First Universalist's weekly newsletter

Browse Volume 12 of The Financial Times of First U: " Happy Half-Birthday to Fiscal Year 2017/2018!"
What Does It Mean To Be a People of Intention?
Rev. Jennifer Emrich
Sunday, January 7, 2017, 10:30 am
Children's Tea & Games with the Minister
First Sundays from 11:45 am - 12:30 pm
January 7, February 4, March 4
Calling all children - there are snacks and fun and games to be had after worship on the first Sunday of the month (including this coming Sunday!). Rev. Jennifer and one of our teens will host with a snack, a chance to chat, and games. New children are always welcome!
Winter 2018 Program Calendar
Click to view the Google Calendar and/or view or print the handy one-page PDF: Winter 2018 Program Schedule . Want to know more about our programs? Check out our website to see offerings for children , youth , and adults , and/or click the button below for descriptions of programs.
9:30 am - Adult Conversation Circles (Gathering Room)
9:30 am - UU Games (Common Room)
10:30 am - Children's Chapel (begin in Sanctuary)
11:45 am - Tea and Games with the Minister (Rev. Jennifer's Office)
4:00 pm - Senior Youth Group (Gathering Room)
Come connect in the new year with friends old and new! The Member Services Committee is proud to host the first Coffee Hour of 2018 and want to invite you to a special Coffee Hour Connection. There will be some brunch items, treats, coffee, and tea, a chance to reconnect with your First U community after the busy holiday season, or the opportunity to meet new friends during this brand new year. Join us to connect and re-connect during this special coffee hour.
Save the Date: Events in January & February 2018
Sunday, January 21, 11:45 am - Mid-year Meeting
Thursday, January 25, 5:30 pm & 7:30 pm seatings - Gather Dinner
Saturday, February 10, 5:00 - 7:00 pm - Maine Farm Supper
Q: When you have a new idea for the church, do you wonder where to go? Start it up, or give it up?

A: Bring your ideas to a Board Member for suggestions on the next steps. Generally, if it’s a PROGRAM thing (worship, faith development for all ages, social justice work, caring for our members who are in need), it will go to the Minister. If it’s a BOARD thing (welcoming new folks, events, fundraisers, finances, the church building, administration of the church), it will go to a committee of the Board. Thanks!

Board members are: Joanna Landsman, Marge Titcomb, Lily O’Brien, Sarah Witte, Charlie Horstman, Lauren Taylor, Rebecca Rundquist, and Jamie Brookes. 

And hey, also check out the new poster which illustrates our church organization. It’s getting built on the wall in our Gathering Room.  
Coffee Hour Hosting Calendar
Committees, councils, and groups at First U are signed up for a turn to host coffee hour. Mariana Tupper will be contacting your group a few weeks ahead of time with a reminder, but you can also view the schedule here.
Help New Mainers: Become A Volunteer Housing Coach
A volunteer housing coach helps New Mainers to navigate the U.S. rental housing system and assists with things like learning to use unfamiliar kitchen equipment or answers questions about landlord/tenant issues. This volunteer role requires no financial commitment and would be only a few hours per month. Read more about this program.
The Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Augusta is seeking a part-time Religious Exploration Coordinator .
The Chalice Lighter Program is seeking contributions to support the Starr King Fellowship in hiring a temporary, part-time staff member to set-up and work the expanded technology in their Sanctuary. Read more .
Pastoral Emergencies
If you are experiencing a crisis, including needing a hospital visit, you may call Rev. Jennifer Emrich on her cell phone (207.356.1467) any time. Please note that Friday and Saturdays are typically her days off - Rev. Jennifer does not check email on these days, but will answer any crisis or emergency calls.
Submit Your Announcement
To have your church or community event included in this newsletter or in print on Sundays please fill out this form or email the information to Gwen at by Wednesday at 12 pm to have it included in that Friday's edition of Channels or the Sunday Morning News.
  First Universalist Church of Yarmouth | 207-846-4148 | |