rebar shipped 1,100 tons of XM-28 (UNS-S24100) stainless steel rebar for the ramps. XM-28 is a high manganese low nickle austenitic stainless steel strengthened by extra nitrogen.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority
General Contractor for stainless steel rebar
El Sol Construction Corp.
SSR Customer
Brooklyn Rebar
Stainless Steel Rebar Supplied
1,100 tons of XM-28 (UNS-S24100) stainless steel rebar
The project includes replacing the 3.5 mile deck and rehabilitating the ramps, steel superstructure and substructure; strengthening the structure against seismic events; improving drainage and lighting; and repainting the structure.
The ramps were deteriorated and required deck replacement; superstructure and substructure rehabilitation, strengthening and seismic retrofitting. Work on the ramps began in April 2018.
Precast concrete deck panels with stainless steel reinforcing bars were selected for part of the re-decking system. The specification for precast with stainless steel reinforcement saved time for the deck replacement and contributed to a durable structure.
Salit Specialty Rebar started shipping 250 tons of XM-28 on this phase of the project in 2019 with completion in 2021. The Pulaski Skyway
has been a decade-long multi-phase project involving numerous rebar fabricators and general contractors. This phase brings the project to near completion.
New Jersey Department of Transportation
SSR Customer
J.M. Ahle Company
Joint Venture: Ferriera, Tutor-Perini
Stainless Steel Rebar Supplied
250 tons of XM-28
Bruckner Viaduct Deck Replacements
Replacement of the decks specified precast concrete panels with 1
,200 tons of XM-28 (UNS-S24100) stainless steel rebar. SSR began supplying steel to the project in 2018. The project ends in 2020.
New York Department of Transportation
General Contractor
The Tully Group
SSR Customer
Brooklyn Rebar
Stainless Steel Rebar Supplied
,200 tons of XM-28 (UNS-S24100) stainless steel rebar
Stainless Steel Welded Wire Mesh Mats
Mats are being produced in two styles using one alloy. One product is 6X6 D2.9/D2.9 (gage) that would be assembled in 6-foot x 12-foot mats. The other product is 4X4 D4/D4 (gage) available as 6-foot x 12-foot mats. These sizes are the most popular in carbon mesh. All stainless wire mesh is branded with "SALIT" so buyers know that the wire mesh they are using is from a source in the Salit Group of Companies.
The mats are being produced as SS type 316/316L (UNS-S31603). The 316/316L is non-magnetic, and can be used in an environment where a controlled magnetic permeability is required, such as MRI chambers or sensitive electronic equipment facilities. 316/316L is strong and corrosion resistant for specification under all conditions.
Bookmark SSR's Website for Tech Info
The SSR website builds a case for specifying stainless steel reinforcement through archived technical information, listing of SSR services and products, and providing links to engineering services for designers who may wish to consult with SSR's specialists during the planning stage of a project.
The site archives photos and videos highlighting SSR's fabrication equipment, facilities, projects, and people who work with clients daily.
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SSR's LinkedIn Page promotes the Salit Specialty Rebar and Salit Steel brands. By routinely populating the site with technical and professional opinions about stainless steel rebar and mesh, the site strengthens the positioning of all divisions of Salit Steel.
SSR ships products throughout the USA and Canada
About Salit Specialty Rebar
Thank you for buying our products and enlisting our services. We appreciate your business.
With stainless steel rebar, mesh and mats in our product line, we look for the support of our clients to help build our brand as North America's specialist for stainless steel reinforcement.
Our corporate vision is one of leadership, innovation and consistently exceeding expectations. This vision is backed by extensive experience in the industry. As with all members of the Salit Ste
el family, we pride ourselves in providing unparalleled customer service.
Team SSR
Kevin Cornell, Vice President Salit Specialty Rebar Sales
Michael Cornell, Project Manager/Sales
Rick Huza, Director, Business Development
Kyle Hayes, Branch Manager
Shari Otis, Office Administrator