Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Worship Preview

Traditional Service

What Gift Can We Bring?

For the Beauty of the Earth

Chancel Choir

Traditional Service: Rev. Stephen Grantham

Scripture: John 9:1-41

"Seeing Is Believing"

Anchor Service

I Thank God

1,000 Names

Thank You Jesus For The Blood

Come As You Are

Anchor Service: Rev. Josh McLemore

Scripture: John 9:1-41

"Seeing Is Believing"

At 10:15, following both services, please stop by the Manna Cafe

for a doughnut and a cup of coffee or tea.

Let's celebrate how blessed we are to be one big church family!

With Love and Gratitude


A special farewell to our beloved Ann Mallory as she moves to Atlanta.

Thank you for your timeless service and dedication to the IOHUMC family.

This is not goodbye, but see you soon!

Church News

Commitment Sunday - November 19th


Hopefully you have been present in worship the past 2 Sundays and had an opportunity to hear some personal stories about the impact that IOHUMC has had on the lives of some of our own. And hopefully you have received your Estimate of Giving card in the mail and had time as a family to consider your investment in God's kingdom through your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness at our Church.

We invite you to bring your card this Sunday (we will have extras available) and to do so with a spirit of joy, knowing that in our unity lies our greatest Hope.

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." I Peter 4:10

Common Table

Tonight is our last Common Table for the fall. Thank you for joining us these past 10 weeks, as together we have shared life and faith. We thank our Pastors and guest speakers for guiding us through what we believe as Christians.


Churchwide Advent Celebration - Nov 26th - 5pm

Child's Christmas in Guatemala

ALL are welcome to begin the Advent Season as one church family with an authentic Guatemalan Christmas celebration! Adults will enjoy a true Central American meal, learn more about the Christ Child’s Nest, and are invited to bid on beautifully decorated Christmas trees and Central American treasures or buy a Guatemalan Nativity.

Children will have their own special menu of tacos and fruit, and they will have their own seating area with covered tables, crayons, and piñatas and sparklers at the end of the night! This event is perfect for families to begin the Advent season together!

Register HERE. Tickets are $20 for adults, $7 for children 5 and older, and under 5 are free. All profits will benefit the Christ Child's Nest. For more information, contact Beth Parr, [email protected]

Angel Tree for Wesley Community Center

Help brighten the holidays for a child enrolled in one of Wesley Community Center's programs. Please visit the Christmas tree in the main hallway starting Sunday, November 26. Choose an ornament with a child’s name, age, and gender, and purchase a gift listed as their choosing. Return the unwrapped gift with tag to the tree in the hallway by Wednesday, December 5. Please contact Julie Vann with any questions at [email protected]. Thank you!

Other Church News

Church-Wide Advent Study

Beginning Sunday, November 26, join our Sunday School classes at 10:30 AM as we begin a new study for Advent, Light of the World. Author Amy-Jill (AJ) Levine will lead us on a journey tracing the Christmas narrative through stories of Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary, the journey to Bethlehem and the visit from the Magi.

You may pick up a book from the front office. The books are $10.

A Conversation with AJ Levine

Sunday, December 17 at 4:00 PM, we will have the rare opportunity to spend time with Light of the World author, Amy-Jill (AJ) Levine, via Zoom in the Ministry Center. We will have a time of conversation and to answer questions as we complete her book.

Following our time with AJ Levine, you are invited to join us for Chili and Grilled Cheese in the Ministry Center. Prepared by some of the finest cooks around, you won’t want to miss this!

Decorating for Christmas

On Tuesday, November 28th at 9:00 am, all are invited to help decorate the Church for Christmas. We will prepare the Sanctuary and other areas of the church for this season of joy. Come and join us!

On Saturday, December 2nd, at 8:00am, all are invited to come and help decorate the Ministry Center!

Untitled Design

Feast of Lights

Sunday, December 10 - 5:00 p.m.

Join us for this special service celebrating the joy of the Christmas season! Featuring the Isle of Hope Chancel Choir, handbell choir, children’s choir, Anchor musicians, soloists, guest instrumentalists, and a live children’s nativity, this is a service not to be missed!

Children's Ministry

Be Part of the Children’s Nativity for Feast of Lights

All children are encouraged to be part of the Nativity for the Feast of Lights! We will have one required rehearsal on December 6 from 5:30—6:30 PM. Register to participate by clicking HERE or visiting our church website and clicking on “Event Registrations.” The following roles are available and are based primarily on age (as of September 1, 2023):

Ages 3-4


Ages 5-7


Ages 5-8


Ages 8-10

Wise People, Innkeeper

Ages 9-12

Mary, Joseph, Gabriel

Isle of Hope United Methodist Church |