Dear Neighbor,

We have big challenges to tackle in our community. At Volunteer New York! we believe that harnessing "people power" through volunteerism and civic engagement can help. Our community is full of individuals that want to help others but NEED a pathway to turn their good intentions into action. Your gift today helps Volunteer New York! build this pathway.
Meet Tina & Nneka! Two extraordinary volunteers (and previous Volunteer Spirit Award winners) who are examples of what it means to turn good intentions into local actionand why that matters.
Tina Constable, with her now-late husband Robert, first organized a small group of volunteers to prepare Thanksgiving dinner for 25 families in 2004. Tina fondly remembers all the trials and errors it took to turn this one action into the “Thanksgiving-in-a-Box” community effort it's become.
Eighteen years later, it's an annual interfaith action event in the Pelham area involving seven faith-based communities in partnership with Family Services of Westchester (FSW). Every year more than 250 volunteers help supply a Thanksgiving-in-a-Box to over 1,000 families. Each "box" provides well over a week of nutritious holiday meals.
Nneka Bell, a Navy veteran, committed her time and talent to redesign a previously bare office space at Mount Vernon City Hall into a vibrant and welcoming place where fellow veterans can go for clothes and other necessities—with dignity.
To date, Nneka’s labor of love, known as Kristyn’s Closet, has served over 2,000 veterans. “I think of myself as a philanthropist now,” Nneka says. “I always thought that you needed to give money to do that, but you can give your time too.”
Last year, with your support, Volunteer New York! inspired more than 37,000 volunteers who helped contribute over 388,000 hours of service to 300+ local nonprofits at a value of over $13.7 million to our community. Volunteer New York! is a force multiplier that simply cannot be matched by any other nonprofit in our region.
By making a gift today to Volunteer New York! you will add to the resiliency and vibrancy of our community by ensuring that good intentions become community action.
Thank you for your continued support,
Volunteers are known to live longer and smile more.
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