406 Lee Hwy., Verona, VA | 540-248-7777 | www.veronaumc.com | Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m.
From Pastor Bob

Thanksgiving Day and the Christmas season are times when we consider the blessings of life. From the gifts of family and friends, to the gift of a Savior born in Bethlehem, to reconcile us to our heavenly father. While we certainly give thanks for the gift of food on the family table and gifts under the Christmas tree, it is the gift of relationships that I am most thankful for at this time of year.

In the beginning God said it wasn’t good for man to be alone so he gave him a wife, a friend, a helper. As God acted throughout history to reconcile humanity to their Creator, community was at the heart of his plan. When Jesus entered into ministry, he gathered disciples who he called “friends” to join him and reassured them that they would never be alone. When God poured out his Holy Spirit on a gathering of thousands on the Day of Pentecost, they joined together as the Church—sharing meals, praying together, searching the Scriptures, and inviting others to join them.

In our increasingly “screen-oriented” society, it is tempting to substitute social media and the television or computer screen for the holy experience of being in each other’s physical presence, worshiping our God side by side. My prayer for our church during this Holy season of Advent and Christmas, is that we will rediscover the joy of each others’ presence as we gather together in joyful celebration. We not only belong to God… we belong to each other!

Sherando UMC Fire Report  Over the past two weeks VUMC and Aisle 7 have raised over $1,100 to help the congregation at Sherando UMC rebuild after their devasting fire a few weeks ago. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. We will continue to raise funds through the end of December.
Pray for the revival to keep going! Churches everywhere are rebuilding their worship services after the impact of Covid restrictions since March 2020. At VUMC we have about two-thirds of our worshiping congregation back and, at Aisle 7, about half. We hope everyone will ask God in prayer if it is time for their return to in-person worship…
we miss you!   

Grace and peace, Pastor Bob
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Please Help Sherando UMC Recover from Fire
On the morning of Friday, October 29, the Sherando UMC church building was destroyed in a fire. Sherando UMC is located not far from Waynesboro. The congregation is now meeting on Sundays in the Ruritan Community Center near their church site. The congregation is demonstrating great resilience and looking to God's future with hope.

We can share our blessings with the Sherando congregation during this month of thanksgiving. Simply make your check out to VUMC with the notation “Sherando UMC” and place it in the offering plate, bring it by our office, or mail to VUMC, P.O. Box 47, Verona, VA.
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Preaching Schedule for Worship
Services through January 2nd
Nov. 28  Shawna H. 8:30/ Chad Brown 11 (1st Sunday- Advent)
Dec. 5   Bob Weeks 8:30 / David Gordon 11
Dec. 12  Shawna Hiner 8:30 / Judith Cariker 11
Dec. 19  Bob Weeks 8:30 / Joy Tinsley 11   
Dec. 24  Shawna Hiner at Aisle 7, 5PM (Christmas Eve)
               Bob Weeks at VUMC 7:30PM (Christmas Eve)
Dec. 26  Larry Wills 8:30 / Larry Wills 11:00
Jan. 2    Chad Brown 8:30 / Chad Brown 11:00 
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Join Us in Worship at 8:30 or 11 am
We now have all three worship services taking place on a regular schedule: 8:30 & 11 at VUMC and 11 at Aisle 7 Fellowship. Starting this Sunday, Pastor Bob and Pastor Shawna will preach on alternate Sundays at the 8:30 service. Lay Speakers will continue to preach at our 11:00 services through January 2nd. Please contact the church office at 248-7777 if you can help or have questions.
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Christmas Gift for Church Pastors & Staff

"Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those
who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because
of their work." (from I Thessalonians).

You can mail your donation (P.O. Box 47, Verona, VA 24482) or drop it by the VUMC office. We will also collect donations for our annual church staff Christmas gift on Sundays, 11/28, 12/5, 12/12, & 12/19. We have 15 persons on our staff who dedicate themselves daily to serving in the example of our Lord Jesus Christ - your gift will be evenly divided among all staff. Place your check or cash envelope in the special offering plates as you enter the church labeled "Staff Appreciation."
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Change to Online Worship Service
Sermons are available on Facebook on
Sunday afternoons after 2 pm. Sermons
will be the same as heard at the 8:30 a.m. service.
Christmas Stocking
Sponsor Children thru Clymore Elementary this Christmas Season
Local churches and organizations are being asked to sponsor a child for the Christmas season. To sponsor a child, note “Clymore Student Sponsor” and drop it in the offering plate or by the church office. $60 sponsors a single child, but any amount is appreciated.
2022 Offering Envelopes are now available in the narthex!
It is extremely helpful to our donation counters if you use your giving envelopes. This makes their process much faster and easier. Please pick up yours today!
Our Children need you!
We need volunteers to help with our Children’s programs at VUMC & A7F. If you feel like this is something you would like to help with, please contact Pastor Shawna at shawnahiner@vaumc.org or Pastor Bob at bobweeks@veronaumc.com
Join Our
Mid-Week Prayer Group
In a time of pandemics and spiritual and physical challenges, we need prayer! Please join us in the VUMC sanctuary on Wednesday mornings at 10 a.m. Questions? Call the church office at 248-7777.
Verona UMC Food Pantry
Food Pantry Renovations
Fund Established

With motions from both the Church Trustees and Finance Committee, the VUMC Church Council unanimously approved the creation of a dedicated fund for "Food Pantry Renovations" at their July meeting.

