Charge Conferences
Please save the following dates for Large In-Person Cluster Charge Conferences:
October 22 2:30 PM Cluster Charge Conference Fredericksburg Region: Tabernacle UMC, 7310-A Old Plank Rd., Fredericksburg, VA 22407
October 29 2:30 PM Cluster Charge Conference Northern Neck Region: Kilmarnock UMC, 89 E. Church St., Kilmarnock, VA 22842
November 4 1:00 PM Cluster Charge Conference Central District Region: Lower UMC, 120 Lower Church Rd., Hartfield, VA 23071
November 5 2:30 PM Cluster Charge Conference Hampton Roads Region: Chestnut Memorial UMC, 1024 Harpersville Rd., Newport News, VA 23601
The regions are self-explanatory with the exception of the Central District Region. That will include churches from Charles City, Essex, Gloucester, King & Queen, King William, Middlesex and New Kent.
Any church with a significant reason why their assigned date won't work can send in a request to attend a different Cluster for DS review.
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We will elect both at-large and reserve lay members to the 2024 Annual
Conference (June 20—22, 2024) in Hampton at the Mission Rivers District Conference this fall. Pastors and laity are urged to submit names for nomination to the District Office no later than November 17, 2023. If you are nominating someone else, please obtain their permission prior to submitting this form. Please note that to be elected as an at-large member, a person must have been a member of The United Methodist Church for the 2 years preceding their election and shall have been an active participant in The United Methodist Church for at least 4 years preceding their election. This requirement may be waived for youth and young adult nominees.
Forms should be mailed to Lisa Jones by 12:00 pm on Friday, November 17, 2023: Mission Rivers District Office, 6515 George Washington Memorial Highway, Suite 203, Yorktown, VA 23692 or emailed to We will respond to you with acknowledgment. If you don’t hear from us, please call to check before November 17.
2024 AC District Lay Member PDF
2024 AC District Lay Member Word
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Join us in prayer for those affected by the wildfires in Hawaii. Wind-driven fires on Maui have prompted evacuations and caused loss of life and widespread damage. UMCOR is currently coordinating with the California-Pacific Annual Conference to provide a solidarity grant for emergency supplies.
Donate to this and other U.S. disasters HERE or through your local church. Local churches may send their collections through the VAUMC Treasurer's Office as Advance #901670-Hawaii.
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Mark your calendars!
Bishop Sue is scheduled to visit the Mission Rivers District on February 11th and 12th, 2024.
Details to follow!
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Bishop calls for prayer for Christians in Pakistan
Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson released a video statement to the Virginia Conference on August 17, 2023 asking the conference to join in prayer for Christians in Pakistan. “There is disturbing video out of Pakistan where they topple crosses as they burn churches and they are terrorizing Pakistani Christians, and it’s a matter of great concern to all of us,” Bishop Sue said. Bishop Sue asked in the video for prayers for the people in Pakistan and Christians around the world and called upon the entire United Methodist connection to prayer. According to a BBC report, more than 100 people have been arrested in Jaranwala in east Pakistan after thousands of people joined in to burn churches and vandalize homes. This took place after claims surfaced that two Christian men had torn pages from a copy of the Quran. Watch video statement...
VAUMC Board of Communications shared an opportunity at Annual Conference for local churches to access 5G Business Internet through a T-Mobile partnership with the board. Many churches have signed up--but for the very best price, we need 200 churches. Please use the link below to indicate your interest (if you have not already).
Even if your location is not serviced by T-Mobile (or you don’t think it is), churches can still fill out the interest form as T-Mobile is continuing to expand their 5G service. The board is planning to work with Verizon toward the end of this year for a similar deal.
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It is that time of year when your church may consider renewing or establishing agreements with community organizations or ministries, including the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).
On December 21, 2022, the conference shared information about BSA and approved agreements for churches to use with the organization. The information in this communication remains in effect.
There are only two approved agreements related to BSA for local churches. Charters should not be used by any United Methodist Church.
The Virginia Conference believes that churches can be well served with the revised Annual Affiliation Agreement, which can be found here. We also believe local churches can be well served by using the September 2022 Facilities Use Agreement if the Annual Affiliation Agreement is not the best option. The Facilities Use Agreement can be found here.
