July 2024

Inside: Find the latest hurricane prep information plus upcoming area events and hot temperature tips.

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From the Top

Happy July! I hope you enjoyed a nice July 4th celebration. We are headed into the hottest time of the year. Watch yourself, your family and your pets during hot weather. Heat stress symptoms can appear in as little as 15 minutes in hot conditions.


Hurricane Beryl, the first hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, became the earliest hurricane to strengthen to a Category 5 storm. The waters to our south are very warm, which will help storms strengthen rapidly this year. While the storm was not a threat to our area, please prepare for hurricane season if you have not done so already.


I look forward to seeing you in the neighborhood. Stay safe!

Jim Emanuelson (KN4VMK)

President, LWR CERT


RECAP: Hurricane Prep for LWR Residents

The June 4 public Hurricane Prep educational session sponsored by LWR CERT was "sold out" days before the event. By the end of the evening, almost a third of the attendees requested more information about becoming a member of LWR CERT.

Attendees learned about weather conditions, including the impacts of Saharan dust and experimental forecasting that will be introduced this Hurricane Season. Jill Perlin also shared preparations to make today and as a storm is approaching, including how to determine your family's risk and the importance of an insurance checkup. Jordan Perlin discussed supplies needed and the important "Stay or Go" decision. He also shared what to do -- and what not to do -- immediately after a storm passes.

Click the accompanying photos to visit our website to explore Hurricane Preparation links and apps, specifically chosen for residents in Lakewood Ranch.

Thank you to presenters Jim Emanuelson, Jill Perlin, Jordan Perlin, and Sharon Defferding for sharing your hurricane prep and LWR CERT knowledge. We also thank all the volunteers involved with this successful event: Karen Emanuelson, John Hennessey, Jim Hermiston, Jean Hritz, Gordon Kuhn, Jan Kuhn, Dick Plotkin, Paulette Kessler-Westerman, Susan Strahs, Phil Westerman, Sheila White and Event Manager Arcinee Hermiston.

2024 Hurricane Season -

Prep Events and What You Need to Know

Manatee County Public Safety Department hosts Hurricane Prep event

Coffee and Questions at the Manatee County Emergency Operations Center is set for Friday, July 12 at 10 AM. Have questions about hurricanes, preparedness, or more? This is your chance to get answers plus hear from special guest ABC 7 Chief Meteorologist Bob Harrigan. Register at

LWR CERT meets with East Manatee Fire Rescue to discuss response strategy

In preparation for the 2024 Hurricane Season, LWR CERT President Jim Emanuelson met with East Manatee Fire Rescue (EMFR) Deputy Chief Will Hall and Deputy Chief Paul Wren on June 6 to discuss radio communications plans between the organizations during a large emergency, such as after a hurricane. The topic will also be discussed at the next Manatee County CERT Coalition meeting.

Disaster Supply Checklist - Manatee County Emergency Management suggests you stock your home with at least 7 days of nonperishable food and beverages, including at least 1 gallon of water per person per day. Click here to download a Disaster Supply Checklist of items to have on hand should a hurricane be predicted for our area.

Hot Weather Safety Tips for You and Your Pets

Keeping Pets Safe in the Heat


Symptoms of heat stroke in pets


-Excessive panting



-Excessive restlessness

-Vomiting and diarrhea

-Purplish-gray gums and tongue

-Inability to stand

Contact your veterinarian immediately if your pet is experiencing these symptoms.

Safety tips

  • Avoid hot pavement
  • Consider walks in the morning or evening when temps are cooler
  • Consider booties or doggie shoes to help protect paws
  • Stay inside during hottest times of day
  • Ensure fresh water is readily available
  • Check nose - it should be cool and wet
  • Pay attention to appetite
  • Do not leave pets in a vehicle, even if it’s running

Area Events

Lakewood Ranch IDA Resident Orientation

Learn about LWR local, special purpose governments (CDDs), the Inter-District Authority (IDA), and your Homeowners' Associations at this resident orientation session held at LWR Town Hall Tuesday, July 16 from 5 - 7 PM. You will learn how each of these entities operates and how they work together to make Lakewood Ranch the best community to call home. Click here to register.

