September, 2023

Newsletter From the Marriage Education and Resource Center (MERCY)

There is a story I (Penny) once read that made a lasting impression on me. It was in 1985 called "A Story for Valentine's Day," condensed from Dessert News.

It is about Larry and Jo Ann. They were an ordinary couples. But like most couples, they had their squabbles. Much of their conversations were about what was wrong in their marriage and who was to blame.

Until one day, something changed. Larry told Jo Ann, "You know, Jo Ann, I've got a magic chest of drawers. Every time I open them, they're full of socks and underwear, I want to thank you for filling them all these years."

Jo Ann stared at her husband over the top of her spectacles. "What?" and asked, "What do you want. Larry?"

"Nothing, I just want you to know I appreciate those magic drawers."

A few days later, Larry told Jo Ann, "Thank you for recording so many correct check numbers in the ledger this month. You put down the right number 15 out of16 times. That's a record."

Disbelieving what she heard, Jo Ann looks up and said, "Larry you are always complaining about my recording the wrong check numbers. Why stop now?"

"No reason," said Larry. "I just wanted you to know I appreciate the effort you are making."

The next time she went to the grocery she paid special attention to being sure she wrote down the correct check numbers.

She tried to disregard the incident, but Larry's strange behavior intensified.

"Jo Ann that was a great dinner," he said one evening. "I appreciate all your effort. Why, in the past 15 years I'll bet you've fixed over 14,000 meals for me and the kids."

Then, "Gee, Jo Ann, the house looks spiffy. You've really worked hard to get it looking so good ."

Jo Ann was growing worried, "Where's all the sarcasm, the criticism? she wondered."

Whatever was wrong, Larry didn't get over it. Day in and day out he continued focusing on the positives.

That would be the end of the story except one day, another most extraordinary event took place. This time it was Jo Ann who spoke.

"Larry," she said, "I want to thank you for going to work and providing for us all these years. I don't think I've ever told you how much I appreciate it."

Interestingly enough, Jo Ann was the one who wrote this story.

Grace and peace,

Penny and David

Upcoming Marriage Events

Love and Respect Building Blocks - Small Group Study September 19 - October 24 - 6:30 p.m.


8510 Hwy. 111

Memphis, IN

Cost: $10 for Study Guide.

For more information, or to register click here or call 502-767-3918 or email: [email protected]

This study is a winner for marriages - sharing the most important elements of the Love and Respect book. Bob and Carol Esham, with MERCI Indiana, said it changed their own skewed perspectives and their marriage.

Shaking the Foundation - Free

September 22, 2023

6:30 - 8:00 p.m.


8510 Hwy. 111

Memphis, IN

Whether you've been to this eye-opening Free Marriage Workshop previously or hearing about it for the first time, you'll be surprised what you can learn that would certainly improve your marriage.

"But those who marry will face many troubles in this life. . ."

Is this a surprise to you? You can be prepared for any shaking in your marriage while your foundation remains strong and intact!

At this workshop, you'll learn where some of these "troubles" come from and how to be best equipped to handle them before they lead to misunderstanding, disappointment and resentment.

To register, or for more information, click here

Breakthrough - Blended Family Conference - September 30, 2023 -Available for Streaming

The Marriage Talk Podcast

The Marriage Talk Podcast is designed to bring insight, wisdom, counsel, and encouragement to married couples through a faith-centered array of special guests, interviews, and the experiences of the hosts. You can subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and everywhere podcasts are found. You can also listen to every episode we've ever done - for free - by clicking here

You are not alone. Secure your spot and take the first step towards building harmony and resilience within your home. You'll discover practical solutions designed to address your unique challenges.

Cost for streaming is: $49.00 + $2.99.

To register or for more information, click here.

Debunking the Bad Rap Against Evangelical Men

Shaunti Feldhahn is one of our favorite researchers and authors.

She recently wrote an article highlighting her friend, Nancy Pearcey's, new book The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes. Feldhahn said, "It is a much needed book about truths that push back on the popularized notion that the way men are wired is somehow faulty."

