Thank You, Llano!
The Llano Chamber of Commerce thanks the JLK Arena & Events Center and all our wonderful sponsors for a spectacular night on January 31st as we celebrated our most treasured citizens at our Annual Banquet & Awards Ceremony!

The Educators of the Year, Agriculture Producer of the Year, Citizen of the Year and Hall of Fame award winners were all once again surprised and showered in community honor.  It goes without saying that Llano simply cannot operate without these volunteers & service members.

This year, we had the privilege to congratulate these fine folks for their great service to our community.

Educators of the Year:
Llano Christian Academy:   Sidone Thornton; Packsaddle Elementary:  Mary Ellen Halamicek; Llano Elementary School:  Karla Van Item; Llano  Junior High School:  Lori Gray; Llano High School:  Jil Dillard
Agriculture Producer of the Year:
Jerry & Alberta Allred
Citizen of the Year:
Toby Fletcher
Hall of Fame:
Roland Rode

Without all the gracious nominations, sponsorships and volunteer efforts in setting up and helping to create this event night, we could never pull off such a special evening.  We sincerely thank everyone involved and everyone in attendance.

From Briley...
   It is such a pleasure to be associated with so many businesses in and around Llano, Texas. With the start of the new year, the board of directors and I started looking at new ways to get the word out about Llano and everything that happens in our city. We introduced our new App, Llano, Texas, in October 2016, that highlights our members and the events in Llano. After a week long Facebook promo in January 2017, we have doubled our App users, many from Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and west Texas downloaded it. It is Llano at your fingertips, download it today and keep in touch with everything Llano. 
Upcoming events...


January 17:  Main Street Affairs

February 21:  Haunschild Brush Country Travel

March 21:  DustDevilDiver Photography & Old Glory Millinery and Hattery

April 18:  Dabbs Railroad Hotel

May 16:  Circle Your Wagons B & B

June 20:  CelesteCare of Llano

July 18:  The Ramblin’ Rose

August 15:  Llano Visitor Center 10-Year Anniversary

September 19:  2017 Llano Chamber Annual Meeting

October 17:  Llano General Store

November 21:  Sandstone Street Bed & Breakfast

December 12:  Winter Texan Welcome & Mixer at Riverway RV Resort

A & A's Fantasy Floral & Gifts on Ford Street, owned by Ann Matlack opened on January 15th and is ready for your Valentine orders!  Be sure to stop by or give her a call at 325-248-3457!  She is next to Rose Nails, where the Happy Gardener was located.

Lauren Concrete Inc. on North St. Hwy 16 - formerly Llano Ready Mix, is now run by Ryan Bartholomew & family out of the Austin area while retaining local employees and developing the business.

Rockin` River Cabins located in Castell, Texas just north of the Castell General Store.They offer a variety of luxury and and casual family lodging in the Texas Hill Country. Give them a call today, their phone number is 325-647-4355

Silver Edge Contractors located in Venus, Texas,  214-577-5219

Scott Esse Ranches located in Goldthwaite, Texas

As always, we are excited for Llano, and we hope you can all join us when public ribbon-cuttings are scheduled.  Please keep an eye on the newspaper and on our Facebook page for dates and times (& occasional changes)!  

Business mixers are held around town on the third Tuesday of the month from 5:30-7 pm.  If you would like to host one, please call us at 325-247-5354.

Show Your Love, Llano!
It's time to dust off those hearts and have that conversation...  Who is going to win the Valentine Decorating Contest this year???  

The Llano Chamber will also continue the tradition of the LLOVE LLANO Shopping Drawing during February at participating locations in town.

Be creative!  Be resourceful!  Be lovely, Llano!  First prize grabs the gold... AND DRAWS THE MOST CUSTOMERS :) 
March 11-13:  LEAF!
Don't miss this year's Llano Earth Art Fest on the Llano River!  Tshirts are being sold, hotels are filling up, rocks are stacking... everyone is getting excited for what our vendors are selling and bringing to the park this year.

Camping, music, fire dancing, food trucks, fashion shows, a VW show, the Vibe Tribe, and a whole lot of who-knows-what-else will be popping up along the Llano during Spring Break this year!  Be sure to join us!

A & A's Fantasy Floral & Gifts
723 Ford, Llano
Flowers & Gifts for All Occasions 
Mention this Coupon for 15% off
Expires 2/28/17