April 2022 • Community Information
We Don't Slow Down
Floyd Valley Therapies is one department on campus that rarely slows down. Due to age, accidents, limitations or illness, activities once done with ease can become more difficult, and therapy can help minimize these challenges. This happens as we get older but occurs with young
patients as well. As we celebrate Occupational Therapy Month this April, let's learn more about this important piece to therapy. Occupational therapists (OTs) help patients improve, recover and develop the skills necessary for day-to-day activities and maximize their functional independence.
Public Health is Where You Are
Floyd Valley Community Health encourages everyone to celebrate and learn from National Public Health Week (April 4 - 10). This year’s theme, Public Health Is Where You Are, celebrates what we know is true: the places where we are, physically, mentally and societally, affect our health and our lives.
April Hot Shots

Autumn Hair, daughter of Shane and Jana, has been named the April 3 Hot Shot. Autumn is 8 years old and is caring, outgoing and always willing to help. She enjoys animals (especially horses), singing, dancing swimming and just about everything and anything.  

Jack Foster, son of Kevin and Lisa Foster of Hawarden, has been named the April 11, 2021 Hot Shot. Jack is 15 years old and loves sports, animals and music. He even owns a business raising Labrador Retrievers.  

April 16, 2022

As a result of
Healthcare Decisions Day,
many more people
in our community can be expected to have thoughtful conversations about their healthcare decisions and complete reliable advance directives to make
their wishes known.