Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Worship Preview

Traditional Service

Crown Him with Many Crowns

We Walk by Faith Not by Sight

At the Font We Start Our Journey

Traditional Service:

Rev. Jared Wilson

Scripture: John 20:19-31

The Courage to Ask the Question

Anchor Service

This is Amazing Grace

Make Room

You've Already Won

O Come to the Altar

Anchor Service:

Rev. Stephen Grantham

Scripture: John 20:19-31

Continuity and Constancy 

Church News

Say Cheese for our New Online Directory!

It’s time for a new online directory and we have 2 simple options to make it easy for everyone!

Choose a Sunday (April 14th, 21st, or 28th) and simply stop by the table in the hallway between 10:15 – 11:30am to complete a short information form and smile for the camera. (We will have volunteers taking casual pictures, not a professional company.)

You will also have an online option to submit a casual individual or family photo of your own and complete a digital form. Our hope is to have a brand new online directory by early this summer!

The Class of 2024


We are excited to honor our graduates and their families from the Class of 2024, but we don’t want to miss anyone! Please help us by emailing the following information to be publicized in our upcoming Sunday bulletin and our weekly eblast, and also to be part of our Student Ministry High School Graduation Celebration (separate information coming soon):


Full Name

School Graduating From

Type of Degree Receiving

If pursuing additional education, please tell us where you are headed


Deadline is Sunday, April 21st.

Email information to

The Staff-Parish Relations Committee is pleased to announce that Harold Glover has been hired to fill our Facilities Manager position. You may know Harold as a church member, and also as a dedicated volunteer in our Anchor Modern Worship Service band. We know that his knowledge and professional expertise will serve us well, as he oversees all aspects of maintaining our numerous facilities and parsonages.

Harold's first day will be tomorrow, April 4th, and we hope you will join us in welcoming him to be a part of our talented staff.

Children's Ministry

Vacation Bible School Registration

June 17—20, 2024


Ages 3 (by September 1, 2023) - 5th grade

Registration opened for Isle of Hope United Methodist Church members on March 31. You can register online at under Children’s Ministries, or you can click here.

Registration for Weekday Ministries attendees will open on April 4th, and community-wide registration begins April 21. Join us for a great time! Questions? Beth Parr at

Ignite Student Ministries

River of Life Mission Trip

July 10-14, 2024

Tifton, GA

$200 per youth

$100 per adult

River of Life is a mission project hosted this summer by First United Methodist Church of Tifton. The purpose of this ministry is for 6th - 12th grade students from around our state to come together as one body of Christ to be His hands and feet in the community.

Sign up by clicking here. There are only 20 spots available for IOHUMC!


Have 10 Friends and One Saturday Per Year?

One of our many missions ministries is the provision of sandwiches and frozen or canned vegetables to Inner City Night Shelter on a monthly basis. Presently, many of our Sunday School classes and Women in Faith Circles take turns and graciously provide this food.

If you would like to help, we are in need of volunteers on the second Saturdays during the months of February, May, and August. We need 10 individuals for each of those months: 5 willing to make 30 sandwiches and 5 willing to purchase frozen or canned vegetables.

Many hands make for light work. This is a good way for families with children to serve people in our community within the comfort of your home. If you are interested in helping, please email Gary Thompson at Thank you for your consideration of this request for help!

Wycliffe Missionaries are Retiring

Missionaries Cathy & Phil Davison are retiring from Wycliffe Bible Translations after 40 and 37 years (respectively) of successful ministry. Cathy and Phil met in Africa while serving the Lord in different countries and married in 1994. Since then, they have faithfully served with Wycliffe, translating the Bible so that people could have a Bible in their own language. IOHUMC supported Cathy and Phil's ministry for many of those years. The Davison's sent our church family a beautiful African cloth that is being framed at this time along with the following note:

Dear Friends at IOH,

This seems like a very inadequate way to say thank you for your support and encouragement over the years... but it is still heartfelt. and as we say thank you to you, we also say thank you to God for you. May He continue to bless you and your ministry there, in your part of His world.

In His love,

Cathy and Phil

Other Church News

Good Samaritan Circle

All are welcome this Friday, April 5th, at 10:00AM in the Green House. Looks like it will be an interesting time together, because Melodie Moore, our speaker, has asked us each to bring a tube of lipstick or a chapstick….hmmm, wonder why? Come and find out!

This is our last meeting until the fall, so let’s make it a special time to be together. 

Ways to Give

  • In Person - On Sunday mornings, before or after worship, place your offering in the designated box or basket at church.
  • Online - Visit our website to make a one-time donation or recurring gift.
  • Text GIVE to 855-712-6960
  • Automated - Have your donation given automatically by setting up electronic bill pay with your bank.
  • Mail - Mail your gift to Isle of Hope UMC, c/o Marla Grady, 412 Parkersburg Road, Savannah, Georgia 31406.
Isle of Hope United Methodist Church |