This change came as a result of the class -action lawsuit against BSA and the subsequent bankruptcy case. Use of these agreements, rather than charters, allows churches the choice in how they engage with Scouting ministries. These forms establishing the legal relationship between a local church and BSA still allow local churches to partner in ministry with scouting in rich and meaningful ways.
If you have any questions, please contact your district superintendent or Assistant to the Bishop the Rev. Dr. Steve Summers.
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Foundation Grant Season Opens on September 1!
Grant applications for the 2023-2024 VAUMF grants cycle will open on September 1, 2023. Visit the grants page of our website to access the application and grant guidelines, as well as learn more about available grant funds. Questions? Email
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Apply now to Mustard Seed Migration grants
The Mustard Seed Migration Grant program is designed to encourage local United Methodist churches to engage in ministry to migrants in their midst. UMCOR will award grants of $2,000 USD to up to 100 United Methodist local churches to engage in new, one-time community-based service projects and ministries focused on migrants and refugees.The goal of this program is to nurture a deeper understanding and care for the most vulnerable in our communities. We also encourage participating congregations to think about what they might do on a long-term basis, how they might get involved in advocacy to address systemic injustices present in immigration policy or consider how they might more completely live into a new understanding of church as the kingdom of God, actively engaged in caring for the most vulnerable in the community.
Completed applications will be evaluated on an ongoing basis. Though the final deadline is October 1, 2023, churches are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible, since awards will be given on a first-come first-served basis. Applicants will be notified within four weeks of the application submission date. Applications must be signed by the church’s senior pastor and lay leader. Submit a completed, signed application via email to
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Calling all VAUMC Clergy!
Have you been feeling weary, downtrodden, or just plain tired? Have the pandemic and disaffiliations got you down? The recent 2023 Wespath Clergy Well-Being Survey shows a decline in clergy well-being over the past ten years.
Come and charge your spiritual battery and work on your well-being by spending a day apart with other clergy from across the conference on Thursday, September 21, 2023. You can either attend a full day in person at a location on your district, or just join the webinar and small group portion.
Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson will greet everyone through the welcome webinar and Rev. Dr. Elaine Heath will be our keynote speaker presenting on “Trauma Informed Evangelism.” To prepare for this event, you are encouraged to read “Trauma Informed Evangelism: Cultivating Communities of Wounded Healers” by Charles Kisner and Elaine A. Heath.
The focus for the day is fellowship, sharing, and worship. Host church pastors will provide worship experiences including the sacrament of Holy Communion. Lunch will be provided for a time of fellowship. Spiritual directors will facilitate the small group time. See the schedule below to choose how you would like to attend. Click at the following link to register by September 13, 2023 and see the list of host churches:
Cost is $20 for those who attend in person to cover the cost of lunch. 0.5 C.E.U.’s will be available for those who attend and read “Trauma Informed Evangelism: Cultivating Communities of Wounded Healers.”
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Special and Sustaining Grant Applications are due on October 16, 2023.
Learn more and apply here.
SPECIAL PROGRAM GRANTS are designed for programs outside of normal conference and local church funding processes. They are intended to provide funding for the first three years of innovative programs of tangible and caring outreach that is beyond a local church’s current financial resources.
SUSTAINING PROGRAM GRANTS are designed for programs outside of normal conference and local church funding processes. They are intended to provide funding for the sustaining of innovative programs of tangible and caring outreach that is beyond a local church’s current financial resources. They are for churches of all ethnic groups and should help the church requesting the funding to relate to the ethnic groups within its community.
The Office of Connectional Ministries (Contact
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God on the Brain: The Nexus of Religious Faith and Mental Well Being on September 23 from 9 AM - 3 PM in person at Randolph Macon College and virtually by Zoom.
Religion is often cast in opposition to science. Yet both are deeply rooted in the inner workings of the human brain. Advances in cognitive neuroscience and brain imaging technology have given rise to the growing field of “neurotheology,” the scientific study of religious and spiritual phenomena. Breakthrough research tells us much about:
- The positive impacts of religious and spiritual practices on mental health, well-being, and the aging process
- The psychology and neuroscience of profoundly meaningful experiences
- Why religious practices and belief in God are among the most powerful tools for helping the brain do its thing — self-maintenance and self-transcendence
How do findings from neurotheology inform personal ministry to our communities and circles of care, especially as we meet the dual challenges of decline in religiosity and an epidemic of mental unwellness? CEU's available. CLICK HERE for more information.
