Lawn and Garden
Gardening Hotline open year round
Thank you to the Extension Master Gardener volunteers for a great season in staffing the Hotline. Although the volunteers are off for the winter, help is still available. We are here to answer your lawn and garden questions year round.
Kill spring weeds now
Tired of seeing yellow and purple flowering weeds in your lawn each spring? If so, now is the ideal time to rid your lawn of those nasty spring weeds.
Fall color, will it be hit or miss?

Will it be a fall filled with color or dreary shades of brown and tan? That is a common question. See what it takes to achieve an autumn of rich hues here in KC.

Leaves – trash or treasure?
It’s that dreaded time of the year when the leaves begin to fall. And for many of us that means work! There are alternatives to hand raking. See what you can to do help manage nature's annual bounty.
Garlic Planting
Although it’s time to pull up or cover most plants, this fall is a great time to start garlic . Learn how.
November Lawn and Garden Calendar
Health and Home
Strengthen Family Bonds
During the Holidays

Holidays are typically the one time of year that families from near and far gather for celebrations.
Healthy Eating at the Holidays? – Forget About It

If you are in the mood for holiday fare without the guilt and are curious about some tasty recipes that highlight seasonal ingredients and invoke all the festive feels, I would invite you to try any of these recipes.
The Dangers of Deer
In Partnership Together