She said Pearcey highlights reasons to applaud good in men - especially evangelical men.

Here are a few encouraging findings everyone needs to know about the positive impact evangelical men have on their families.

  1. Devoted evangelical men make the best husbands.
  2. Evangelical men are usually great dads.
  3. Wives of committed evangelical men are happier.

To read her complete article click here.

The Dating Divas have such neat and fun activities for couples. For example, they have some freebies you can download for Fall such as:

  • How do you want to be loved survey.
  • A cozy, cuddle Kit for two.
  • A bingo game for couples to enjoy all Fall.
  • And "Why I Fall for you" Mad Lib Fun for two.

For these and other cute tips, click here.

The Best Boundaries for In-Laws

Do you not get along with your in-laws?

If so, you may want to view this video from Jimmy Evans on how to set the best boundaries for in-laws to revitalize your marriage and keep a healthy relationship with your family.

The Five Love Languages -Questions You May Have

Looking for an Adventurous Experience?

September 23 -

Carter Caves Sate Resort Park - 344 Caveland Drive, Carter County of Olive Hill, KY.

This is a one-day event featuring crawling cave tours, rappelling, recreational tree climbs, archery, tomahawk throwing and more.

Cost: $75 per person which includes access to the adventure offering, commercial cave tours and an all-you-can eat lunch at Tierney Cave. All necessary gear will be provided by the park.

Accommodations are available at the Lewis Caveland Lodge, along with cottages and a campground.

Reservations: 606-286-4411 - Extension 1.

For additional information,

click here

September 29- October 1, 2023

Nashville, TN

A New Beginning is a turn-around weekend designed to help couples who feel stuck in an unhealthy marriage, couples who are frustrated and unhappy and couples considering divorce.

For more information, or to register call: 800-650-9995.

Psychologist in white coat holding hands of woman patient provide professional aid psychological help close up_ show support express empathy concept. Horizontal photo banner for website header design

Healing from Abortion

Crossroads is planning their next Bible Study to help post-abortive women find healing. If you know anyone who could benefit from a study like this, please have them call Laura Tapp at 502-222-7700 or her cell: 502-641-4537. They should ask for Laura specifically. It is completely confidential.

Men are also affected by a partner's abortion. We just learned of a support program called Base Camp that is designed for men who struggle emotionally in the aftermath of abortion. This is conducted through Zoom meetings. Men can participate in Base Camp at any point in their healing journey. And anonymity is available to all. Participants often keep their cameras off and identities secret. They meet you where you are.

To know more, click here.

If you have ever had questions about the Five Love Languages, such as,

"Does my love language change as I get older?" Or, What if I speak my spouse's love language and they don't respond?"

If you have had these or other questions like this about the Five Love Languages, Dr. Chapman has compiled a few FAQ's he says he is often asked. To review the questions and his answers, click here.

According to a National Survey on Marriage in America, it is reported that 45% of people surveyed claimed that unrealistic expectations contributed to their divorce.

If you are interested in the entire contents of this study, simply click here.

Date Night Pizza Party October 13, 2023 - 6:30 - 8:30 - Doors open at 6:00 PM for pizza and community time.

We would love for you to join us and bring your friends.

Cost: $15 per couple.

To register, click here

Coupletime Activity

Do you ever examine yourself to see if you are becoming a better person, friend and spouse? How are you honoring the Lord?

"Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts." - Psalms 139:23

  • We need to come before God first and ask him to search our hearts and enable us to truly evaluate our behavior and motives behind our actions.
  • Discuss with your spouse the following questions:
  • Do we select our words with God in mind?
  • Do we select entertainment with God in mind?
  • Do we apply scripture to a difficult situation we're having?
  • Do we respect one another?
  • Do we put the other's needs above our desires?
  • Ask one another "How can I become a better spouse?" Ouch! That could be uncomfortable, but it could also be an opportunity to grow. Don't be hurtful or abrasive when you respond. Respond to one another gently.

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