September 2022
AC4C Monthly Roundtable
AC4C 4th Annual Prevention Conference
Wednesday, November 2
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Midwest Counterdrug Training Center at Camp Dodge, Johnston, IA
"Prevention Begins
with YOU"
Luke Niforatos serves as the Executive Vice President at SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana). As the principal deputy to the CEO in his roles, he presides over strategic federal, state, and educational initiatives, serves as a spokesperson for SAM, and manages its operations. He has been featured at events held by The Economist, the United Nations’ Commission on Narcotic Drugs, and in dozens of events and town halls across the United States on the subject of drug policy. Luke’s work has appeared in almost every major national media outlet, and his op-eds are regularly published across the U.S.
This year there will be a youth track, but the students will hear Luke first and join the adults for lunch and again at the end of the day. Lindsay Powers from the Eastern Iowa Heroin Initiative will present to the youth the "Natural High" training and Peter Komendowski and Alaina will lead portions of the youth track getting started with media campaigns and empowering YOUth. Sign up your youth with Alaina at or Jennifer by October 28 and indicate if they need a gluten free, vegan or vegetarian lunch as well.
Other workshops will include: Alcohol Outlet Density Harms training for coalitions- Drs. Shawn and Cass Dorius, Reducing Stigma through Language- Leslie Mussmann, Intro to the Strategic Prevention Framework- Katya Boltanova, Alcohol Prevention strategies of plugging the access holes through improving social host and other efforts and the importance of a control state and the tier system- Dr. Paul Gilbert and Kelly Roberson from Center for Alcohol Policy, the newest on ACEs- Lisa Cushatt, the latest on Vaping & Nicotine- Tabetha Gerdner, and Dr. Shannon Watkins and Dr. Rami Afifi both from the U of I College of Public Health will discuss Health Equity and the targeting of youth through social media by tobacco/cannabis companies as well as other substances and Youth Mental Health Equity and e-cigarettes.
The conference is FREE to participants except lunch is $10. We are assuming everyone will be eating the box lunch from HyVee being catered with a variety of sandwiches, and chips, fruit, cookies, and water. Like with the youth, please let Jennifer know at if you will not be eating the lunch or have dietary restrictions. Cash or credit card will be accepted on site. There is not time to go off campus and be back on schedule. Registration is open HERE. 6.0 hrs. Special Pops or Alcohol & Drug Specific CEUs have been approved through IBC. A timed agenda will be available soon. Please register by Oct. 28.
Lodging at Camp Dodge is $32 for the night before (first come, first serve) if coming from a distance. Youth are not allowed to stay on campus. Call 515-252-4238 to reserve your own, but let Jennifer know if you need financial assistance as AC4C is able to help this lodging. (These are the rooms where you share a bathroom with one other conference attendee and you can pick who that is.)
The Resource Fair begins at 7:30 a.m. with a light breakfast and registration ends at 8:25. Several vendors are signed up already and will be there most of the day at snack breaks and during lunch.
AC4C members, state partners and others, if you have teens in your coalitions, schools, family, or other areas of your life who might be interested in being a part of AC4C Youth, please help connect them with Alaina Elliott-Wherry, our Youth Coordinator. They, or you, can send an email to:
Upcoming Events and Retreat:
AC4C Prevention Conference- Nov. 2. Detailed information to left or above in this edition of the Roundtable.
AC4C Quarterly Work Retreat- December 7 & 8, 2022. More details and registration link coming soon.
Next Year's AC4C Day on the Hill- February 23, 2023.
Assessment to Intervention: Guiding Growth of Children Impacted by Prenatal Substance Exposure Conference
October 18, 2022
Cedar Falls, Iowa
(Dr. Ira Chasnoff presenting)
Get more details and Register HERE before October 1st for the Early Bird Special!
Resources to Share and Links to check out...
Members, keep up with the latest in the news
Looking for a training
Do you know about RALI Iowa?
Check out this organization and information about their virtual trailer HERE
More resources...
Mid-America Prevention Training Transfer Center (PTTC) featured AC4C on their Podcast. Check it out and their website for training opportunities and other resources to support prevention here in Iowa.
September is Cancer Awareness Month
Smoking can cause cancer and then block your body from fighting it.
September is also Recovery Month!!
Smoking cessation may help recovery from substance use disorders.
For help quitting call Quitline Iowa at 800-Quit-Now.
Citizen-Science Project: Alcohol Home Delivery & Drinks To-Go in Iowa
Iowa was one of several states to relax alcohol control measures during the COVID pandemic, and the Iowa state code now allows home delivery of alcohol (for example, by Uber Eats or Grub Hub) and carry-out drinks from licensed establishments. These changes may increase alcohol misuse, including access to alcohol by underage minors. Rules are in place for these types of sales, but we do not yet know how they are working.
