December 2023

AC4C Monthly Roundtable

AC4C Jingle Bells

Thank you to our leaders!

A little tradition has gotten started. This version of Jingle Bells was shared at our AC4C Virtual Retreat on November 30. Thanks to all of our amazing AC4C leaders!

"Dashing through the state

In a six-horse power SUV

O'er the fields we go

Laughing as we meet

Or Calendar Invites ring

Making spirits bright

What fun it is to join a Virtual Retreat

With AC4C tonight


Oh, Action Teams, Workgroup meetings,

Policy, Capacity/Marketing

Oh, what fun Jane Larkin is,

When Nicotine Team is meeting, hey!

Julie Furne, Joy Gonnerman

Lead the Marijuana Team.

Oh, what Scans the group can do

When they venture outside and freeze.

(Verse 2)

A day or two ago,

Alcohol Action met

And soon with 15 members

Lauren and Penny were all set

The action plan was ready

The group didn’t get sidetracked

Good thing Maggie leads Policy

So that workgroup doesn’t get highjacked (by Jennifer or Peter )


Oh, Jackie Preston, Rachel Lundgren,

Chris Courtney as well,

Oh, what fun Capacity/Marketing is,

Only outdone by President Lorelle, hey!

Kris Rankin, Teresa King,

Amazing Secretary and Other Substances Chair,

Oh, what fun Sustainability is

With Cheryl Buntsma's flair

(Verse 3)

A month or so ago

The Prevention Conference was held

110 received training

And a ray of hope was felt.

Natural Highs and DEC training,

Ropes Course and Dale Quigley,

Meth training and NPN,

In between, members getting giggly.

(Last Chorus)

Oh, CADCA Conference, Savanah and Katya,

How many SPFs can we do?

Oh, what fun Day on the Hill is,

If the weather could be good for the youth! Hey!

Instagram, You Tube videos,

Roundtables and Facebook ads,

Oh, what fun AC4C is,

Except when their Jingle Bells are bad!"

Upcoming Events:


2024 Day on the Hill:

-February 15 (see information below)

2024 Legislative Learning Event

-March 26, 7 a.m.

2024 Retreat dates will be announced soon.

Resources to Share and Links to check out... 

Members, keep up with the latest in the news

AC4C on Facebook

AC4C Youth on Instagram

Looking for a training

Iowa Board of Certification



Iowa State Patrol


Iowa Health and Human Services & Your Life Iowa


Partnership for A Healthy Iowa

Do you know about RALI Iowa?

Check out this organization and information about their virtual trailer HERE

More resources...

Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau

Drive Smart Iowa


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration


Traffic Safety Marketing


Stop Drugged Driving

AC4C members, state partners and others, if you have teens in your coalitions, schools, family, or other areas of your life who might be interested in being a part of AC4C Youth,

they, or you, can send an email to:

For help quitting tobacco call Quitline Iowa at 800-Quit-Now

AC4C Youth Substance Use Prevention

Day on the Hill

Thursday, February 15


AC4C will once again be hosting the Day on the Hill for Youth Substance Use Prevention.

Something new this year! We will be having the youth training and lunch at the Iowa State Historical Building and then walking up the Capitol. It is still a very short walk like the Jessie Parker building was. More details to come on the lunch and any possible tour at that sight.

Theme: Putting our Youth First: Challenging Addiction-for-Profit

Agenda for the Day:

10:00 – Arrive at Iowa Historical Society building

10:15-11:30 – Youth training and lunch

11:30-11:45 – Go to the Capitol, go through security, and be ready for the press conference.

11:45-Noon – Meet in the 1st Floor Rotunda – East/North Wing

Noon-12:30 – Press Conference

12:30 -? - Meet with your legislators and experience the Capitol (have a tour with your legislator if you can) until you need to head home.


Invite your legislators to the press conference and talk to them about meeting with you afterwards.

Register for the Event: Please feel free to invite community members adults/youth or members of your coalition to attend this event with you. Contact Jennifer at, with the name of your coalition and the number of youth and adults who will be attending.

PLEASE REGISTER BY Friday, February 2, 2024 AT NOON

(Inclement weather date is set for February 29 in the Historical Building auditorium)

VISION Statement:

To be the leading, statewide coalition and community based resource promoting the health of Iowans.  

 MISSION Statement:

Unifying Iowans to address substance use and mental health issues across the lifespan on a state
and community level.

Join an Action Team or Work Group session every month!

Access the action team meetings on Mondays. Login information here


Other Substances Action Team

Next meeting- No Action Team in January due to the New Year's Holiday; February 5 @ 9:30

Marijuana Action Team

Next meetings- January 8 @ 9:30

Nicotine Action Team 

Next meetings- December 18 @ 9:30; No January meeting due to MLK Holiday

Alcohol Action Team

Next meetings- No December Alcohol Action Team due to the Christmas holiday; January 22 @ 9:30


Policy Work Group



Jennifer Husmann


Maggie Ballard

4th Wednesday at 2:00 pm

Meeting information can be found here

Click here for meeting minutes

Purpose: To collaborate with the community and statewide entities to advocate and educate on substance abuse legislation, policies, and related issues.


Capacity/Marketing Work Group


Jackie Preston

New Co-Chair:

Chris Courtney

3rd Monday at 2:00 pm

Click here for meeting minutes

Purpose: Create a network of professionals that have diverse knowledge, experience, and interests to build skills and provide resources to members of AC4C. 

2023 AC4C Board
Connected Communities.

Effective Coalitions.

Healthy Iowans.

Top row (all L to R): Lorelle Mueting- President, Jackie Preston, VP,

Kris Rankin- Secretary.

Middle row:

Julie Furne- Treasurer,

Teresa King and Joy Gonnerman, At-Large Members

Bottom row:

Penny McCaslin and Cheryl Buntsma, At-Large Members

There is still one more open position to be filled with the term running now through February 2024. If you are interested in this please let a board member know.

319-462-4327 x661
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