Pyradym…pyramid-shaped physioacoustics device
August Worley is an electrical engineer and the inventor of a remarkable new device called “Pyradym”. A Tone Therapist, Reiki Master & Musician who after designing a synthesizer with the late legendary synthesizer pioneer, Dr. Robert Moog, turned his engineering skills and profound insights towards developing a pyramid-shaped, physioacoustics bioResonance therapy device for non-musicians. August recounts, “At the office one day, I made an off-hand mention to Bob of an idea to create an “electronic singing bowl”, and he liked it enough to suggest that it was something that I should do.”
The Pyradym is a multi-modality user-controlled sound, light, and physioacoustic generating instrument that is creating a new way of interfacing with these emerging technologies. Featuring 3 variable analogue tone generators and a tuning system related to the body’s Chakra system, Pyradym creates a relaxing stereophonic sound field through a set of headphones, along with applying the low-frequency component of the generated sound to create an associated physical vibration, (known as”physioacoustics”.) Physioacoustics is a scientific method of using these same low frequency sounds to stimulate the human body in such a way as to obtain desired emotional or physical effects - it’s been accurately described as a “sonic massage”. Since ancient times, low frequency sound has been used in various forms to cause physiological and psychological effects.
Pyradym uses a hardwood pyramidal enclosure scaled exactly as the Great Pyramid of Giza, with all of the sound and light generating circuitry residing on a single printed circuit board. The circuit board resides at the same relative vertical “focal point” as that of The King’s Chamber in The Great Pyramid, and also incorporates reiki symbology inscribed in the copper of the circuit pathways AT that point.