October 2022
AC4C Monthly Roundtable
AC4C 4th Annual Prevention Conference

Wednesday, November 2
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Midwest Counterdrug Training Center at Camp Dodge, Johnston, IA

"Prevention Begins
with YOU"

Luke Niforatos, will be the keynote, sharing "Lessons Learned in Legalized States." Nick serves as the Executive Vice President at SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana).

This year there will be a youth track! The students will hear Luke first and join the adults for lunch and again at the end of the day. Lindsay Powers from the Eastern Iowa Heroin Initiative will present to the youth the "Natural High" training and Peter Komendowski and Alaina will lead portions of the youth track getting started with media campaigns and empowering YOUth. Sign up your youth with Alaina at [email protected] or Jennifer by October 28 and indicate if they need a gluten free, vegan or vegetarian lunch as well.

Other workshops will include: "Community-Oriented Alcohol Harm Reduction: Using Data to Make Communities More Safe and Healthy"- Dr. Shawn Dorius and Matthew Cook, Reducing Stigma through Language- Leslie Mussmann, "Strategic Prevention Framework for Beginners"- Katya Boltanova, Alcohol Strategies and "Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity"- Dr. Paul Gilbert and Kelly Roberson, "Healing Iowa: Reshaping our systems and communities for Iowa’s children to thrive in response to ACEs" - Lisa Cushatt, the latest on Vaping & "Synthetic Nicotine, the New Tobacco"- Tabetha Gerdner, and Dr. Shannon Watkins, Dr. Rami Afifi and Coltin Ball will present "Mindsets and methods - Sharing experiences with youth-engaged research on mental health and tobacco use."

The conference is FREE to participants except lunch is $10. We are assuming everyone will be eating the box lunch from HyVee being catered with a variety of sandwiches, and chips, fruit, cookies, and water. Like with the youth, please let Jennifer know at [email protected] if you will not be eating the lunch or have dietary restrictions. Cash or credit card will be accepted on site. There is not time to go off campus and be back on schedule. Registration is open HERE. 6.0 hrs. Special Pops or Alcohol & Drug Specific CEUs have been approved through IBC. A timed agenda will be available soon. Please register by Oct. 28.

Lodging at Camp Dodge is $32 for the night before (first come, first serve) if coming from a distance. Youth are not allowed to stay on campus. Call 515-252-4238 to reserve your own, but let Jennifer know if you need financial assistance as AC4C is able to help this lodging.

The Resource Fair begins at 7:30 a.m. with a light breakfast and registration ends at 8:25 a.m. Several vendors are signed up already and will be there most of the day at snack breaks and during lunch.

AC4C members, state partners and others, if you have teens in your coalitions, schools, family, or other areas of your life who might be interested in being a part of AC4C Youth, please help connect them with Alaina Elliott-Wherry, our Youth Coordinator. They, or you, can send an email to: [email protected]
Mark Your Calendars!

Upcoming Events and Retreat:
  • AC4C Prevention Conference- Nov. 2. Detailed information to left or above in this edition of the Roundtable.

  • AC4C Quarterly Work Retreat- December 7 & 8, 2022. We will be getting the agenda out soon. You can now register HERE! A training on advocacy vs. lobbying will be held.

  • Next Year's AC4C Day on the Hill- February 23, 2023.

Resources to Share and Links to check out... 

Members, keep up with the latest in the news

Looking for a training


Do you know about RALI Iowa?
Check out this organization and information about their virtual trailer HERE

More resources...


Mid-America Prevention Training Transfer Center (PTTC) featured AC4C on their Podcast. Check it out and their website for training opportunities and other resources to support prevention here in Iowa. 

Celebrate Halloween
 Tobacco Free!

For help quitting call Quitline Iowa at 800-Quit-Now.  

Citizen-Science Project: Alcohol Home Delivery & Drinks To-Go in Iowa

Iowa was one of several states to relax alcohol control measures during the COVID pandemic, and the Iowa state code now allows home delivery of alcohol (for example, by Uber Eats or Grub Hub) and carry-out drinks from licensed establishments. These changes may increase alcohol misuse, including access to alcohol by underage minors. Rules are in place for these types of sales, but we do not yet know how they are working.
AC4C is seeking volunteers who are 21 years or older and who ordinarily purchase alcohol for a citizen-science project. Volunteers will record their experiences using an easy-to-use online tool, which is part of a multi-state effort to gather information about alcohol access after the COVID pandemic. If you’re interested in helping, please contact Yajaira at [email protected]. AC4C will gather information through December 31, 2022.

A recording of the August training session is available HERE.
Spotlight on the
5C Coalition!