This dedicated/restricted fund will operate through December 31, 2026 and be used solely for renovations to the current Food Pantry facilities. Renovations are needed to improve both the ease and efficiency of food distribution to our clients - and to increase and improve food storage. Any funds not used for these purposes by 12/31/2026 will revert to the Food Pantry's General Fund.

To make a contribution, make checks out to Verona UMC
with the notation "Food Pantry Renovations Fund".
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VUMC Youth

Contact Carey Harlow at harlowbill7@comcast.net
to make sure your youth
is on our Youth Group list
for emails and texts.

Dec 2021 Youth Calendar  
  • Sunday, Dec 5, 4:30-6:30pm movie night, light supper, movie snacks 
  • Sunday Dec 12, 4:30-5:30pm youth meeting devotion and snacks 
  • Monday Dec 13, 6:30-7:30pm serving the Ruritans at VCC
  • Sunday Dec 19, 2-6pm making a manger, snacks provided. 

Bible Readings
for This Week

Nov 24 Ezek 32‐33, 1 Pet 1
Nov 25 Ezek 34‐35, 1 Pet 2
Nov 26 Ezek 36‐37, 1 Pet 3
Nov 27 Ezek 38‐39, 1 Pet 4
Nov 28 Ezekeli 40, 1 Pet 5
Nov 29 Ezek 41‐42, 2 Pet 1
Nov 30 Ezek 43‐44, 2 Pet 2
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We lift up all who have recently lost loved ones. We pray for Susan Allen and family with the passing of her mother, Jo Curtis. We pray for Ray Smith. We pray for Judith Cariker and family with the loss of her sister, Nancy. We lift up the family and friends of Teresa Blum with her passing. We also lift up Barbara Breeden's niece, Brandy who had surgery to remove a blood clot. We pray for healing for Deb Powers, Carolyn McFaden and her husband Don, Frances Johnson and her son Steven and for Charles Cook.

We pray for the congregation at Sherando UMC after the fire that destroyed the sanctuary and several other sections of the church.
We lift up Kathy Poarch dealing with blood clots in her lungs. We pray for God's healing touch for Elaine Huffman, for strength and healing for Jean May. We ask for healing for Jane Schwalm with cancer and for her husband Darrell. And for God's continued healing touch on Pastor Bob after his surgery on Oct. 4th showed no cancer but does leave temporary paralysis! We also pray for Phyllis Porter, starting chemo and radiation for cancer; for Dianne, Dave Alexander, Sherry Reeves and Betty Sutton for recovery. We pray for healing for Barbara Breeden, Linda Pruitt, and Kitty Wine. We pray for Emily with cervical cancer and challenges in her marriage; and for Robin as she goes through a divorce. We lift up Leighann with cancer at UVA.

We lift up Teresa Munoz, Virginia Altizer and Louise Lockridge for healing. We lift up Louise Lockridge's nephew, Joel Funk, with cancer. We lift up Dennis Myers in progressive care at VCU. We pray for Jeff and Chris May. We continue to pray for Judi and Bridgette Edwards with cancer. We lift up Bobby Breeden with a broken hip. We continue to pray for Wilma Shuey. We pray for Mike Thompson with severe glaucoma. 
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Which of these Advent & Christmas hymns were written by Charles Wesley
Hark! The Herald... & Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
O Come, All Ye Faithful and Joy to the World
Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
O Come, O Come Emmanuel and Silent Night
None of the answers above are correct
LAST WEEK'S CHALLENGE: This Greek word, sometimes used to refer to Holy Communion, literally means "thanksgiving."
A majority of respondents were correct - "eucharista" was the Greek word we were looking for. "Agape, Parakletos, and Ekklesia were the other options.
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This Week's Scripture:

Luke 21:25-36
25 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26 People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27 At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
29 He told them this parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. 30 When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. 31 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.
32 “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
34 “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. 35 For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. 36 Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”
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Please Remember VUMC in Your Giving
Please continue to be regular and faithful in your giving. Many of our costs (staffing, utilities, assistance to persons in need, insurance, etc.) are fixed amounts. Your giving allows us to continue to be in ministry for the Kingdom of God!

Ways to Give to VUMC
The majority of our members place their offerings in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. Here are several other ways you can give:
  1. Online through your bank
  2. Online through our church online giving app
  3. Mail your check through the Post Office to VUMC, P.O. Box 47, Verona, VA 24482
  4. Drop your contribution by the church office from Monday through Friday between 9 to 11 a.m. and noon to 3 p.m.
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New Church Directories Available
Our office has prepared free VUMC church directories (without photos) to make sure we all have updated information on addresses and phone numbers. Pick up your church directory update Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. and noon until 3 p.m.
We Need People Who Desire to Serve!
VUMC Food Pantry Needs Volunteers
With the encouragement of the Virginia state government and Bishop Lewis of the UMC's Virginia Conference, our food pantry is remaining open with social distancing and sanitation guidelines strictly in place.
We are seeking volunteers of all ages. The food pantry is open every Tuesday from 9 until 11 a.m. and every other Thursday from 6-8 p.m. Please contact the church office at 248-7777 if interested.
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The Verona Women's Circles join together as a support group of women who love God and one another. They are very interested and willing to serve in mission opportunities. (Meetings are generally the 3rd Monday of each month.)

