June 2, 2023

Dear Angela,

This week the Council took its second vote on the fiscal year 2024 budget to lock in funding levels for District programs and services. First, a big thank you to everyone who contacted me and my office with what you wanted to see funded in the budget! We can never fund as much as I'd want, but I'm proud of what we accomplished: from funding our safety net to keep people housed, to investments in education that address teacher turnover and build our behavioral health workforce pipeline. In the brief video below I want to share some of the budget accomplishments that will make a difference for residents like you. There is one more vote left that will take place in June before the budget is finalized and I'll be sure to keep you updated.



Need to reach me or a member of my team?

My office is available to you. Connect with me and my staff via phone or email. Please call my personal office at (202) 724-8174, or my committee office at (202) 727-8270, or email any of my team members. If you have a moment, please take my 3-question constituent survey here.



Robert White | Councilmember | rwhite@dccouncil.gov

Angela Fowlkes | Chief of Staff | afowlkes@dccouncil.gov

Katie Whitehouse | Legislative Director | kwhitehouse@dccouncil.gov

Andre Strickland | Constituent Services Director | astrickland@dccouncil.gov

Devon Haynes | Communications Director | dhaynes@dccouncil.gov

Lisa Wright | Legislative Assistant | lwright@dccouncil.gov

Sam Walden | Office Manager | swalden@dccouncil.gov




Shawn Hilgendorf | Committee Director | shilgendorf@dccouncil.gov

Sean Cuddihy | Deputy Committee Director | scuddihy@dccouncil.gov

Neah Evering | Legislative Counsel | nevering@dccouncil.gov

Caitlin Cocilova | Legislative Counsel | ccocilova@dccouncil.gov

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Robert C. White, Jr. Councilmember, At-Large | Council of the District of Columbia
Phone: (202) 724-8174 | Fax: (202) 727-8210 | www.RobertWhiteAtLarge.com