February 2024

Inside: Photos from our January events plus Pet Emergency First Aid tips

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From the Top

Happy February! I hope this message finds you safe and well. We have a longer February this year as it’s leap year. What a great time to “leap into volunteering” to help your neighborhood! Lakewood Ranch offers numerous opportunities to volunteer and make a difference.

By volunteering more, you'll not only enhance your skills but also contribute to the well-being of your neighborhood. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our neighbors are better prepared for emergencies. Consider joining a CERT program in your neighborhood.

Jim Emanuelson (KN4VMK)

President, LWR CERT


Welcome to our newest managers

Join us in welcoming our two newest managers to the LWR CERT leadership team. You'll be seeing a lot of these two around Lakewood Ranch and at upcoming LWR CERT events. Be sure to introduce yourself.

Neighborhood Engagement Manager

John Harkey

Less than 2 weeks after agreeing to serve as our new Neighborhood Engagement Manager, John Harkey was sharing the importance of LWR CERT in the community at the first Public Event of the year, Pet Emergency First Aid!

John lives in Siena and is a member of Team 35. He graduated from Basic Training in May 2023. In his new role, John is responsible for planning and conducting activities associated with managing the overall member recruitment efforts of LWR CERT. He is currently coordinating with the LWR Women's Club to provide a Hurricane Prep session for their members.

Events Manager

Arcinee Hermiston

In less than a month, Arcinee Hermiston has accepted the position as our new Events Manager, organized the Pet Emergency First Aid Public Event on January 20 and spearheaded the January 30 Member Meeting featuring East Manatee Fire Rescue!

Arcinee lives in Laurel Valley and is a member of Team 28. She graduated from Basic Training in February 2023. In her new role, Arcinee is responsible for defining, planning, organizing and managing the activities required to conduct LWR CERT-sponsored events. She is currently multi-tasking to ensure the success of upcoming member events including Active Shooter Preparedness Training, Radio Day in the Park and LWR CERT Day at the Ball Park as well as the upcoming April 4 public event featuring Manatee County Deputy Tom Kaczmarek.

RECAP: January Member Event - EMFR

Battalion Chief Craig Madsen, Lt. Eric Hoying and firefighters Kyle Powers and Jacob Sperko from East Manatee Fire Rescue (EMFR) Station #4 shared the department's hurricane response steps and how LWR CERT members help firefighters direct their valuable resources after a hurricane. Attendees also learned the importance of knowing how to shut off water, gas and electricity to a home and how EMRF responds to electric vehicle fires and homes with solar panels.

Member Engagement Manager George Haralampoudis reminded members of the importance of logging volunteer hours in Better Impact. Pat Knowles refreshed members' skills on Jaw Thrust Maneuver and use of an Epi-Pen, and Dr. George Jenckes updated attendees on LWR CERT's updated Epi-Pen policy.

We also thank Jim Hermiston, Jan Kuhn, Rich Raymond, Karen Emanuelson and our new Event Manager Arcinee Hermiston for their assistance with this event.

RECAP: January Public Event - Pet Emergency First Aid

LWR pet parents spent the morning of Saturday, January 20 at Town Hall learning important tips on when and how to provide emergency first aid to their pets.

Thank you to Dr. Wendy Ellis, DVM; Dr. Lori Awadalla, DVM; and Dr. Devon Diaz, DVM, MS from Veterinary Medical Center at Lakewood Ranch for providing the featured presentation and for answering our residents' questions.

Thank you, also, to the LWR CERT members who made this event possible: Arcinee Hermiston, Karen Emanuelson Jan Kuhn, Susan Fink (The Isles CERT), Cynthia Olcott, Mike Resetarits, Sharon Defferding, Deb Jernigan, Mike Modisett, presenters Jim Emanuelson and John Harkey, and photographer Rich Raymond.

