JUNE, 2019
"Pyramid Vibrations"
Pyramid Spotlight
Professor Paolo Debertolis and the SB Research Group Measures Ultrasounds in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids

During a scientific research mission to the Bosnian Pyramid Valley in 2013, Professor Paolo Debertolis and the SB Research Group team clearly detected a presence of ultrasounds. They found very strong emissions around the top of the Pyramid of the Sun ranging between 10 Hz and 70 Hz with a large peak around 48 Hz. Humans can perceive low sounds better through vibrations in their bones than by ear. People sensitive to energy can actually feel the vibrations!

Paolo & his team used professional studio microphones with a wide dynamic range and a flat response at different frequencies along with shielded cables and gold-plated connectors. For recording they used a digital portable recorder with a maximum sampling rate of 192 KHz, but they controlled the result with other digital recorders with less technical characteristics.

Listen to the electromagnetic music recorded at the Bosnian Pyramid Valley.

Pyradym…pyramid-shaped physioacoustics device
August Worley is an electrical engineer and the inventor of a remarkable new device called “Pyradym”. A Tone Therapist, Reiki Master & Musician who after designing a synthesizer with the late legendary synthesizer pioneer, Dr. Robert Moog, turned his engineering skills and profound insights towards developing a pyramid-shaped, physioacoustics bioResonance therapy device for non-musicians. August recounts, “At the office one day, I made an off-hand mention to Bob of an idea to create an “electronic singing bowl”, and he liked it enough to suggest that it was something that I should do.” 

The Pyradym is a multi-modality user-controlled sound, light, and physioacoustic generating instrument that is creating a new way of interfacing with these emerging technologies. Featuring 3 variable analogue tone generators and a tuning system related to the body’s Chakra system, Pyradym creates a relaxing stereophonic sound field through a set of headphones, along with applying the low-frequency component of the generated sound to create an associated physical vibration, (known as”physioacoustics”.)  Physioacoustics is a scientific method of using these same low frequency sounds to stimulate the human body in such a way as to obtain desired emotional or physical effects - it’s been accurately described as a “sonic massage”. Since ancient times, low frequency sound has been used in various forms to cause physiological and psychological effects. 

Pyradym uses a hardwood pyramidal enclosure scaled exactly as the Great Pyramid of Giza, with all of the sound and light generating circuitry residing on a single printed circuit board. The circuit board resides at the same relative vertical “focal point” as that of The King’s Chamber in The Great Pyramid, and also incorporates reiki symbology inscribed in the copper of the circuit pathways AT that point.    

Pyramid Projects around the World
Pyramid Now or Never... a proposed project to build a pyramid in Canada.

If you would like to be part of this ground breaking project contact Rober Chornenki directly at: 
Subscribe to our Youtube Channel ~ NXT Great Pyramid Builders Inc.
Chicago...June Meetup
Igor Pitonak presents
"The Sound Vibration of the Pyramids".

Pyramids are one of the oldest structures on our planet. Appearing all over the world, these structures have been helping humanity for eons of time. In this talk, learn about the dielectric qualities of the pyramids and the effect of the dielectric field on the human body.

Date: June 13th, 7-9 pm
Place: The Gathering Lighthouse
Address: 26 N. Park Avenue, Lombard, Illinois 60148
Donation: $20
Bosnia 2019 Tour
September 1-8, 2019
Pyramids, Tunnels and Healing Life-Force…
Structurally, the imposing Pyramid of the Sun stands an impressive 220 meters high - a good 75 meters higher than its famous cousin at Cheops in Egypt; at its summit emitting a powerful energy, where scientists have measured a jaw-dropping 28.000 hertz - an electromagnetic ‘Skalar Ray’ consisting of ultrasonic-magnetic and pulsing electromagnetic frequencies, which Tesla and others scientists widely-regarded as having a beneficial effect on human cell oscillation.
There is a mounting body of evidence now from those who have spent time in the tunnels of its powerful healing effect, particularly those suffering from asthmatic conditions - who have reported afterwards breathing far easier, as well as those with bronchial or respitorial illnesses, registering considerably marked improvement after similar visits.
Via the Pyramid’s unique sacred geometric form too, it is said that these energies connect directly with the energetic grid of the Earth, Cosmos, and by extension ourselves through our own subtle energetic field and chakras, sometimes with profound healing and spiritual/psychic affect.
3rd Biennial
Global Pyramid Conference
"Pyramids, Vibrations & Sounds"
October 2-4, 2020
Volunteers Needed
Global Pyramid Conference
First Volunteer Meeting
July 14th, 2019
1:00-4:00 pm in Chicago

Contact Marta Thomas if interested at MartaThomas@comcast.net
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