Save the Date: LWR CERT Basic Training Grad throws out first pitch

Mark your calendar now and plan to attend the August 16 Bradenton Marauders baseball game when LWR CERT Basic Training graduate Jeremy, the first CERT graduate in the United States with Down syndrome, will throw out the first pitch as part of the Special Needs Community Celebration. Watch for a link to purchase tickets in a special LWR CERT section behind home plate in the August newsletter.

Stop The Bleed Event

Indigo CERT will be presenting a “Stop the Bleed” program on August 26 at 6:30 PM. Space is limited to 20 participants. To register and for details, contact Indigo CERT President Linda Gooen at

CERT Basic Training - Trailer Estates - September/October

Trailer Estates CERT is hosting a CERT Basic Training Class scheduled for September 25, 26 and 27 and October 2, 3, and 4. The classes will meet from 10 AM - 2 PM in the Bayshore Gardens Park and Recreation Center, 6919 26th Street W. in Bradenton. Residents from all of Manatee County are welcome to attend this free training. Click here to access the application which should be emailed to Sharon at Questions? Call 941.752.7421.

CERT Basic Training - River Club - September/October

River Club CERT is hosting a CERT Basic Training Class scheduled for September 28, October 6 and October 12. The entire training will be completed in three Saturday sessions. Contact Sebastian Ilka at for details and registration.

Manatee County Sheriff's Citizen Academy

Six LWR CERT members graduated from the Manatee County Sheriff's Citizen Academy in May and all highly recommend this free course. Click here to learn more.

Member News


July Birthdays

Happy Birthday to members Ray Arroyo (Team 17), Mary Balazic (Team 13), Albert Bergeron (Team 10), Stephen Bloom (Team 36), Joseph Butch (Team 22), Maureen Corristan (Team 2), William Fisher (Team 31), Amy Franceschini (Team 20), Joan Grossel (Team 32), Roger Grossel (Team 32), Posy Havens (Team 10), Martin Hawkins (Team 1), Jim Hermiston (Team 28), Bill Hubbard (Team 25), Michael Miller (Team 31), Karen Plotkin (Team 26), Tom Rydberg (Team 35), Marty Saia (Team 26), Janis Scott (Team 25), Terry Scott (Team 25), Ronald Spiegel (Team 26), Valerie Stafford-Mallis (Team 8), Richard Svertesky (Team 26), Robert Swiatek (Team 9), Valerie Voutsas (Team 27), and Doug Webber (Team 9).

July Service Anniversaries

Congratulations to these members, who are celebrating July CERT Basic Training graduations. Thanks for your service to LWR and LWR CERT!

15 years - Polly Greene (Team 36), Stephen Greene (Team 36), Faith Kibler (Team 2), Valerie Stafford-Mallis (Team 8), and Paul Townsley (Team 11)

6 years - Becky Bertram (Team 20), Lenoire Bredt (Team 33), Bob Donato (Team 33), and Donna Donato (Team 33)

Upcoming LWR CERT Meetings and Events

  • No Board Meeting in July
  • Managers' Meeting - Monday, July 8 at 7 PM
  • Training Committee Meeting - Wednesday, July 10 at 4 PM
  • VIRTUAL Operations Committee Meeting - Wednesday, July 10 at 5 PM. 
  • LWR CERT Member Meeting - Monday, July 15 CANCELLED
  • Radio Committee Meeting - Tuesday, July 23 at 7 PM

Send comments, suggestions, and photos for future issues to

LWR CERT 2024 Board of Directors

President - Jim Emanuelson

Vice President - George Jenckes

Treasurer/Secretary - Lisa Robbins

Director, Team Captains - Jan Kuhn

Director, Responder Liaison - Jim Hermiston

Director, Membership Development - Bruce Bedford

Director, Community Outreach - Jim Curran

LWR CERT 941.404.8606

Newsletter Editor:

Karen Emanuelson,

Communications Manager

Event Photographer:

Jim Hermiston


Jill Perlin

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