January 2024

Inside: Register for Pet Emergency First Aid, learn about our upcoming Basic Training class plus a tribute to one of our founding members

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From the Top

Happy New Year! As we step into 2024, our commitment to community safety remains strong.

In January, we focus on preparedness. Remember, preparedness starts at home. Take time this month to review and update your family's emergency plan. Now is a good time to review your home to see if you want to install proper hurricane protection before the storm season starts in June. Your dedication to personal readiness contributes to the overall resilience of Lakewood Ranch.


Thank you to our wonderful volunteers for their active support of LWR CERT activities. In 2023, 152 of our members logged more than 2,700 hours serving our community in a variety of capacities. Thank you for your active involvement in preparing our community. Luckily, we did not have to activate for Hurricane Idalia in August, but we were prepared.


As we look ahead to 2024, we are excited to continue providing valuable education, training, and resources to help our community prepare for emergencies. First up is a free public session on Pet Emergency First Aid set for Saturday, January 20. It's a great opportunity to learn how to best be prepared to help your pet when a first aid emergency occurs. Details and registration information below.


Let's make 2024 a year of unity, preparedness, and safety. Together, we build a more resilient Lakewood Ranch.

Jim Emanuelson (KN4VMK)

President, LWR CERT


January Public Event


Basic Training

February Class Dates

February 15, 17, 22 and March 2

May Class Dates

May 2, 4, 16 and 18

October Class Dates

October 17, 19, 24 and 26

Last opportunity before February class

registration closes

Only a few seats remain for the February Basic Training class, and registration will close in the next few weeks.

Now is a great time to learn more about LWR CERT and how becoming a member can impact you, your family, and your neighbors.

Basic Training provides a free opportunity for you to learn basic emergency first aid and response skills. It also prepares you to react quickly and efficiently to emergencies which may arise in your own home or when out in the community with family and friends.

Phase 1 resident graduates of Basic Training also receive a free backpack filled with basic emergency first aid supplies, including a team radio. In addition, residents living in the CEVA, CWW, GBVA, and SRVA HOAs will be assigned to their neighborhood team.


Committee Spotlight: Communications

LWR CERT members find that participating on a standing committee and in one-time opportunities offers them a variety of ways to share their time, talent, and knowledge -- or to learn something new -- as they meet new people and have a good time!

This month's spotlight: Communications Committee

Members of the Communications Committee have a wide variety of backgrounds and life experiences and have fun while collaborating on various special projects throughout the year.

Starting in January, the Committee will engage in a new project -- the redesign of the website. A professional outside agency has been hired to produce the new website, so no website or coding experience is needed by Committee members. Instead, the Committee will focus on the messages - both verbal and visual - that best convey the LWR CERT story.

In addition to the website redesign, the Committee is also responsible for engaging with our audiences on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, and using Constant Contact to create the monthly newsletters and to promote member and public events. The Committee also produces various collateral and educational materials including event flyers and the Quick Activation Guide.

Team Kit Drop Off 2023

Patt Staley

We are saddened to share the news that Patt Staley, one of our founding members, passed away December 26. Patt and her husband, Mr. Mike, were graduates of the first Basic Training class held by LWR CERT in January 2007.

Patt always had a smile and kind word to say. She was very active in LWR CERT for 17 years. Patt will be greatly missed by her family, friends, Team 8 teammates and all of us who had the pleasure of knowing her.

Member News and Things to Know

January Birthdays


Happy Birthday to members Margaret Davis (Team 17), Deb Diven (Team 22), Sudi Hirmanpour (Team 25), Dennis Johnson (Team 26), Judith Johnson (Team 26), Kathy Keenan (Team 10), Pat Knowles (Team 17), Lori Martin (Team 10) and Terry Speer (Team 23)

The new 2024 Active Responder car stickers are in!

LWR CERT members who are recognized Active Responders are encouraged to display these car stickers on the rear window of their vehicles.

If you see an Active Responder car sticker in a parking lot, be sure to thank the vehicle's driver for their service to the LWR community.

Service Anniversaries - 17 years!


Happy Service Anniversary to members Janis Ballard (Team 10), Don O'Leary (Team 22), Tim Sherer (Team 10), Mr. Mike Staley (Team 8) and Robert Swiatek (Team 9) who all graduated from the first ever LWR CERT Basic Training Class on January 20, 2007. They celebrate 17 years with LWR CERT this month! Congratulations and thanks for your years of service to LWR!

Area Events

River Club CERT is hosting a free Stop the Bleed class Wednesday, January 10 from 6-7:30 PM at the Firehouse Administration Building, 3200 LWR Blvd. Seating is limited and registration is required. Click here to register. Questions? Contact

Upcoming LWR CERT Meetings and Events

Executive Committee Meeting - Tuesday, January 9 at 11:30 AM Location TBD

Basic Training Committee Meeting - Wednesday, January 10 at 4 PM

VIRTUAL Operations Committee Meeting - January 10 at 5 PM

Communications Committee Meeting - Tuesday, January 16 at 4 PM

Radio Communications Committee Meeting - Tuesday, January 16 at 7 PM

Board Meeting - Wednesday, January 17 at 7 PM

Pet Emergency First Aid Public Event - Saturday, January 20 at 9 AM Registration requested

Send comments, suggestions, and photos for future issues to

LWR CERT 2024 Executive Committee

President - Jim Emanuelson

Vice President - George Jenckes

Treasurer - Doug Webber

Team Captain Coordinator - Jan Kuhn

Liaison - Jim Hermiston

LWR CERT 941.404.8606

Newsletter Editor:

Karen Emanuelson,

Communications Manager


Jill Perlin

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