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'Next Steps' campaign seeks to address needs of members seeking to stay UMC during local church disaffiliations
For those whose congregations have voted to disaffiliate, but who wish to remain United Methodist, the Virginia Annual Conference and the Cabinet offer Next Steps, a website with resources to remain connected as they discern where God is calling them. At Next Steps, individuals and churches may
access resources for small group gathering and other means of discipleship.
As part of this Bridge Churches offer one possible next step for persons who choose to remain United Methodist after their church disaffiliates, providing pastoral care, assistance in gathering, and invitations to share in ministry opportunities with their congregations. These churches are not recruiting members; they offer a safe space of support, nurture, and opportunities for connection during this time of transition. Individuals may choose to join Bridge churches, on their terms and at their own pace of discernment; or they may choose to join elsewhere. Learn more...
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We Are Hiring -- Director of Children and Family Ministry
Bellamy UMC, which has been a part of the Gloucester community for over two hundred years, seeks a passionate person with a love for sharing Jesus with others throughout the community, to direct our children and family ministry. This is a 15-hour per week position. Regular events include children's sermons, children's church, Vacation Bible School -- but want to give the director the opportunity to explore additional ways to share the love of Jesus with the community, listening to their needs, and designing ministries and missions so that the children of our community grow as disciples of Jesus, find hope and experience a supportive community.
Required characteristics & skills -- Self-starter, organized, children's education experience, college degree preferred, understanding of United Methodist doctrine, dependable, can recruit and delegate, involved in and loves the local community.
Request a full position description at To apply, send resume and cover letter explaining why you are applying and how you can fulfill this role, to the same email address.
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Dahlgren UMC, 17080 14th St., King George, VA 22485, was gifted an Adagio piano they cannot use...55" long, 34-1/2" tall and 21" deep. Available for immediate pickup. Call church office 540/663-2230 for scheduling.
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During the week of July 16, 2023, six members of Bethany UMC in Reedville, VA journeyed to Fort Myers, FL to participate in continuing recovery efforts from damage caused by Hurricane Ian last fall. While there, the team members were primarily focused on helping make a house in the area more livable.
Their primary tasks included caulking and painting, installing new flooring, and installing trim. Good Shepherd United Methodist Church in North Fort Myers, FL hosted the team. While there, the team donated over 200 volunteer hours to the ongoing recovery effort.
On Sunday, Sept 10, at 9:30 am, Bethany UMC will host a mission Sunday where details of this trip will be shared. A lunch will be hosted after church with all donations dedicated to next year’s mission trip.
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August 21, 2023
Over 2,500 youth and leaders from United Methodist Churches around the United States, and other countries, joined together July 25-28, in Florida to celebrate Christ’s work in our lives and to grow in faith at the Youth Retreat 2023 entitled BOLD: Being Ourselves and Living Different.
Seven youth from Zion UMC in Seaford, accompanied by our youth leader, Ms. Jordan Usselman, and pastor David Magruder, made the journey to Daytona Beach, Florida for this special event. At the Retreat the youth enjoyed two and a half days of worship, fellowship, and workshops with the other youth who had gathered. Each of the youth shared how this experience touched their lives and how they could feel God’s presence and Spirit on many occasions. They also shared how they felt they had grown in their faith and that they are excited for the church and what is in store for the future. Each proclaimed that they were committed to living boldly into their faith as they continue to grow as disciples of Christ. They also feel bolder in sharing the love of Christ with others as they continue their walk with Jesus.
From Left to Right: Youth Leader Jordan Usselman, Carson Burris, Owen Keller, Owen Blanton, Ethan McLawhorn, Haley Thomas, Julia Thompson, Grace Thompson.
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Tabernacle UMC
7310-A Old Plank Road
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
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The Well Worship
Join us for The Well Worship on Tuesday, September 12th at 6:30 pm. The Well is a monthly casual worship service led by the Bellamy Worship Band. The Well features worship music, prayer, scripture, testimony, fellowship, meditation, and so much more!
Bellamy United Methodist Church
4870 Chestnut Fork Rd.
Gloucester, VA 23061
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If you would like to advertise your local church event with the conference on the Event Calendar and through the conference-hosted Google groups, please fill out the form found under the “Events” menu tab on the website or go to
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