RECAP: Test of the Emergency Radio Communications Network

Radio Communications Committee Manager Alan Blair, the Emergency Radio Communications Network (ECRN) hubs, and Team Captain Coordinator Jan Kuhn organized a successful test of the LWR CERT Emergency Radio Communications Network on Saturday, January 27. Thank you to them and to the Team Captains and Group Leaders who participated with their IC radios charged and were ready to respond when contacted.

The exercise tested the signal of teams' IC radios and the ability of Hubs and Incident Command to hear each team's communications. The results will be used to determine which Hub works best for each team. This is just one way LWR CERT prepares for hurricanes in the off season.

Basic Training Opportunities in the Area

Trailer Estates CERT

Trailer Estates CERT is offering a February Basic Training course set for the Bayshore Gardens Recreation Center in Bradenton. Class dates are February 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, and 29 from 10 AM - 2 PM. If interested, download the Application or contact Sharon at Trailer Estates CERT.

River Club CERT

River Club CERT is hosting Basic Training classes in April (April 13, 20 and 27) and October (October 5, 12, 19) at the East Manatee Fire Station #1 Administration Building on LWR Blvd. Contact for details. 

Member News and Things to Know


February Birthdays

Happy Birthday to members Rinita Acevedo (Team 11), Mark Boutote (Team 16), John Brooks (Team 36), Paul Catalano (Team 25), Bill Corristan (Team 02), Patricia Flinton (Team 32), Stephen Greene (Team 36), Tom Hickey (Team 32), Larry Hippich (Team 13), Stephen Kost (Team 10), Murray Miller (Team 31), Bill Quaid (Team 2), Mollie Saia (Team 26), William Sanderson (Team 30), James Schmidt (Team 20), Mr. Mike Staley (Team 8), and Arline Stein (Team 28)

February Service Anniversaries

Congratulations to these members, all celebrating February Basic Training graduations. Thanks for your year(s) of service to LWR and LWR CERT!

14 years - Andy Goyer (Team 33)

12 years - Gary Anderson (Team 23), Joan Grossel (Team 32), and Roger Grossel (Team 32)

1 year - Anna Albano (Team 16), Dan Gulling (Team 31), Arcinee Hermiston (Team 28), Jim Hermiston (Team 28), Kathy Keenan (Team 10), Jillian Kubacki (Team 22), Jim O'Donnell (Team 36), Martha O'Donnell (Team 36), Alan Roth (Team 9), James Schmidt (Team 20), Gloria Schroeck (Team 10), Ronald Spiegel (Team 26), Rosemary Stack (Team 32), and James Troeller (Team 17)

Board Change - Doug Webber has resigned as Treasurer so he may focus on some medical issues. He remains Team Captain of Team 9. We wish Doug a speedy recovery. The Board plans to name a new Treasurer at the February Board meeting.

Award Nomination - LWR CERT was nominated for an award by Lakewood Ranch Community Activities. We appreciate the recognition.

In Memory

Mike Staley is inviting LWR CERT members and the LWR community to a Mass to honor the 52 years he shared with his wife, Patt Staley, who passed suddenly on December 26. Mike and Patt graduated from the first LWR CERT Basic Training class. Mike remains an active member on Team 8. The Mass will take place on February 23 at 8 AM at St. Patrick's Catholic Church, 7900 Bee Ridge Road in Sarasota.

We are saddened to share the news that Joyce Jackowski, wife of member Paul Jackowski for 56 years, lost her battle with cancer on January 24. Paul is an active member of LWR CERT and serves on Team 8.

Upcoming LWR CERT Events

LWR CERT 2024 Executive Committee

President - Jim Emanuelson

Vice President - George Jenckes

Treasurer - TBD

Team Captain Coordinator - Jan Kuhn

Liaison - Jim Hermiston

LWR CERT 941.404.8606

Newsletter Editor:

Karen Emanuelson,

Communications Manager

Event Photographer:

Rich Raymond


Jill Perlin

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