5C (Clayton County Community Collaboration Council) is a local coalition in pursuit of working together to encourage awareness surrounding alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. We partner with community members or groups who want to see a healthier and safer future for our children and adults.  We continue to have a number of initiatives in the community to teach about drug use and promote a drug free lifestyle. Our top projects include Hidden In Plain Sight exhibit, Driving Simulator, 5K directional signs, drug facts escape room, Day on the Hill for students, Red Ribbon Week, and personal experience presentations.  
The Hidden In Plain Sight exhibit is a mock-teenager bedroom with hidden drug paraphernalia where adults can test their knowledge and learn from experts in the exhibit on what to look for and how the scene is constantly changing. This exhibit is available for free within Clayton County and the exhibit can be rented to outside agencies to use in their communities.

 The Driving Simulator is a hit with students from middle to high school. The simulator showcases impaired and distracted driving and runs the driver through scenarios with real world videos of what happens after the accident.

The 5K Directional Signs are an easy way to put drug fact messaging in front of the community as each sign has an arrow and drug fact. 5K organizers utilize the signs to help runners through the course.

The drug facts escape room is a shoot off from the traditional escape room where youth must follow a series of clues, while learning drug facts along the way, in order to successfully unlock all the keys and "escape". 

The Day on the Hill is an opportunity organized by AC4C where youth gather to learn about drugs, speak with legislators about concerns in their community, and tour the capitol. 5C promotes and sponsors youth in Clayton County to attend each year. 

Red Ribbon Week is a national drug free campaign promoted every year that 5C also encourages local businesses to support as well. 5C helps area schools purchase Red Ribbon Week materials to ensure students have a memorable time during Red Ribbon Week.

The coalition also supports members who have personally experienced the after effects of drunk driving or other related impairments. While these experiences are emotional, the 5C Coalition supports any member who would like to share their story in the hope that in doing so, one life can be saved.  
The 5C Coalition is fortunate to partner with AC4C over the years to continue change across the State of Iowa. Their leadership and drive to enact change allows coalitions across the state the resources and networking experience needed to continue the work we do. In this partnership, AC4C recently awarded 5C, and other coalitions, a much needed technology upgrade through a laptop and OWL system that will improve virtual communications. We, as a coalition, can't thank AC4C enough for their support and continued partnership as we strive to address substance use in our communities.  

(Thank you to Julie Doeppke from the 5C Coalition for providing this information about their amazing coalition!)
This third AC4C campaign has 4 parts. It is to raise awareness of youth social media access to drugs. The AC4C Other Substances Action Team ad hoc committee, Yajaira, our Graduate Assistant, and Jackie and Lindsay from Pathways, worked together to create this campaign that is targeted to all concerned adults.

Connected Communities.
Effective Coalitions. 
Healthy Iowans. 

 Newly revised MISSION Statement:

Unifying Iowans to address substance use and mental health issues across the lifespan on a state
and community level.
Join an Action Team or Work Group session every month!

Access the action team meetings on Mondays. Login information here
Other Substances Action Team
Next meeting- November 7 @ 9:30

Marijuana Action Team
Next meeting- November 14 @ 9:30

Nicotine Action Team 
Next meeting- November 21 @ 9:30

Alcohol Action Team
Next meetings- October 24 and November 28 @ 9:30

Policy Work Group

4th Wednesday at 2:00 pm

Meeting information can be found here
Click here for meeting minutes

Purpose: To collaborate with the community and statewide entities to advocate and educate on substance abuse legislation, policies, and related issues.

Capacity/Marketing Work Group


Need a new co-chair. Please let Jackie or Jennifer know if you are interested.

3rd Monday at 2:00 pm

Click here for meeting minutes

Purpose: Create a network of professionals that have a diverse knowledge, experience and interest and to build skills and provide resources to members of AC4C.

AC4C's three new media campaigns!

The Alcohol Action Team's ad hoc committee created this 3-part campaign for parents and guardians. Thanks to Toryn and Rachel from Siouxland CARES and Danielle from Rosecrance Jackson Centers Prevention for coming up with a great campaign. Coalitions have added their logo and even changed the color. We will be having a new background for this campaign coming out for winter and beyond. This is the "fall colors" version! Let Jennifer know if you need these sent to you again or share them from our AC4C Facebook page. Combined they have reached over 50,000 people across Iowa through Facebook! AC4C is developing a media plan to continue sharing this campaign, as well as the other campaigns below, all across Iowa.
The AC4C Marijuana Action Team and Prevention Means Progress Coalition shared this campaign this month. The 2-part campaign is to raise awareness about the marijuana industry's youth-oriented advertising.
2022 AC4C Board