AC4C is seeking volunteers who are 21 years or older and who ordinarily purchase alcohol for a citizen-science project. Volunteers will record their experiences using an easy-to-use online tool, which is part of a multi-state effort to gather information about alcohol access after the COVID pandemic. If you’re interested in helping, please contact Yajaira at AC4C will gather information through December 31, 2022.
A recording of the August training session is available HERE.
Hybrid Technology
for 21 Coalitions and AC4C!
The Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy (ODCP), under the Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program provided a one-time limited grant to the Alliance of Coalitions for Change (AC4C) to support a criminal justice response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Here is a list of all of the coalitions who will be receiving the technology (in no particular order):
- Gateway ImpACT Coalition of Clinton
- North Fayette Valley Community Coalition
- Allies for Substance Abuse Prevention of Hancock County
- Jackson County Prevention Coalition
- Butler County Visions of Wellbeing
- Camanche-DeWitt Coalition
- North Iowa Addiction Prevention Alliance
- Cedar Valley Substance Abuse & Overdose Prevention Coalition
- Cedar Valley Drug Endangered Children Alliance
- Floyd County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition
- Mitchell County Substance Abuse Coalition
- Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Buchanan County
- Iowa Afterschool Alliance
- 5C Coalition (Clayton County)
- Prevention Means Progress (Council Bluffs)
- Siouxland CARES
- Jones County Safe and Healthy Youth Coalition
- Johnson County Prevention Partnership
- Northeast Iowa Prevention Coalition (Spencer)
- Partnership for A Healthy Iowa/Face It Together Coalition
- Worth County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition
Congratulations to all these great coalitions! We are planning to bring most of the hybrid technology to the conference to give out to all those who applied, unless you are within close distance of Anamosa and you can pick up. So another great amazing reason to attend the Prevention Conference!
Coalition Highlight:
Autumn Hartman, AC4C Member and Prevention Specialist from Rosecrance-Jackson Centers works with:
Buena Vista Suicide Prevention Coalition
Buena Vista Suicide Prevention Coalition is a coalition in Buena Vista County. They are a diverse team of dedicated community members aiming to raise awareness of resources in the county that can help with mental health and prevention of suicide. On Saturday, September 24th they will be hosting a suicide prevention and family wellness walk in Chautauqua Park in Storm Lake.
Connected Communities.
Effective Coalitions.
Healthy Iowans.
Newly revised MISSION Statement:
Unifying Iowans to address substance use and mental health issues across the lifespan on a state
and community level.
Join an Action Team or Work Group session every month!
Access the action team meetings on Mondays. Login information here
Other Substances Action Team
Next meeting- October 3 @ 9:30
Marijuana Action Team
Next meeting- October 10 @ 9:30
Nicotine Action Team
Next meeting- October 17 @ 9:30
Alcohol Action Team
Next meetings- September 26 and October 24 @ 9:30
Policy Work Group
4th Wednesday at 2:00 pm
Meeting information can be found here
Click here for meeting minutes
Purpose: To collaborate with the community and statewide entities to advocate and educate on substance abuse legislation, policies, and related issues.
Capacity/Marketing Work Group
Need a new co-chair. Thanks to Stacie Schroeder for serving in this capacity for the last few years! Please let Jackie or Jennifer know if you are interested.
3rd Monday at 2:00 pm
Click here for meeting minutes
Purpose: Create a network of professionals that have a diverse knowledge, experience and interest and to build skills and provide resources to members of AC4C.
AC4C had a successful retreat in September with many attending in-person and virtually.
Highlights of the retreat included orientation for new members, revising the mission statement, and sharing from members who attended the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) Midyear and the National Prevention Network conferences. Much of the information centered around high potency THC and how that affects youth mental health causing psychosis and increases the risk of suicide. Information was also shared about the deadly fentanyl pills. The youth who attended learned leadership skills and practiced the Strategic Framework Process, working on an action plan to fight the vaping epidemic in their schools.
AC4C’s evaluator, Mary Schissel, gave the group's DFC mid-year report and shared the results of the 2021 Iowa Youth Survey related to the goals of AC4C. Workgroups and Action Teams met together as well.
The second day of the work retreat was filled with state partner sharing, staff updates, and coalition leaders sharing with each other what all they were working on at home.
Top row (all L to R): Lorelle Mueting- President, Jackie Preston, VP,
Kris Rankin- Secretary.
Middle row:
Stacie Schroeder- Treasurer ('til Oct. 1),
Julie Furne- newly appointed Treasurer, Taylor Householder, At-Large Member
Bottom row: Heather Hotchkiss, Cheryl Buntsma, and Joy Gonnerman, all At-Large Members