Our Mission: To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

Worship Preview

Traditional Service

In Christ Alone

There Is a Green Hill Far Away

Chancel Choir


Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know

I Surrender All

Softly and Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling

Traditional Service: Rev. Shannon Baxter

Scripture: Luke 4:1-14

Anchor Service

Holy Spirit Come

Beautiful Jesus

No Other King


Anchor Service: Rev. Meg Procopio

Scripture: Luke 4:1-14

Church News

Ministry Architects

Our Staff-Parish Relations Committee and Church have contracted with Ministry Architects, a consulting firm that works exclusively with churches and other ministries, to assess staffing needs and assist with recruiting. Ministry Architects will be on-site this Sunday, March 19th through Tuesday, March 21st, to have a number of listening sessions with our various committees, our staff, and our congregation. Below is the schedule of the planned meetings which includes several opportunities open to the congregation. Your participation is vital to this process and we encourage you to come to at least one of the sessions.

Alan Smith

SPRC Chair

Mike Miller

Executive Pastor

Churchwide Assessment - Listening Sessions Schedule

March 19-21, 2023

Sunday, March 19

9 am Sara & Laura arrive and each attends a 9:15 am Worship service

10:30 am Parents of children (Covenant Classroom)

1 pm Open to congregation (Covenant Classroom)

2:15 pm Church Council (Covenant Classroom)

3:30 pm SPRC & Finance Committee (Covenant Classroom)

5 pm Students (Ministry Center)

6 pm Parents of students and youth (Ministry Center)

Monday, March 20

Meetings in Conference Room

9 am - 11 am Directors and Pastors (Sam, Shannon, Mike) 

12 pm Staff

5:30 pm Open to congregation (Covenant Classroom)

6:45 pm Open to congregation (Covenant Classroom)

Tuesday, March 21

1 pm Alan, Mike, Meg & Ministry Architects

A Farewell Reception

We will host a Farewell Reception this Sunday, March 19th, for Brooke Chambers and Shannon Baxter. Join us after the Sunday School hour in the Ministry Center to honor both of them as they have been such assets to us. If you are able to bring finger sandwiches, deviled eggs, savory dishes, or a few sweets, please contact Barbie Lientz to let her know what you're able to provide. The congregation is welcome to place notes or gifts of appreciation for Brooke and Shannon in designated baskets during this time.

Wednesday Night Supper

Meals cost $8 and reservations can be made by clicking the button below, or through our website, www.iohumc.com.

The menu for 3/22 is spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, and dessert.

You are invited to enjoy fellowship from 5:30-6:30pm in the Covenant classroom, or you may drive-thru to enjoy your dinner at home.

Register for Wednesday Night Supper

Women's Prayer Group

Prayer is hard - harder than it seems it should be. We are busy, distracted, and unsure if our time spent in prayer is actually amounting to anything. We want to have a vibrant, passionate prayer life, but instead we may have one that is cold and apathetic. What is the cure for this? It is a true, Biblical understanding of prayer. The ladies of IOHUMC are invited to journey through a 6-week study of prayer using The Grace Company Prayer Guide, on Wednesdays from April 5th through May 10th, 5:30-6:30pm in the Tabby House. This group will be facilitated by Cynthia Cradduck. Childcare is available upon registration. Sign-up using the button below!

Pray is a 6 week that study that will:

    •  Help you overcome the lack of a desire to pray;

    •  Show you how to make time for prayer even when you are busy;

    •  Grapple with questions about why God answers 'yes' to some prayers and 'no' to others;

    •  Teach you how prayer can be a source of strength in times of sorrow, anxiety, and frustration. 

Register for Women's Prayer Group


Student Ministry

Family Promise

We are in need of meals this Sunday, March 19th and on Saturday, March 25th. Dinners are served between 5-5:30pm at Oasis of Hope on Waters Avenue. Dianne MacGuire will be happy to deliver the meals to Oasis of Hope. You can email her at [email protected] if you would be willing to participate in serving our Family Promise Community in this way. Contact Diane with any questions at (912) 224-9551.

Details about the numbers of guests and any dietary restrictions will be available prior to the beginning of our week of service. Thank you so much for considering this important mission opportunity.

Prayer Breakfast & Jesus

No PB&J this week due to St. Patrick's Day shenanigans!

Hiring Update

Students, instead of CORE groups this Sunday, come at 5pm for pizza and a very important time for you to be heard and share your thoughts about your Student Ministry program! Meet with our consulting firm and be part of the plans for your future ministry!

And tell your parents to come at 6:00 to do the same!

Wednesday 211 Worship

No 211 Worship tonight due to some Spring Breaks, but come next week at 6:00 in the Ministry Center!

Children's Ministry

Pretzel Saturday - Save the Date!

Save the date for Pretzel Saturday coming up on Saturday, April 1st from 9:30am-11am! No April Fools here! We'll play games, make pretzels, get crafty, and have an Easter egg hunt with a special visit from the Easter bunny!

This year instead of asking for donations of candy, we are asking for donations of $2-$3 so we can purchase candy and toys that are appropriate for the ages of the children who are hunting eggs in particular areas. We can avoid choking hazards, and children can find eggs with specific surprises they will enjoy.

We are also in need of some volunteers who would be willing to make dough for pretzels with the provided recipe. If you would do this, please email Beth at [email protected]. We look forward to having your help and seeing you and your families!

Don’t forget to keep putting money in your big Easter Egg for Christ Child’s Nest. If you don't have one yet, visit Beth Parr's office. We’ll collect these on Pretzel Saturday!

Make sure to register so we can have enough eggs!

Register for Pretzel Saturday

Vacation Bible School Volunteers Needed!

The Hero Hotline VBS is based on Romans 14:19: “So let’s strive for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up.” This verse reminds us that God calls us to be part of a community — working to bring peace to the world is something that we are called to do together.

We need you to help the children experience the Hero Hotline Headquarters, June 19-22. The Hero Hotline Headquarters is a secret place where Heroes go to help solve problems called in by heroes out in the community. Everyone’s gifts are valued and each Hero has a role to play. We’ll learn about how we’re called to follow like the disciples and be a part of Jesus’ team. We’ll learn that God speaks to us and directs us in different ways through the story of the Magi. There are other stories that will show us the ways we can work together as a team to strive for peace and encourage each other.

On March 19, registration forms for volunteers will be available in the front hall and at the Welcome Center by the door to the Anchor Service. I hope you will consider the ways that you can help with VBS. We will need Sidekicks (Adult Group Guides); Station Leaders (Activity Center Leaders), Kitchen Helpers, Youth Assistants, and Recreation Helpers. Our children need YOU. 

Important VBS Dates:

March 19 - Volunteer Sign-Up

April 16 - Church Member and Preschool Registration Begins

May 7 - Community Registration Begins

May 30 - VBS Registration Closes

June 19-22 - VBS

Working Together,

Beth Parr

Interim Director of Children Ministries 

Your Tithes & Offerings

Year to Date

As of 3/12/23

As of 3/12/22

Total Receipts



Total Expenses






Ways to Give

  • In Person - On Sunday mornings, before or after worship, place your offering in the designated box or basket at church.
  • Online - Visit our website to make a one-time donation or recurring gift.
  • Automated - Have your donation given automatically by setting up electronic bill pay with your bank.
  • Mail - Mail your gift to Isle of Hope UMC, c/o Marla Grady, 412 Parkersburg Road, Savannah, Georgia 31406.
Isle of Hope United Methodist Church | www.iohumc.com