Monthly news & updates
April 2022| Issue 23
Ready-to post content from the CDC: How to encourage employees to think healthy this spring
Spring cleaning isn't just for your home or office. Finding ways to eat and live clean benefits everyone. Employees who feel better, whether through healthy eatinggood sleep, or regular exercise, are often more productive at work. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) offers five more strategies to support a healthy spring, which can help to prevent certain chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 

Print this document or download it to post to your intranet site, to share eight ways we can all think clean and healthy this spring.
In the news: Timely reads about COVID-19 behavior and symptoms
Let's talk healthcare strategy, and ways for schools to save

In the next couple months, we'll be meeting with our member schools to discuss opportunities for 2023.

We're also always open to talking healthcare strategies or captives with any school looking to learn more about this collaborative approach to healthcare.
edHEALTH Annual meeting takes place on Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Members-Owners, Business Partners, and Advisors: Hold this date for us

This year, we hope to see you in person. Once again, we're hosting the meeting in Dover, MA at the Connors Center. Your official invitation and additional information will be coming via email soon.
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Interested in learning more about the many benefits of edHEALTH?
Call Nancy McConaghy at 1.866.692.7473 ext. 702 or send her an email.