Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Worship Preview

Traditional Service

Grace Greater than Our Sin

Be Thou My Vision

Amazing Grace

Rev. Stephen Grantham

Scripture: Matthew 20:1-16

Is God Fair?

Anchor Service

My Testimony

Chain Breaker

Great Are You Lord

Back To Life

Rev. Jared Wilson

Scripture: Matthew 20:1-16

Messiness at the Table of Grace

Prayer Requests

Home with Hospice Care

Tom Rushing

In Treatment

Laura Hibberts

Barbie Lientz

Recovering At Home

Joan Broerman

Sympathy to Graham Solana and her family on the death of her sister, Shay Green, of Estill, SC, who died on Saturday, September 21st.

Sympathy to Karen Daniel and her family on the death of her sister-in-law, Pam Hollings McConnell, who died on Saturday, August 17th.

On Call*

September 27-29 - Dina Vogel 912.401.6213

*If you are in need of a pastor to respond to hospitalization, death in the family, or other emergency

Coffee with the Pastors

This Sunday, September 29th, from 10:30-11:30 in the Connection Point Room.


Upcoming Combined Worship Service

Join us for a special combined worship service on Sunday, October 6, at 9:15 a.m. in the Ministry Center. We will celebrate World Communion Sunday and the conclusion of our “Come to the Table” worship series.

Pastor & Staff Appreciation Month

The SPRC invites our entire church family to join us for Pastor & Staff Appreciation Month in October. We plan to do our best to be a blessing to those who have been a blessing to our congregation in so many ways.

In addition to sharing the Word of God with us, our Pastors spend many hours studying and preparing. They visit us during both crisis moments as well as times of great joy; they have dedicated babies and grieved with us as we have buried loved ones. They have stood at the altar “tying the knot” for couples who pledge their love, and at that same altar, they have also knelt as someone gives their life to Christ for the first time. In hospital visits, counseling sessions, and regular meetings and events, they have shown that they really care for us.

We are certainly blessed by our wonderful Pastors and by the staff who serves them so well. We feel grateful that our church truly feels like a family. Thank you for modeling sacrificial and sincere love by the way you serve us every week. The SPRC encourages each of you to make sure your appreciation is expressed to the Pastors and staff during the month of October in any way that you can!


Sign-Ups are Open!

Make a Difference Day 2024

Saturday, October 19

9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Wesley Community Centers Food Pantry

We need the following items:

-Canned fruit

-Peanut butter

-Pasta noodles


No canned vegetables are needed at this time

No large cans, please!

Thank you!

Music Ministry

One and Done Choir

October 6th at 8:30 am in the Choir Room.


Arts on the Island

October 11th at 7:00 pm in the Ministry Center


Ignite Student Ministry

IGNITE Fall Festival

Pumpkin Patch & Corn Maze

October 6th at 10:30 am

Meet at the Green House to drive to Madrac Farms (580 Ralph Rahn Rd, Rincon, GA 31326).


Other Church News

New Members

We are celebrating our newest members Grant and Kimberly Wilson, and their two twin daughters, Harper and Palmer! Their sweet daughters were also baptized in our Traditional Worship Service this past Sunday!

We warmly welcome this beautiful family to the IOHUMC family!

Lunch Bunch Update

Lunch Bunch will meet on Wednesday, October 9th, at Noon in the Green House. 


Join Our Small Discussion Group for Moms!

When: Thursdays at 8:30 am

Where: Bridal Parlor

Start Date: September 19, 2024

For more information, please contact Heather Batchelor at 912-429-3584. We look forward to seeing you there!


A donation was given to the Endowment Fund in memory of Sally Westerfield by:

Barbie & John Lientz


A donation was given to the General Budget in memory of Sally Westerfield by:

Tricia & Herb Windom


A donation was given to Hope Arbor in memory of Sally Westerfield by:

Sister & Jim Kelley


A donation was given to the Endowment Fund in memory of Mary Horn (Tom Horn’s sister-in-law) by:

Barbie & John Lientz


A donation was given to the General Budget in honor of Harper & Palmer Wilson’s baptism by:

Vivien & Robert Houghton


A donation was given to Hope Arbor in memory of Sue Herrin by:

Erin Belford

Cindy Welsh


A donation was given to the Christ Child’s Nest in memory of Pam Hollings McConnell (Karen Daniel's sister-in-law) by:

Barbie & John Lientz

Ways to Give

  • In Person - On Sunday mornings, before or after worship, place your offering in the designated box or basket at church.
  • Online - Visit our website to make a one-time donation or recurring gift.
  • Text GIVE to 855-712-6960
  • Automated - Have your donation given automatically by setting up electronic bill pay with your bank.
  • Mail - Mail your gift to Isle of Hope UMC, c/o Marla Grady, 412 Parkersburg Road, Savannah, Georgia 31406.
Isle of Hope United Methodist Church |