The unit has books they would like to share with all the members of VUMC! These are books in a variety of subjects that have been enjoyed by women in both circles of the UMW in past years. Titles such as "I Love Growing Older But I'll Never Grow Up," "Eleanor, A Spiritual Biography" (about Eleanor Roosevelt), "Wild in the Hollow." You can find these books in a box on the table in the main entrance area. More books will be added to this box as space in the box allows!
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Verona UMC Child Day Care If you or a friend are looking for excellent children's day care in the Verona area, our day care has a new website with registration and additional information. Go to veronadaycare.com
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Worship with VUMC on Facebook
Sunday afternoons after 2 p.m.

Listen to Our Sermons
on your phone at 225-1611 (this is a local #)
Do You Know of Someone in Financial Need?
Generous donations have been made to our Pastor's Discretionary Fund over the past year. If you know of a person or family in the area in need of assistance, please contact Pastor Bob at 248-7777. Any information
you share (and any assistance given) is confidential.
Thank You to Our Twenty-Three
No-Pay Cafe volunteers

Sandy, Bob R., Pat, Teresa, Julia, Lu, Lydia, Fred, Libby, Ed, Karen, Patty, Carolyn, Ann, Doris, Frances, Jean, Gary, Robin, Joyce, Linda, Bob W. and Karen.

Call Lydia at 757-619-3515 today to become part of
the Volunteer Team at the Verona Community Center.
Just one 2-hour shift a week is a big help!
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Help us Reach More VUMC Members, Friends
The simplest, quickest way for our church to communicate with our members in a timely manner is through email messages such as this. Please encourage other church members and friends to share their email addresses with our church office. Their addresses will only be used for updates such as this daily update and our regular Wednesday E-Tower.
If you would like to help with Salt & Peppers
in a leadership role, please contact the Church Office.
We are looking for people to organize and run the Salt & Pepper Committee.
The former committee members will not be resuming the
Salt & Pepper activities, so if this ministry is to continue
we will need new leadership.

Support the Community Center
When You Shop with Amazon Smile
It's easy to support the Verona Community Center when you shop on Amazon. Just go to smileamazon.com and search for and select Verona Community Center Inc. Every time you make a purchase Amazon will donate .5% (one-half of a percent of your purchase cost) to the Verona Community Center. As of November 2020, our community center had received $159.20 in Amazon Smile donations.
Opportunities to Serve Through Our Church's Helping Hands Ministry

Helping Hands Ministry Projects
Doug May has posted a new list of projects on the Helping Hands Ministry section of the bulletin board near the upstairs entrance of the church, The current list contains only projects for a member of our church who lives on the same street as the church. Most of the projects are small and could be taken care of by one or two people in a short amount of time. If you would like to take on one of these projects, call the church office for contact information for the homeowner, work out a time, and place your name beside the project on the posted list. Please let Doug know if you are interested in any of the projects or would like more information:  email: dougem@outlook.com

Projects from the VUMC Trustees will appear on the posted list soon. You can then accept a project by writing your name beside the project on the list.

Please let Doug know if you are interested in any of the projects or would like more information.
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Technology has become an integral part of our worship services and how our church functions and communicates. Individuals have helped out in the past with our church's technological needs and this has been a blessing. 

We would like to see if there are church members interested in forming a Technology Committee. This committee would document, maintain and propose changes to technology used by the church. This would include computers, networking, video surveillance, sound systems, phone systems and cabling. People with all levels of ability and technology understanding would be on the committee. 

Please contact Doug May if you are interested at 540-241-5605 or email dougem@outlook,com 
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We're looking for Donation Processors

  • Counting and posting to accounts all cash and checks collected during the offering at regular services and special events/services or that come into the church during the week. Posting is done in our “Church Windows” accounting software.
  • Accurately completing an Excel spreadsheet with all donations to the proper fund/account. This spreadsheet is provided to the treasurer.
  • The spreadsheet totals and the items posted in Church Windows are checked and should always match.
  • Ensuring that everything is posted correctly so that the Church financial reports and yearly giving statements are accurate.
  • Keeping accurate backup documentation – copies of checks, giving envelopes and other documentation as needed each week.
  • Filling out the deposit slip and taking the deposit to the bank (night deposit box).

Training is provided. Contact the church office (248-7777) to volunteer and/or for further information.
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Help UMCOR Respond to Disasters
     To donate to Disaster Response in the United States, including fires and flooding, make your check out to Verona UMC with the notation: UMCOR Response #901670 . 100% of your donation will go to U.S. relief efforts.
      Donations to International Disaster Response may be made in the same way with the check notation: UMCOR Response #982450.
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540-248-7777  or jennifercook@veronaumc.com
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